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First GreenGrOw

Alright everyone, this is the first time i have ever grown anything. I have always been around people that have dipped their hands in growing but never to a serious extent. Well my interests have been peaked by this phenomenal plant in a different way then just smoking it. The bigger ones were planted the 8th, the clone yesterday, the two babies were planted the 25th. The older plants began their life under a booboo 250W MH. I recently just switched to this sunsystems hood, Galaxy 400W HPS ballast and a 400W HPS bulb, im not sure what the bulb is though. It on a cycle of 18/6. The newest ones were just planted today with the humid domes.

So here goes. Questions, comments whatever you feel like.

Started all but one from seed, only one of these is a clone that i purchased yesterday from a local club. Im not 100% sure on all of the strains of the seeds, but i do know that more then one of the seeds are PK. The one and only clone is a SOUR DIESEL rooted in rockwol and planted in FoxFarm Ocean Forest Natural and Organic Soil with earthworm castings and bat guano with 2 handfuls of perlite in about 5inch pot. The seeds were started out in Black Gold Seedling Mix and transplanted into the same FoxFarm soil i mentioned above on the 22nd. No nutes have been added, but i do have GROW, MICRO and BLOOM by Advanced Nutrients. The area of the closet is roughly H/8ft x L/6ft x W/6ft. I dont plan on keeping all of the seedlings, i know that i would need another light to give them the light they need. That is also another idea ;)

Ok now for some pictures.


The closet/setup ^^

Group shot.

In some better light to see.

Side view.

The unhappy clone.

#4 He was strugglin in the beginning but he turned around once i got that light.

#3 The biggest one of the group, fattest leaves and stands the tallest. Most far along also.

#2 The best looking, most healthy one of the group IMO. My fav one :)

#1 Lookin good so far except the far leaf looks like it has some yellowing leaves and they are curling up on the edges if you look close.

Let me know if i left anything out, and what i should be doing if i aint doin it.

Thanks again for any help/time you put into this thread.
Your off to great start for a new grower. Everything looks awesome so far, plants are nice and healthy looking. Soil mix looks good too

I would just put something down on that carpet, messy things happen when you don't expect it. And maybe turn the light around so the fan is not pushing hot air against the wall, the heat can get pushed back in.


Plants look like they're loving your 400w HPS! Looking good so far, and don't stress about that clone too much--hopefully it will get better. I'd recommend giving it Super Thrive, as that really helped a buddy of mine save a seedling that I thought was pretty much done for...
Peteweedseed- Thanks man, i did alot of research before i started, and i moved the light away from the wall so air can escape some.

Haze- Ya there was a noticeable difference in the babies within a few hours under the HPS. I am gonna make a trip to the hydro store and get it for emergencies. Just until the clone comes back to life and see what happens.
Alrighty here is an update for my first GROW:joint:

This girl i got from a homie, she started out as a cut of a mom and was well behind the other two. She is bubba kush

This picture is what happening only on some of the older fan leaves, im pretty sure its nute burn due to me not having a PH reader in the beginning. Its only on the 2 that i started from seed.

Here is a group shot of the three that i decided to keep.
:wallbash: EDIT

As you can see i got rid of alot of plants that i had before, did alot of reading and alot of "wising up" along the way. The bubba has now outgrown the other 2, it truly is an amazing plant.

And i could be wrong about the nute burn thing. But its all trial and error, im just happy the bubba is thriving so i can mom her out :joint:

And i am also aware that the plant all the way on the right doesnt look happy, it was right before watering time.


Plants are looking really good bro keep it up.. one thing though next time you are taking photos probably not a good idea to do so in front of a mirror, you almost make a cameo appearance!

Keep up good work and keep learning as much as you can! Peace
Plants are looking really good bro keep it up.. one thing though next time you are taking photos probably not a good idea to do so in front of a mirror, you almost make a cameo appearance!

Keep up good work and keep learning as much as you can! Peace

Word, i saw that after i shot the photo and got lucky with the flash right there.
Alrighty, got another update for everyone who is interested. Plants are doing rather well. Made some cuts to the fan leaves that were dying off. I seem to keep getting burnt leaf tips and it gets worse to the point where they get yellow, brown and then die slowly. So i just cut them off.

Here are some pictures.

The bubbakush. Growing the best out of the three, and the fastest. It was a cut from my homie. Originally it was 3 inches shorter then the rest of them. Now she is the tallest.

This is the PK that i started from seed, its one of the two that have had the fan leaf shit going on. It looks like nute burn. I just watered them with plain distilled water today (PH is always at 6.5-6.7). so hopefully they will show some improvment.

and here is the problems its having.

And this girl, I was told that it is the same as the PK, but it def is growing different. This plant is also having some problems, but not as bad as the other one. The undergrowth isnt showing any of the same symptoms as the fan leaves which is good.

top shot.

and its bad fan leaves...

Thanks again to everyone in advance for taking the time to check stuff out. Tell me whats up if you feel like it, let me know what im doin wrong.
thanks Mr. Hades. Im not gonna feed them for a few waterings to see how they fair with that. Thanks for your input and advice!