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Clones going funky


New member
Im not sure whats going on with them but im sure they are going to die.I couldnt find anything in the plant problem solver so i need someone pro advise.They are going almost a black colour starting from the shout out.CRAZY.Thanks guys


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Guest 18340

Im not sure whats going on with them but im sure they are going to die.I couldnt find anything in the plant problem solver so i need someone pro advise.They are going almost a black colour starting from the shout out.CRAZY.Thanks guys

Been there. Still there. I've had 0% success lately and some turn out looking exactly like yours.
Just wanted to say you're not alone...


Did they have issues like that prior to cloning? It looks like they might have. They appear to be drying out too quickly. The cuttings are also quite small...you might want to take slighty larger cuts (2-3 more nodes; 4-6") in the future, as this would also help them retain moisture a little better, imo. Try misting them; can you utilize a dome, or? Your PH is somewhat correct?


New member
Yea Im just thinkin mayb the r/o water im buying might not be what they say.And weed is a weed so i hope with change of water and some singing to them it might bring them back haha


New member
Ya i ph'ed the water to 5.5 and ya i have a dome i was thinking may to put them in some dirt and in the dome.


PH should be closer to neutral; 6.5, imo. Judging by the look of these two particular cuttings, I honestly don't think you'll have much success with them by changing the rooting medium at this stage. I'd suggest using the 'Jiffy 7' peat-pucks in the future, as they're dependable, cheap and extremely easy to work with.


New member
Its strange that i just clone and rooted some cuttings a few weeks ago and these ones are doing this.I did take the cuttings from plants i had outside but the ones b4 were to so im just stumped.I have cloned using dirt and a dome,just water in a cup and using this bubbler i put together a few months back and it seemed to work then but now its not,and yes i have been cleaning the bubbler atleast once a week.Im going back to the water that mayb i used for these cuttings.


Looks like some kind of fungus or bacteria. Try to get the whole plant except for the stem completely above the top of your cloner. It's either getting splashed or its just too humid where it is.


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
Im not sure whats going on with them but im sure they are going to die.I couldnt find anything in the plant problem solver so i need someone pro advise.They are going almost a black colour starting from the shout out.CRAZY.Thanks guys
what kinda of lighting is above these 2 cuts
how many watts
and distance from fresh cuts.
these 2 pics look like possible to intense of lighting fresh un rooted clones need minumal lighting


just do it
ive been having silmilar probs with my aerocloner lately, i thought it might be temp related, possibly embolisms, not sure...?/?
Maybe its just me but when I see that in my little cloner I am almost sure the cutting was too small and I handled it too roughly. I know with the tender tops once they are bruised its a death race here on the Island.

Safe Harbor


We need WAY more info......

My initial guess based on what little we have to go on, I'd say the rooting medium is far too wet and your cuts are starting to rot right out of the gate.

Guest 18340

I still go thru the same thing and I still havent discovered why. Sometimes the stems rot when this happens, somtimes the stem looks fine. At first it seems the medium was too wet, but then I had the same problem with my Power cloner.
I've had that same problem in every medium I've tried.
I'm frustrated as hell and I'm losing some prime genetics because of it.
I'm watching your thread closely in hope of seeing a good tip.
I'm baked right now to...


Active member
With an Aero cloner, they dont let you konw before buying it that your water temps need to be a perfect level.

I'll ask a friend what the temp is and ill get back to you. He told me this the other day as he uses an Aero Cloner and had to buy something to keep the water temps correct.


I know people say this all the time, but clonig is really pretty easy. I've used everything over the years; Oasis, rockwool, rapid rooters, bubblers, vermiculite, coco....

I really prefer peat pucks.

One mistake that folks make is putting them into a completely sealed. Put too wet of a medium in there and spray everything down, you're begging for rot.

The medium, whatever it is, needs to be damp but not dripping wet.

1-quart cottage cheese or yogurt tubs make great little cloning chambers. They dissipate the light perfectly. Punch a couple holes around the top to allow for just a little air exchange and voila. White Contact paper on clear tubs, tents or domes works equally well and is removable.

One thing I found (now that I'm cloning in a veg box rather than a separate cloning box) was too direct of light, and the cuts will continue to photosynthesize and use up all the nutrients in the leaves, leaving nasty little runty shits that do nothing but take up space until they die. Having a low enough (or dissipated enough) light level is essential so that the cuts will actually cease photosynthesis and revert to rooting.

What I do;

-Rehydrate pucks

-Squeeze pucks into shape and to relieve excess water

-Dip cuts in gel

-Stick cuts in pucks

-Stick pucks in tub.

No heat mats, pH'ing, air pumps, etc., etc.

Take the lid off once a day for a few minutes to let the stagnant air out. Wipe out the inside of the tub or dome if there is a lot of condensation. There is such a thing as too humid, and if your leaves are resting against wet walls, rot will ensue.


Active member
I have the same exact thing going on with mine too. I even built an aerocloner to see if i could get something to root.My problem happened even in oasis cubes...


Between the Devil and the deep blue sea...
ICMag Donor
I Get 98% success with clones i dont use gel i use powder and i use rockwool cubes a heat pad is essential also a plastic dome covering the clones under 2 18 fluros also try not to move the cuttings round and should only need to water them every 3-4 days i feel how heavy my rockwool cube is just after i water it and then check it after 3 days always going by weight of the rockwool cube if its light i give it some water...

If u move the stem around at all this can cause the stem to rot so i suggest keeping the cuttings still as possible and only check em every 2-3 days for watering and dont bother checking them for roots till day 7 and onward, i just turn the rockwool cube upside down and whammo roots everytime also make sure u take cuttings from the donor that are healthy and off the lower part of the plant hope this helps pretty sure i didnt forget anything....


Just Say Grow
I know people say this all the time, but clonig is really pretty easy. I've used everything over the years; Oasis, rockwool, rapid rooters, bubblers, vermiculite, coco....

I really prefer peat pucks.

One mistake that folks make is putting them into a completely sealed. Put too wet of a medium in there and spray everything down, you're begging for rot.

The medium, whatever it is, needs to be damp but not dripping wet.

1-quart cottage cheese or yogurt tubs make great little cloning chambers. They dissipate the light perfectly. Punch a couple holes around the top to allow for just a little air exchange and voila. White Contact paper on clear tubs, tents or domes works equally well and is removable.

One thing I found (now that I'm cloning in a veg box rather than a separate cloning box) was too direct of light, and the cuts will continue to photosynthesize and use up all the nutrients in the leaves, leaving nasty little runty shits that do nothing but take up space until they die. Having a low enough (or dissipated enough) light level is essential so that the cuts will actually cease photosynthesis and revert to rooting.

What I do;

-Rehydrate pucks

-Squeeze pucks into shape and to relieve excess water

-Dip cuts in gel

-Stick cuts in pucks

-Stick pucks in tub.

No heat mats, pH'ing, air pumps, etc., etc.

Take the lid off once a day for a few minutes to let the stagnant air out. Wipe out the inside of the tub or dome if there is a lot of condensation. There is such a thing as too humid, and if your leaves are resting against wet walls, rot will ensue.

NAILED IT, except I use rockwool anyone that has trouble cloning needs to print this shit out and study it.