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U.S. Rep. Mark Kirk to push tougher sentences for more-potent marijuana


Travelling Cannagrapher Penguin !
lol ^^

i wonder what they gonna do when they found out about bubble hash and budder ^^ guantanamo re-opening....


Active member
If this law passes, it will mean more money is going to go to Mexico, they are going to spend millions extra to prosecute people(they will have to have each confiscated bag through a chromatography(sp?) machine, and have lead "pot strength DEA agents" to testify in court). So how about it, lets spend a couple more billion on a fruitless war against drugs, and while we are at it, fuel the REAL drug wars that are now spilling over into the USA. Canada looks nicer everyday.

Blue Dot

When did it become acceptable for politicians to pretend they are doctors or pharmacists and the public just goes along with it??

I love how the only qualifications to become elected to office is a pulse yet once in office they act like preeminent doctors, pharamcists, economists, etc yet have zero training.

It's quite a kick in the teeth to real professionals like doctors and pharmacists who have actually sacraficed a lot to learn their profession.


stone fool
We apologize for this asshat, he has no credibility anywhere outside of his own county. If he were closer to me I would consider making an example of him. His mouth is his own worst enemy.


Active member
I would like to know why these congressmen and women are not tested for drugs. They can even run with a criminal record. Can you get away with that! They sell your rights to the highest bidder. Special interest groups like MADD mothers are taking away your rights. They are funded by insurance companies, the towns and lawyer groups. It's a big money circle. We need to stand up for our rights. Tell them what you think and vote those jack***es
out of office.:yeahthats


Active member
Isn't this guy who got salvia outlawed in IL too? Fook this guy big time!

That plant wasn't illicit federally or causing any problems in IL but he crusaded on some righteous lies and got a law passed that went into effect Jan 1, 09 that created serious penalties for its possession and sale with no actual medical evidence to back it.

This dude needs to go.


Active member
Republicans are IDIOTS, every one of them.

I didn't need any more proof, but there it is.

Yes, this Mark Kirk guy is obviously a fucking moron. The whole "higher potency" stuff is just a lie.

And guess what? Obama is an ignoramus too. The idiot compares marijuana to morphine.


lol trouble thats hillarious and now that you mentipon it yes he the same idiot with the imigration condoms to meico therory shows how unitellagent he is..if i spelled it right lol


I want some of that shit that carries the death penalty man. How much?

Haha yeah. People will be grading weed on the sentence it carries for posession. "Yeah, I'll have a gram of your death penalty weed, a gram of your life imprisonment hash, and an ounce of your finest misdemeanor mids please."

I can see it catching on.

Back on topic: I literally laugh when I read things like this. They're so uninformed and stupid it's unbelievable. I don't know where they get their information from, but I'm guessing it's from a complete moron that has no idea what they're talking about.


IL legislation...Kirk proposes harsher penalties

IL legislation...Kirk proposes harsher penalties


Rep. Kirk wants tougher penalties for super pot

Associated Press
1:37 PM CDT, June 15, 2009

CHICAGO - Congressman Mark Kirk and law enforcement officials say tougher drug penalties are needed to combat the high-potency marijuana that's hitting the streets.

Kirk announced a bill Monday that targets drug dealers caught with the powerful pot called "kush." It would impose stiffer penalties than if dealers are caught with regular marijuana.

Kirk says he wants federal drug laws to keep up with what dealers are selling on the streets. He says law enforcement officials in the northern Illinois district he serves brought his attention to the problem.

The new variety of marijuana is stronger because the pot is cultivated hydroponically so growers control light, temperature and humidity to increase the drug content.

Officials say the marijuana can sell for as must as $600 an ounce, making it as profitable as crack cocaine.


U.S. Rep. Mark Kirk to push tougher sentences for more-potent marijuana
North Shore Republican to propose legislation setting penalties of up to 25 years in prison for selling 'kush'

By Lisa Black | Tribune reporter
June 15, 2009

U.S. Rep. Mark Kirk will call for legislation Monday that would toughen drug-trafficking laws regarding a highly potent form of marijuana, with penalties of up to 25 years in prison for a first-time offense.

The law would target offenders who sell or distribute marijuana that has a THC content exceeding 15 percent, which is between 5 and 10 percentage points higher than average marijuana, according to Kirk's office.

THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol, is the main active ingredient in marijuana.

Drug dealers are increasingly cross-breeding plants to produce high-potency variants of marijuana, which are called "kush" in street slang when they have 20 percent THC, Lake County Sheriff Mark Curransaid.

Police have been turning up more of the high-potency marijuana in Lake County arrests, he said.

"When you amplify the strength of it, you are increasing the harm to the system," said Curran, who supports the legislation, which would amend a federal law. "They are more dangerous behind the wheel of a vehicle. It's not a good idea to have people that messed up."

The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration has reported that kush sells for as high as $600 per ounce, creating the same profit potential as crack cocaine, Kirk said.

The Republican North Shore lawmaker said he plans to release more information during a news conference in Chicago on Monday, where he will be joined by representatives from the Lake County Sheriff's Department, the Lake County Metropolitan Enforcement Group and Waukegan Police Department.
this stuff is hard to fathom! you know...the drug czar under bush said"giving medical cannabis to patients is like giving patients crack and calling it medicinal" but wait a second.....isn't maranol a high concentration of thc in pill form?! :yeahthats oh and by the way, high %thc has been here since the 80's... northern lights, skunk, haze anyone?

folks contact your local congressman and tell them you want medical cannabis legislation introduced. the link below has a wealth of info related to your state. get active!



Active member
$600 an ounce? I need to move and set up shop out in the land of corrupt politicians!

So which lab equipment company is lining Kirks pockets?