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Anima's quest for the BEST!


Active member
ResinKing-Thanks man...but you are too kind... Rest assured I am a mere mortal like yourself...:abduct:

Casey Jones was a cross between Trainwreck and sour diesel lines..
It was released from H3ad's seeds. He has a fourm and helpdesk and everything right here at ICMAG.

That's where the seed cross came from.
I am growing from "clones" so it's all the same plant essentially.

And yea... The bucket setup is still what I run. Ebb and flow in buckets. LOW plant count, and a bountiful harvest. :D Go ahead and look back through this thread.. I find myself going back over it just for info that was put up long ago.. You can follow my trials and tribulations along the way..:dueling:

Here are a few more pics:

Bubba kush day 4 flower:

And some Boomstick shots (not lit but HPS) :woohoo:



Peace and kindness


Active member
Heres a couple more pics:
The pre98 bubba in the back and the lanky casey's in front (the GDP failed to take off). About a week and a half into flower:

And a shot of Skunk #5 nug. 46 days into flower:

Peace and kindness all


Active member
check this out

check this out

I got bored and decided to take a few pics to show off the size of this skunk #5 nug:
Compared to a 40 oz bottle:

That should give ya an idea of her fattyness...shes pineapple size!! :woohoo:
She is ready for the flush!

And while I'm here I'll post up some ole shoutouts that I skipped last time cause I was in a hurry:

MGJ- Heya buddy :wave: Glad to have ya stop by! Yup this is my first run with the casey and bubba and I am totally psyched!! Unfortunatly this is my second run with the GDP, and I just can't get her to perform :dueling: I'm pretty sure she is on her way out of my garden:wallbash: I hope you are doing well...check your PMs!

Sleepy- Always a pleasure!! Thanks for stopping by..your cowbell avatar has brought to my face more than one smile ;)

Bear- Another of the great persons, and valued friends to frequent my thread!! And a valuble person to our community too! Big RESPECT bro.

Kal-el - Welcome to my thread!! I think I may have spied your handle at the island too! :wave: Glad to have ya!

and just a general shoutout to all the "good guys" out there who take the time to teach newbs/organize/ or otherwise help out our community by being respectable human beings.

Peace and kindness

Brother Bear

Simple kynd of man
ICMag Donor
your words are two kind my friend :friends:
it's good to have a friend that feels the same way i do :respect:
nice nice nice up-dates mang :yes:
that skunk #5 :woohoo:i am proud for you with plants like that
have fun with the new genetics they all look sexy as 'ell to me :lurk:


Active member
Zeus-Thanks for stoppin by! Glad to be entertaining.

Bro Bear- Too kind? nooo waaayyy:laughing: No such thing.

JACK- yea shes a beaut. getting chopped right now... just takin a break.

I snapped a few pics for everyone's viewing pleasure. Behold my personal best bud!!!

Skunk #5 at 56 days



off to trim some more..

Peace and kindness


Active member
Thanks SirSmokalot! :wave:
She is starting to look nice even under the 150!!
The Casey Jones is overgrowing the chamber... Definitely wont run those two at the same time again.. :nono:
Never-the-less they are both doing great!... I'll try and snap some shots for everyone as soon as I can.

In the mean time;
Here's some shots of my empty buckets, and a shot of all of the things going on in my res for massive circulation and aeration.


Top left=Ecoplus 396 GPH pump (main)
Bottom left-right= fish tank filter (waterfall type with the carbon insert removed but still has "biosponge" for bene bacteria colonies), 50w submersable heater (set to 70 F), Airline/airstone, 80 gph circulation pump.

I've got some rooted up Skunk #5 clones ready to go.
So thats whats going in there next for my summer crop...and the other 2 bucket setup is going in storage for the summer due to the inevitable summer heat. I'll Probably run ALL bubba's next under the 150. And eventually when it starts cooling down I'll give either the casey, or bubba a run in the big buckets.

Heres a little animation showing the Skunk #5 clone going into the Super Simple Ebb and Flow Buckets :woohoo:

Stay tuned for some bubba shots.
Peace and kindness


Active member
welcome to my thread tenn! :wave:
I wish ya luck as well. I'd flower those out ASAP 5 nodes is about all a 150 can handle. Good luck :yes: :yes:
thanks for the advice, I had been contemplating it but i wasn't sure and i didn't want them to stretch to much. I think i will switch them asap.


Active member
Sleepster- Thanks broham!! Yes the quest will never end if I have anything to say about it... hehehe

tenn- Well bro they are doing just fine...just fine indeed :D