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"America's High" on Anderson Cooper 360


Tonight they are showing somebodys huge indoor hydro grow in Miami. I can't imagine letting national news cameras into my grow room to be broadcast on tv. But some idiot has done it. Wondering if the next nights news is going to cover his bust, LOL!


It was a room from a bust.At the begining they showed the DEA raiding that house.A million $$ a year grow? I find that hard to belive.Once again not painting a good picture.Lets hope CNN does a real poll of Americans and publishes the results.BigD


I Feel Good
ICMag Donor
anyone have a quick link to something streaming?? i caught a bit of what was on last night, but didnt get around to watching the "inside a pot house" bit... id love to see it..


I've missed two nights in a row.. would someone please tell the tale?



New member
been alota shows lately, cause they have been pulling ratings. cnbc did theirs and it was cnbc most watch'd special ever. And that was after nat-geo did a nice ratings pull on theirs. i always enjoy watching them but still at the end of the shows always feel like are pro-ponets for the cause on the shows never get a good message across. the crime that criminalization has brought to are great country is always something i feel is never told in the way it should be. they never touch on how hemp by far is one of the best textile goods on the face of the earth, and how the goverment has let company like dupont dictate policy of are nation. It isnt the social/medical issues that keep us from decriminalizing, its the fat cat lobbyist payn fat cat policy makers to protect the intrest of the big corp world. just remember it isnt a war on drugs its a war on personal freedoms.

I wish man, I wish. Unfortunately, the media is loathe to report on any of the incestuous relationships between corporate lobbyists and legislators--canna is not alone in this one. Health care stands out as one of the best examples of lobbyists fucking over the interests of the general public. Government + business = a fucked-over public. Business + government collude to make the businesses money, which they in turn use to prop up corrupt politicians that support their cause, or else use it to fund a legit politician's opponent. People have become far too disconnected from governance, and for every step the public takes away from involvement in government, business will gladly take one step closer.