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When should i add nute's?


New member
Hi all, just after a bit of advice on when i should add nutes to my plant.
At the moment there in miricle grow that i mixed with perlite, i started flowerin 13 days ago and they look healthy enough but should i be adding somthing to the water to help them along? Thanks in advance and ill keep checking and see what u all think.


Green is Gold
Hey eon you need to give some more details about your plants if you want some helpful advice. For instance you didn't say how long you vegged for which is a big thing when you're talking about giving nutes. If you're going 12/12 from seed then you won't want to nute for a week or two, but if you grew them out for a while before you flipped over then you could start giving them nutes right away (as in the next watering). Post some more details and I'm sure you'll get some bette responses.


Hey eon you need to give some more details about your plants if you want some helpful advice. For instance you didn't say how long you vegged for which is a big thing when you're talking about giving nutes. If you're going 12/12 from seed then you won't want to nute for a week or two, but if you grew them out for a while before you flipped over then you could start giving them nutes right away (as in the next watering). Post some more details and I'm sure you'll get some bette responses.

You made me feel more at ease, I gave my plants nutes a few days ago but it had been a little over a week I do like my 12/12 grow so far one plant seems like it's growing a sixth pair of leaves in under two weeks but it's so small...weird. But the next day they seem..wilty..but my friend said they looked healthy so I'm guess I'm doing alright I went super low ball on the mixing of the nutes as well.


New member
Hey eon you need to give some more details about your plants if you want some helpful advice. For instance you didn't say how long you vegged for which is a big thing when you're talking about giving nutes. If you're going 12/12 from seed then you won't want to nute for a week or two, but if you grew them out for a while before you flipped over then you could start giving them nutes right away (as in the next watering). Post some more details and I'm sure you'll get some bette responses.

Thanks for your reply Noobian.
I grew thm from seed for about 4 weeks before flipping to 12/12 i'm growing Wappa and they are just over a foot tall, any sugestions on the best type of nutes to use? Is the stuff you get from hydro shops much different to the stuff i could get from a garden centre?


Miracle Grow soil has a good amount of extended release fertilizer in it so you may be ok for a bit longer, but not too much longer. I'd start to ease into a steady nute regimen with every other watering. Anything with less nitrogen than phosphorous and potassium will work. Depends on what you local garden center carries...most of them have a pretty decent local line of nutrients. I've used Foxfarms, Botanicaire's Pureblend, Earth Juice, Dr. Earth, and even Schultz Cactus+ (2-7-7) and all will work fine for growing very kind cheeb once you get things dialed in. Try and keep an eye on your pH and bubble your water overnight before using if you can.

Good luck,


If you have a small air pump you put a tube on it with an airstone on the end that sort of 'injects' bubbles into your water. Helps evaporate chlorine faster and oxygenates your water.

Alternatively you can just let it sit out overnight to let the chlorine evaporate.


New member
I've been doing that so should be ok there, thanks for the advice on the nute's, like'in the look of your rhino too.

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