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Besides regular nutes, what can i add to increase bud size and yield in coco?



Hey guys one of my blueberrys is starting to die off, so that leaves me with 1 more plant left and shes thriving. Right now im only giving her:
Canna Coco A+B
and Blackstrap Molasses

what else can i add to my regime to fatten my buds and increase my yield? Im talking nutrients or additives, im not looking to change genetics or lighting. Thanks im sure this will be a helpful thread for most of the people dealing with coco.

They have threads like this in regular forum but we all know coco has special needs. Lets hear it!


what about kool bloom or AN overdrive?

im reading that some are a pk booster, while others are like an carbohydrate. Do i want both?
bombdotcom grab a bottle of kool bloom liquid 0-10-10
also you might want to buy a bottle of any brand of cal-mag supplementation.


which would be the best for me to get??
kool bloom
or canna pk 13/14
I never realized the other nutrients in black strap, some nice ones there. I get worried about sugar, I don't want unnaturally sweet bud. How does black strap work in coca? I bet it must have to be light, without a lot of perlite to soak it up.
I never realized the other nutrients in black strap, some nice ones there. I get worried about sugar, I don't want unnaturally sweet bud. How does black strap work in coca? I bet it must have to be light, without a lot of perlite to soak it up.

i just discovered molasses recently burmese. i do like the addition of the extra iron and calmag however i have a "shitty" bottle of grandmas. its not a rich as blackstrap process. however, i just use more instead 2 tbsp per gal. works fine. i think the plants love it so much, that the run out comes out clearer than nutes! time to bump?!


Next Stop: Outer Space!
I use huge amounts of molasses and I have yet to taste any difference whatsoever with the finished product if I use a little or a lot. I don't think the sugars just travel up the root system and into the floral bracts. In a good organic grow, there should be symbiotic fungus in the way, as they would grow on the root nodules. The fungus has to eat the sugars, and poop out an even better plant food straight into the roots. I don't know about chemical grows though, maybe the rules are different.


Since you're using canna I'd say stick with it..

cause canna have already took the guesswork out of what works best in coco ,stick with their schedule and u wont grow wrong .so easy

also u should not need cal/mag with canna coco nutes ,ever


okay but they have canna pk 13/14 and then they have canna boost.

1) im goign to order the canna pk 13/14 but the cannna boost is so expensive, whats a cheaper product that does the same thing as canna boost?

also im looking at all of these products and i dont know when i should use what? like big bud, overdrive, kool bloom, and canna pk 13/14, and canna boost.

2) are they all the same thing?
3) could i use canna pk 13/14 and then big bud? or canna pk 13/14 and then overdrive?

4) or can i use canna pk 13/14 and b cuzz bloom stimulator?


Shit's all the same. Every bloom booster under the sun is just a 0-x-x forumlation to boost P & K. I run std lucas w/ GH 3part. If I want bloom boost, just chuck some extra of the bloom fert in there, it's 0-5-4.

Why pay exorbitant sums for a cool sounding name, for something so basic you probably already have it in your room (i.e. GH bloom part of the 3-part)


5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
okay but they have canna pk 13/14 and then they have canna boost.

1) im goign to order the canna pk 13/14 but the cannna boost is so expensive, whats a cheaper product that does the same thing as canna boost?

also im looking at all of these products and i dont know when i should use what? like big bud, overdrive, kool bloom, and canna pk 13/14, and canna boost.

2) are they all the same thing?
3) could i use canna pk 13/14 and then big bud? or canna pk 13/14 and then overdrive?

4) or can i use canna pk 13/14 and b cuzz bloom stimulator?

1] pk 13/14 is good, I do not know of any cheap alternative to expensive Boost, so I bought it as it works.

2] no, most bloom bosters are PK, Boost and Molasses are different.

3] you can, but will have no idea which was the best route till you do a side by side test on different patches of a perfectly run crop.

4] no, IIRC the Bcuzz is another PK booster, you do not want to run 2 at teh same time......but Bcuzz is very popular amongst friends for the taste it gives in Hydro.... so maybe run a test between the 2, see 3]... and post up your results....


i suggest sticking with canna products since they are DESIGNED TO WORK TOGETHER IN CONJUNCTION WITH EACH OTHER

if you want to keep things simple get the PK 13/14 weeks 3 & 6 of flower and you should be rocking and rolling. Boost is like adding a supercharger to your canna program... with it I yeild at least an extra ounce per bottle (one bottle per crop) vs. when i don't so it pays for itself rather nicely. Maybe try the Boost next crop and see if you can tell a difference...

The A/B + pk13/14 & mollasses will be a nice combo for a good yeild if you ask me.

i am not sure overdrive or b'cuzz bloom stim are the same thing as Boost Accellerator. As far as I can tell you will see optimal results with boost if its used in a canna nutrient program as opposed to using it with AN sensi, or GH 3 part, or Floroliscious. Its designed to work with the rest f the canna line....

good luck with your grow


I have ridden the mighty sandworm.
Why do people use a p/k boost in late flower when you can simply add more p and k. Is it really worth the extra money to have those two things in one bottle instead of two?


a L of Canna PK 13/14 is under $20.
I only use it at 3ml/G, for 2 weeks... so one L will last me 7 crops (under $3 per crop)

i don't know how much easier or cost effective it could be.


I was doing more research and read this yesterday from the member high road on icmag which i found very informative and interesting
a little hint....sshhh

bloombastic is a pk boost and the b'cuzz bloom stimulator in one bottle.

Bushmaster and gravity are hormonal products, not nutritive. They change the hormone levels in the plants to encourage short stubby growth, and denser flowers respectively, neither one actually puts on weight :)

Know what products are and what they do. There is a lot of marketing geared towards growers. You can either believe the 'hype' or you can inform youselves.

Bloombastic looks like a solid pk boost...except for the price. You could get the same results from using a pk boost ( koolbloom, beastie bloomz, awesome blossoms, monster bloom, etc...) along with any seaweed based 'flowering enhancer'( b'cuss bloom stimulator, greenfuse bloom stimulator, top max, floralicious bloom, etc...), for a much cheaper price.
so after reading this i will be using canna pk 13/14 along side with bcuzz bloom stimulator.

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