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powder mildew late in flower

ya bummer tonight day 46 flower noticed some powder mildew ona few leaves....gdp strain.....what are my options at this point ideas please


The least toxic is to spray them off with water to remove as much of it as you can, let them dry and them spray them with a 10-15% solution of skim milk in water. I mix like 3-4oz in a quart spray bottle - close enough. Spray them weekly if you notice any coming back.
(Remember to let plants dry before placing them back under an HID light.)

Also make sure the soil doesn't completely dry out and that they have adequate ventilation/air movement.


Chat Moderator
Hi sorry to hear about the PM, its horrible. There are two products that can help quite a bit. They are Dutch Masters Zone and Penetrator. After flowering use a sulfur burner to help clean out the environment. Adding a dehumidifier will also help prevent it from coming back in the future. I hope this is helpful. Happy growing!

Always Learning
Don't use any of that crap /\, sorry AlwaysLearning. Both are nasty synthetics, and I am by no means an organic grower. Sulfur leaves a harsh residue, and not recommended if you want to smoke your herbs.

Go with milk/\. I actually use whole milk full strength in flower, raw milk if you can find it (it is the enzymes and cultures that kill the mildew, along with high ph, so unpastuerized milk is FAR better, and I do dilute raw milk 1:4) with a bit of natural dish soap (coconut based surfactants). A bit of Compost tea is good at recommended dosage (most hydro stores sell it now), or make your own. If it's on the fan leaves you could use some sulfur spray if you just spot check it while covering the buds with your hand or a piece of paper.

You have to think: do you want to smoke it? and well, you may not WANT to smoke milk, but the idea is probably less repulsive then sulfur or some weird synthetic surfactant(penetrator glows under a blacklight) and it's not going to hurt you.


Turn off all of your oscilating fans while you remove the offending leaves.
You have around 2.5 weeks until harvest so you could use just about any method of eradication and it will have dissipated come harvest time.
Any of the above remedies can work, depending on which strain of pm you have.
PM is caused by spores.
If they get in your room it doesn't matter what the environment is.
You need some intake filtration.
The spores are in your room now so clean the hell out of it after harvest.
Then use preventative maintenance like a sulfur burner or sm-90.
Good luck!


Take Five...
sorry you have it exactly backwards dongle69...of course it is spores that grow PM like any fungi and spores are always around, you can't keep them out (filtration is great at reducing all potentials pests and problems and is recommended)...you can only give them favourable conditions to grow...

raise the low temps (probably at night or during lights off) and/or lower the humidity.

In the summer my roses and beebalm are fine. In the fall when it is cold wet and rainy, the PM comes....the spores were always around but the conditions in summer were not favourable for the spores to grow.


Just a quick note about using milk. Although they used raw unpasteurized milk in the initial studies (because it's what they had available) they found out later that skim milk from the grocery store was just as effective. The study also said that using concentrations of 30% or more produced an innocuous fungus of a different type. The recommended solution strength was 10%. The reason for using skim milk is it smells less because it doesn't have the fat in it. No spreaders or stickers (soap/oil) are needed, the milk solution coats things very well on it's own.


Chat Moderator
EthnobotanicA, Please check out this thread and let me know what you think. https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=43220 Maybe you should call that stuff crap to those people and see what they say. Personally I prefer to use organic methods whenever possible, but extreme circumstances sometimes call for extreme measures. I really just want people to get the best information possible and not to be turned off to possible solutions that could help them. No disrespect.


I deal with pm on a regular basis . the strain in my area thrives on low humidity and high temps . proper air circulation is crucial . also daily water spritz keeps it under control , if i dont keep daily spritzing it will start to reappear . during veg and up to 3 weeks or so into flower every 3 weeks , or at the first sign of pm i spray with the baking soda vinegar lemon juice epsom salt mix . then rinse with water and isopropyl . this works and keeps pm away 4 at least 3 weeks ,also kills mites . only danger of spraying late in flower is that it will prematurly ripen pistels , turning them red .
EthnobotanicA, Please check out this thread and let me know what you think. https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=43220 Maybe you should call that stuff crap to those people and see what they say. Personally I prefer to use organic methods whenever possible, but extreme circumstances sometimes call for extreme measures. I really just want people to get the best information possible and not to be turned off to possible solutions that could help them. No disrespect.

I think it sounds like the same thing we are talking about here. And you get the same arguements back and forth. Some people are OK with it, some not. It's up to what's OK with you as far as what your smoking, assuming you have a good understanding of the pros and cons. I honestly found the milk works better, and is a hell of alot cheaper.

A while back I was having some nasty humidity and PM problems. I ran a sulfer burner for a couple hours a night, a few days apart about 2 weeks before harvest. I had MULTIPLE complaints right off the bat from testers.

I wouldn't touch Zone in general. I just don't see the point. It's a Water conditioner and sanitizer, contrary to a biologically active rootzone which is proven superior to sterilization. Really? You would smoke that? I understand people get desperate, but seriously there are organic things that work and when you really consider you have to smoke it, then it's kind of just over-doing it.

If someone really gets desperate, then there are biological fungicides that work great for PM. Neem, soaps, milk, Trichoderma, Mycorhizzoa, etc, etc, especially when used in combo. These things DO work, it's just a matter of picking up them instead of the chemicals, and maybe spraying once a week until harvest, then trying to eliminate the conditions in which it thrives.

And I'm not one to really give a shit in general. I use some nasty chemicals in veg, but once those meds develop flowers, it's all off. Most synthetics haven't been tested for human consumption, especially after being heated and burned, which causes some violent reactions between chemicals, which often lead to carcenogenic by-products. No good IMO.

Just my .02


A while back I was having some nasty humidity and PM problems. I ran a sulfer burner for a couple hours a night, a few days apart about 2 weeks before harvest. I had MULTIPLE complaints right off the bat from testers.

the latest I have burned is late week 6/early week 7... I burned 2 tablespoons for 2 hrs, one application. I did give the buds/plants a rinse of plain water 3 days before I harvested & no complaints from any of my patients or clubs i work with. how long were you burning for the suplher for each application?

I had done the Neem/Soap thing for a while and it worked to control but I got sick of spraying a lot of plants!... Crazy Composer got me into the sulpher Burner and its my silver bullet.

I feel you on the chemmys philosophy man...
serenade......great product.....smells like shit but have seen it sprayed in later flower and the buds tasted fine.

I got some cuts with PM and after one application I have not yet seen any come back in over a month.