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2nd day DWC a little drooping due to shock?


All the Chems and Giesel's looking FANTASTIC But the og's look a little hurt??

Day 12

Here is the nute sched...


900 ml of micro
1200 ml of bloom
1700 ml of Calmag
500ml of HydroZyme
100 ml House and Garden: Roots Excelurator
( you guys think i should use House and Garden Drip Clean? I have an abundance of that...)

Ph at 5.5 ~5.8 swing.. (solid at 5.8 does not rise)
temps = 76 Constant
Humidity When lights ON 45% CONSTANT
Humidity When lights OFF 65% CONSTANT
Water Temp 74F CONSTANT (i know get a chiller i will ! :) ) roots look nice and healthy! :yoinks:


Glad to hear things are starting to turn around. I am thinking of doing something similar to your PVC manifold and feeder lines. How exactly did you attach the 1/4 tubing to your manifold?

Ladies are looking very lovely....:joint:



They are starting to look good. they seem to bounce back from a lot of stuff. Keep up the good work i am pulling up a chair and i am going to watch this through.
I should add that while over-watering is impossible, under-aeration can be a serious problem. As others have said, lots and lots of bubbles, please. And, try to keep water temps 68º-70º, cool water holds more air.

I actually run my DWC temps at 60-65 to make sure there is a huge amount of Dissolved Oxygen in my water. So it couldn't hurt to add a few more air stones and drop the water temps if you can. The only thing i can see that could cause the "overwatered" effect in DWC is too much water w/out enough DO(dissolved oxygen.)