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my Danish outdoor 08

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20 rows is enough
the plants are kept close to each other and grow very dense quickly
i have only 10 rows in some of the places

most important is the keep the same distance if you use more than one spot and be damn sure to find a mark you can always find again to mark the direction into the spot
the grow very dense and tall fast and can be damn tricky to find later on.

First loss of the year!
i was out harvesting some of the corn spots to night when i came to a plain dirt field that was filled with corn and some of my canna just a few days ago.

harvested a field with both Royal Danes and ErocketxDP and a field of Danish PAssion but a field containing apr 20 ErocketxDP was lost

ofcourse im a little sad that i lost that harvest but im more concerned that the farmer saw and recognized them and will be more watchful nest year

ive kept the rest of the corn fields where i have canna in under observation and this is the only one that has been harvested so far.
i now only need to harvest my last field with Lebanon 27 before im in safe and only have a hell of a trimming left.
ill keep my fingers crossed for the last field and hope to harvest it tomorrow night if it doesnt rain to much.

i pull the plants up with roots
that way they can stay fresh for a few days in a bucket of water and i can transplant some of them back into a pot with dirt if seeds need maturing some more and hopefully they will survive and give the seeds the last push.


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tonysoprano said:
Very nice plants. When do u expect the Haze x Erdpurt to be taken down?

Tnx for asking
i inspected it after your question and its very close to being done and with most of the seeds mature.
it will be taken down as soon as time permits it as im in the middle of a busy harvest period with all the plants from the corn and many from the garden.
im hoping for a very nice harvest and many seeds, buts its a little stressful right now and im happy once its all done and safe :)
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I finally found my digital camera so heres some proper pix

the whole garden
even on a cold day the smell here is exotic

on my way out but ill update with the rest of the pix as soon as possible
stay tuned, green and safe
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unfortunatly ive been to busy to take all the pix i planned, esp from the corn field grows but i have some older pix laying around ill post as a pre harvest compilation.
they have all been harvested now and there has been some mold but my late flowering Afghans where the least affected by mold this year.

i was just at the post office to pick up my new 20 liter Top Zeef pollinator
would have gotten the 55 l or the 75 liter version but money was short
planned to make one myself but been to busy for that

now i can watch the schematics from the Top Zeef and i have until next harvest to copy the design for a bigger one in DIY
actually i these days are working on a construction site at a plant that works with various machines in stainless steel
maybe i should take the pollinator there and give them the maximum measure of the inside my freezer and have them give me a price for a stainless steel version for next year?

ill compile some previously not yet published pix and some new ones working with the pollinator and post them within the next few days so stay tuned


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i still have to compose the previously not released pix from before harvest but heres a few pix from the process of turning the harvested pot with seeds into first grade hash using a 20 liter Top Keef Pollinator
later ill use ICE and alcohol extraction also

heres few shots as promised from the first runs

all pot portions used so far where small ( not weighted yet)

the pollinator working in my freezer at a minus 25 degrees Celsius


crystal kief from a small portion of Danish passion outdoor skunk



DP kief with a hundred Dkr bill for size comparison.
dunno how much there is yet but should be worth more than the bill ;)


this is the kief from the first 2 runs from 2 plants done seperatly then mixed
one Big Bud and one Leb27xHindu kush from my outdoor garden


these are the first fast snaps from the process but it will be updated as it progresses


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tnx a lot Slappy
heres some more brown porn ;)

the pollinator has been running most of the day

heres a few shots

maybe not best quality pix but i was busy and also had extremely sticky fingers :)

even without having test smoked it im pretty sure its classes better than best of Moroccan and Taliban hash on the market here
its been dried for several weeks and then frozen prior to the tumbling and when i just gently touches the kief it turns into super sticky smelly hash without having to apply any external pressure besides gently squeezing it betweens the fingers
just cant wait to smoke this and its even far from finished as the finished hash will also have added iso extracted oil for even better potency

damn i just love this part of the growing business :)



as a note this kief was made from Leb27 aka Leb30 or Lebanon 27/30
its sativa dominated strain originating from Lebanon but grown in the harsh Danish Climate for more than 20 years
its not considered the most potent stuff but it has a very nice social sativa high and yields can be very rewarding outside under optimal conditions
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sorry for the crappy pics but heres some hand pressed hash i made from pollinator kief
160 my and its made from some pot a friend grew out this year from my outdoor skunk mix from last season





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a follow up even though a little late
but better later than never

this day im very sorry that i was too stressed out to take more harvest pix than i did
some of the seeds from Danish land races are on their way to seedbay but instead ive been granted permission to use pix from some other growers who grew the same strains.
next year will be different and im also planning to take some video at night in the fields if i can get a decent quality night video cam for a fair price.

this early flowering picture shows Royal Dane and Erocket/Danish Passion out in the corn
they where harvested end September, seeds picked and then processed into hash

this was an early flowering pheno of the Oldfarmer Nepal
as pure sativa that has high yields and early flowering
trichome production was a little disappointed compared to the vigorous growth pattern earlier but since its high yielding and early i think it might be useful in future crosses
this is the Guerrilla pheno
short, stocky and high yielding for its size

this is the garden in full flower
notice the huge Hindu kush x leb27
if not taken to late and loosing some to mold for same reason i guess it would have given me atleast 600 grams, maybe closer to a kilo.
this baby as the rest from the garden was pollinated with 2 males from Oldfarmer nepal
one bushy one and an early one

Heres Afghan ( nordic outdoor version) in front
to the left its the purple pheno and to the right 2 green ones
in the row behind to the left you can see the amssive colas of the Hindu kush x leb27 and to the right its Big Bud
big bud has some mold problems in the spot due to shade in the morning hours that made to dew evaporate slowly and cause mold even though the spot had plenty of sun the rest of the day
big bud also gave a lot less trichomes in the pollinator than the hkxleb27

Afghan colas
they might not be very early ( mid October) or high yielding but its some damn sticky stuff and its also very mold resistant so its perfect for breeding purposes

Afghans up close


more to come later


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yeah nice pics and special strains.

So do u think hash from a topzeef is as good as ice hash?

I don't know if i should buy a topzeef or bubbleator.

I have lots of trimmings and a bubbleator can't process much at a time.



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ICMag Donor
yeah nice pics and special strains.

So do u think hash from a topzeef is as good as ice hash?

I don't know if i should buy a topzeef or bubbleator.

I have lots of trimmings and a bubbleator can't process much at a time.


tnx for the heads up about the strains
i had many different strain and crosses this year and crossed them further and made seeds with all of them
just very big work keeping all the different seeds separate so next year im doing less different seeds and im starting to "outsource" the crosses planned, meaning others get seeds from me and do controlled crosses
i supervise the selection closely and stand for the quality
that gives me more time for my few own crosses and the coming massive outdoor grow

i havent tried making or smoking ice hash so i cant tell
i have bought a set with nets in different sizes from 230 to 25 micron but havent had time to make them into ice bubble buckets yet.

the pollinator has been my best investment yet
i wouldnt recommend going much less than 20 liter unless you have a very small closet grow
takes to long with the 6 liters or similar
mine takes around 500 grams of bud so its half full as recommended.

before using it i place the buds in freezer for a few hours
then i tumle it one time with the 160 micron net that goes with it
hide it away and do a second run later with a 200 micron net
as i havent smokes ice i cant compare but the hash i make with the pollinator is far superior to any bought hash regarding both taste and potency.

i can recommend buying an extra 200 micron net and making a drum replacement with it
the 200 micron net gives more at second run without lowering quality too much.
nest year im planning a massive 1000+ guerrilla grow and will need a bigger pollinator, as since they are very expensive in the sizes i need there im going to make one myself that just fits the inside of my freezer (70-100 l i guess)
like i said the pollinator has been a very good investment i surely dont regret
but maybe find another brand

the Top Zeef works ok but the side sliding is annoying and the slide gets trapped with ice after some time and the whole box has all sides secured with bolts that needs regular tightening instead of others using a massive box with top feed
i like the idea about top sliding better like the Scuffbox
the original pollinator is way to expensive and overpriced if you ask me though

going to update soon with more of the remaining harvest pix and also some more of using the pollinator and the outcome.


Hey gunnar,

i also managed to get a few danish strains for this year. got royal dane 08, Lalandia Erdpurt udemix and DCF Pot mix. When do u aspect to be the best date for germinating them?.
I will plant my dutch outdoor genetics on april first. What do u say?


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ICMag Donor
this is awesome gunnar bro!

tnx Esbe bro
im getting better at getting the most of it, but in many cases others have supplied the great genetics
i just provide the soil amendments, nutrients and care and the guy in the skies provides the hps

to compare sizes the wood fence i 1,8 m
the huge pale green plant to the right of the middle is the hindu kush x leb27 (apr 2,5 m in hieght and 2 meter radius)
one big mother with very good potency, only some mold if the spot has shade problems.
thinking of maybe crossing it with an afghan to make it more mold resistent without loosing potency, but ill probably loose some yield though
behind her looking more green is an even taller big bud but it didnt yield as well as the hkxleb27
the leb cross had very big fat greasy buds and was awesome in the pollinator
potency very similar to the Afghan but the plant yielded 3-5x as much pr plant
a really wonderful cross
might try it also with a danish passion to make it earlier

well all depends on how much time i can spend in the greenhouse im building later compared to having to maintain and harvest the big outdoor 09 in corn
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