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how do you know what you want to do in life if you're just guessing?


New member
Try this, on a piece of paper write this "What do I have a passion for?.";whatever answer pops in your head first is usually what you want to do. Go from there , good luck dude.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Not everyone gets to love their job. Many people never figure out what they want to do professionally. For those, the best move is to do what allows the most leisure time and the money to enjoy it. Loving your job has it's own set of pitfalls. If you're not careful, it can become a prison.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

learn how to fix pinball & video games by going to a tech school,
get a freaking job already, get ambitious & restore older classic
pins & vids for retail sales w/future maintenance for you to do.......

do you enjoy playing pinball & arcade video games?



Not everyone gets to love their job. Many people never figure out what they want to do professionally. For those, the best move is to do what allows the most leisure time and the money to enjoy it. Loving your job has it's own set of pitfalls. If you're not careful, it can become a prison.

I agree to an extent. When someone has a passion for something so much, they end up neglecting everything else in their life that should be as important and in some cases even more important.

If you're not in to the married with children thing in the future, I say aim for the clouds in terms of pursuing your dream career but if you plan on having a family, sometimes life just doesn't permit such flexibility.

I'd give anything to be a wildlife biologist but to be honest, you're making around $20k/year with a Bachelors and maybe double that with a masters so with a child, it just isn't realistic for me.


ICMag Donor
If your not sure what you want to do ,just start working .Even if a crappy job ,try to find something .The more you work ,and adjust yourself to it ,being central in your life .Eventually you will end working ,something that genuinely intrests you .People gravitate towards things they like.Of course ya may need to steer it ,in a general direction with your job choices.But not always,things in life often just fall in your lap .And you may end up doing something you like ,thats completly different than what you planned.
It might be helpful to take a brake from the books/school,and get some real world experience working your mind ,back and fingers to the bone.

If that doesn't work out so well then ,you could try robbing a bank .Take the cash and setup a 20k flip flop,in an industrial district ,and blow up the area with pounds of funk.Spend your free time sitting around nakked counting money..............


Active member
I dont know if its been covered but way back in the day an older friend asked me what I would do with all my time if I had all the money I could ever need. He told me to contemplate on this and when I come up with something I should do it for a living. Took me a while to figure out what I woul do, but then I did it. Was somma the best advice anybody ever gave me! Thanks Harold! I hope your well!


Personally I'd go with Murder for Hire. Pick your own hours and jobs, not really much competition, (everyones big on this human rights thing). No heavy lifting or sweating (unless Latin America is involved) Plenty of travel and the money is very good. Generally school councellors will shy away from steering you in this direction so the field should be wide open.

A great advertising plus is amatuers botching their own work. Use celebs like Phil Spector and Robert Blake as examples. Think outside the box....

It could be worse. You could have a MBA from Harvard... Nobodys hiring those suckers even for Wal-Mart greeters.


Seriously tho, If you cant get the bikini waxer job at the modeling agency, get any job. Then decide that youre going to be the best there ever was at that crappy job. Two things will happen. You'll gain pride in yourself and the job wont seem so crappy after all. People will notice that you handle a crappy job professionally and with alacrity, and they will talk. Soon you may have a less crappy job because of your attitude.

Or you can marry the bosses ugly daughter...


Ever thought of going to a trade school? You can become a master electrician or master carpenter or plumber or mechanic, medical technican etc. These jobs don't sound that great but once you finish with all the apprentice things you will be making decent money and you have the opportunity to start your own business if your smart with your money. Furthermore if you grow and are good at it you could possibly use grow as a way to make enough money while your working or going to trade school to help you get to your own business a lot faster. I know a couple of older people that sold a bunch of coke in the 70's and opened up Mechanic shops. I plan on doing something similar. You have to think what do you want in life, material things or other things. I only use most material things for function try to use as much little resources and spend as much little money because that way your dollar goes a lot further.

Trades......What can I say about them from my experience.. You'll never get rich, but you'll almost always have work. It sucks a lot of the time, but I have friends with 4 years + of college. Well educated in BS and jealous because I make more than most of them.

I dropped out of high school in 11th grade. More interested in drugs and partying and having fun and getting back at my parent's for the various things(complicated). Well, one day at 19 I found myself stoned, selling weed with a pregnant girlfriend. No job. Never even looked. Reality set in. My stepfather got me a job as a chip spinner in a machine shop. Busted my ass because that job sucked and the machinists were making money. Plus I needed to get hired permanent for the health insurance for the baby. Soon I found out I was a pretty decent machinist. Started to hate screw machines after a few years and started job hopping.
I was flown from NY to Idaho to interview for a job. Then given 3000 to move my family there, and they put me up in an apartment for 2 months until i could find a place and get moved. Not bad for having no high school diploma or GED.
Most places wont hire someone with no diploma or GED. If you can work your way into a trade like machining its often over looked.

I've walked off more 20$ an hour jobs than most people will ever have..

I've ran all kinds of machines since then .Manuals, lathes, bridgeports, cnc's vertical,horizontals and mills. I went to college in 01 and got my CAD/Cam cnc programming and some other stuff towards an engineering degree.

When I'm out of work I basically pic 3 places I'd like to work and apply and generally get two offers at least. I've had 5 out of 8 places i interviewed offer my jobs one time when I was out of work.

I'm not bragging because many days my job just blows. I just want to get the point of a trade across. Not everyone is into the school thing.

Its no dream job, but I know this. As long as I'm willing to work I will have work. May have to relocate in some instances, but thats life.

For awhile there i was taking every summer off for 4 years.. Go back to work in the fall. I got the same company to take me back every time. Becauseh good machinists are hard to find. No other reason than that. It takes years to get the experience though.

This economy is screwing everyone, even machinists though. I'm working 50-55 hours a week but there a lot out of work now.


i also kinda figured that even if i could work at financial firms and top businesses i dont want to go down that path. My dad went down that path, while its secure and the :smart" way to go its not for me. Im an outlaw, i cant stand the idea of working a 9-5 and being angry all day. My dad rants to me all the time about how much he hates his boss and his job in finances so it basically solidified my desire to do something that does not involve office work, like flying planes, selling cars, growing weeds, growing vegatables, farming chickens, who the hell knows. All i know is, NO CUBICLE FOR ME!!!

Haha my sentiments as well.


Active member
dont know if anybody else mentioned this but have you ever considered the culinary arts? and theres always demand for chefs and such


hmmm... get good genetics read about cannabis and start your own club :)

h^2 O

2nd bachelors? screw that dude. if you didnt make $$$ with one not sure if 2 will do much better; get your master's or just go for a phD. Or go to law school. I'm going to hang in for the doctorate and work on ways of getting rich/retiring in my spare time.


I always thought being a park ranger would be cool. A very corrupt park ranger, with sweet land to set up fat patches of dank in.
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Lammen Gorthaur
Ultimately, the question is answered by your passions. What are you passionate about? How can that which evokes your passions be harnessed to that which serves your economic needs?

There is never a bad time to broaden your educational experience. Degrees are like flashlights, you only need them rarely, but the when you do need them, the need can be rather acute. In today's world, unless you have a remarkable level of self-motivation that allows you to discipline your own life, then there is no substitute for getting another degree. The competition in the job markets are going to be much more acute in the near-term forecast window, massive unemployment cannot be avoided because we have decided the cure for too much spending is more and more spending. The spending will have an impact on inflation because it cannot otherwise be so (mathematically speaking). Inflation eats away at earnings and this results in a vicious cycle of reduction in capital investment that slows the velocity of money in our economy, resulting in too few jobs being created compared to those we are shedding like a dog's winter coat. This means the job market is going to become more brutal. At this time last year I was forecasting a reduction in GDP due to the heavy government spending. You can hope for better times, but have a realistic expectation that this time next year the national unemployment rate will be greater than 15%.

The sum total is a decision. Do you or don't you have the personal fortitude to run your own show? The earnings opportunity for the small business entrepreneur may be the way to go; we just have to see how the government is going to abrogate contracts before we will see any measurable increases in business credit. Use the time to do your due diligence, put together a business plan and seek some funding assistance. Last month the Federal Reserve increased the collateral requirements for loans to the commercial banking industry across the board. It's liable to get real ugly out there and the unemployment rate is going to soar...

Opinions can be as dangerous as advice and all roads may prove to be painful dead-ends. How will you choose? You choose by following your passions. That which you are passionate about is liable to create a better vocational and pecuniary experience than those occupations that offer no constructive engagement at all.

Either way, I bet you'll be the first to know...


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

write all of the options down on separate tags of colored paper,
tape them to th wall and then toss darts & do the same w/a map,
that's how I wound up in the frozen northern climes of Minnesota.



Update: Still utterly clueless, but I made a move. If I get spider mites I'll probably by homeless by April. We'll see.


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