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Fathersday brownies

Pops will be stoked on this batch...
I weigh up 28 grams of trim (not fan leaves) dry in paperbag, put 4 cubes of organic unsalted butter in my handy little crockpot with trim, turn it on high until the butter melts, turn it down to low and stir about every hour for 8 hours. Then I pour everything into a coffee french press, push the plunger/strainer thingie down and pour the green butter into a measuring cup and throw into fridge overnite. The next day the remaining trim/butter has cooled to room temp and comes out easily in one clump, easy to clean. Oh yeah make sure your dogs can't get into your trash, one time i found my dog acting really fucking strange, eyes were huge, she was totally tense and panting, she looked scared as hell, i had no idead wtf was going on so i rushed her to the vet where they asked me questions like if she could get into poisons or even black walnut shells etc.. i said no and they kept her overnite. i go home and start looking around the back yard and there it was in the middle of the walkway, a chewed up double ziplock bagged mess of butter/trim i threw out days before, i fucking laughed my ass off, i was soooo happy to find that, she was just having a bad trip and i knew she'd be fine. The next day i wento pick her up and i swear the lady knew, akwardly i lied my ass off, then hugged my dog..hahahahahahah.

Pops likes brownies for harley rides, surfing and downhill skating so i just sub the vegtable oil with butter.


ICMag Donor
What a storey. I would of been so nervous going to pick your dog up.
I hope she didn't think you deliberatly 'blew her out'.
Has your dog ever done anything like that again?

P.s. I love your qoute in your signature... Thats how I feel about the world 2 most times...[
Had a similar story with my dog and a cookie. I made some cookies last year, gave my buddy one, he passed out after eating 1/2 of one, and my dog snuck up and ate the other half.. a few hours later my buddy comes running up the stairs asking me if I ate that other half because my dog was stumbling around... It was a tiny bit humorous because at least we knew what the problem was and that she'd be ok, but it was also a bit scary to see her acting so mesed up.. But yea, keep your treats and waste away from the animals for sure!

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