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Micro SCROG box - Skunk #1 reveg + micro DWC clone


Just a quick summary of what's been going on since my first successful harvest over the winter (Cheese, Celtic Hash, Skunk #1)
Cheese and C.H. were gifts from a friend, the Skunk #1 was a fem'd seed from Seedsman that, upon arrival to me, was cracked open. I figured it couldn't hurt to try and grow it, so into a 20oz bottle it went, directly under 12/12. It ended up being very easy for my newbie self to grow, and turned out to be a really sweet grapefruit smelling girl. I tried sprouting a few different beans, but had no luck with them (All sorts of newbie related issues... over watering, underwatering, pH all over the place, etc.)

Well, I ended up reveging the Skunk #1 and it survived!

I took a few cuts from it, and made a DIY bubble cloner (my first experience with hydro)

Two of the three cuts I took didn't root, but the smallest one (the one I least expected to survive) grew roots faster than I could believe!

I let that clone veg in my PC case growbox under a 13w CFL, meanwhile the reveg was in my flowering box, veg'ing away.
I modified the lights a little bit and built a screen for the box, now I've got the reveg in FFOF and the clone is hanging out next to it.
I want them both to fill up the screen almost all the way before I switch to 12/12, now they're on 20/4.

I've had some tough times with the reveg, I think it was because I got a bit carried away when I transplanted from a smaller pot to the current pot and I ripped away a bunch of roots to give it more room to grow, but now I think I'm getting it back on track. This is my first attempt at hydro so I'm learning as I go, but I've had minimal issues with the clone.

From now on I'll make it a point to update this thread with pics at least twice a week. I know its nothing that amazing to look at, but I've come a long way from my first attempted grow, and considering the amount of stealthiness I've gotta maintain, I guess I'm doing OK.

I'm using Fox Farm nutes, and I have to top off the DWC (err.. swc) every day, but there isn't too much fluctuation as far as pH (it stays around 5.8-5.9)


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A few more pics from today


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Client of Wu-Tang Financial. You need to diversify
Nice Setup zlock...That little DWC is badass....can't beat wally world lol....looks like a nice grow ahead of you.....Peace


Thanks man! I'm amazed at how easy it is to set up a grow from just a trip to Wal Mart (Even though I really dislike going to Wal Mart)
Its funny, cause every time I buy stuff for the grow (airstones, air pump, tubs, cfl's, etc.) I think to myself "Wow, how obvious is it what I'm doing?", but then I realize, the average person wouldn't even see the connection between CFL light bulbs, or aquarium pumps, or organizer totes, or whatever, and growing weed.
Hopefully I'll be moving later this summer and will have a little bit more room to work with, I wanna turn this cab into a veg cab and get a bigger, better designed flowering cab going.

I've been mixing 1 gal batches of nute solution for each plant, the reveg one is getting fox farm grow big and big bloom a little bit weaker than suggested on the fox farm feeding schedule. pH I've been keeping right around 6.1, and she seems to be liking it well enough.
The clone in the micro-dwc is getting the same, ppm's are right around 650 and ph is 5.8, she drinks up roughly 16oz of water and nutes every day, so keeping the res full is pretty easy... fill up a water bottle w/ the nute solution and pour it in, the pH and ppm's seem to be staying right where they're supposed to be so I guess I've got the nutes mixed good enough for this girl. I'm amazed at how easy DWC is compared to soil! I cant wait for next round, it's gonna be so much better!

Anyway, heres some pics from Wednesday (4 days ago), I'll get new pics when the lights turn back on in a few hours!

Anyway, here's a few pics from Wednesday


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Client of Wu-Tang Financial. You need to diversify
LOL ya I think the same thing when I go to wally....but then again like you said they would never put the connection together (maybe a fellow grower:D but not the average person)...Thinkin about trying a small dwc myself....keep up the good work the plants look awesome bro....Peace


Grow like nobody is watching
Its funny, cause every time I buy stuff for the grow (airstones, air pump, tubs, cfl's, etc.) I think to myself "Wow, how obvious is it what I'm doing?", but then I realize, the average person wouldn't even see the connection between CFL light bulbs, or aquarium pumps, or organizer totes, or whatever, and growing weed.

Haha, so true. That used to freak me out, but now it's fun "hiding in plain sight" as they say.

Bloody nice job man. I look forward to a full screen!


Thanks for the kind words guys!

I'm still very much in the beginning stages of learning how to grow, but I've learned a lot from my previous attempts (failures and successes), and continue to learn more every day! And I can't wait to see what this grow gives me :)

Here are the pics from today...


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Well I regret to inform anyone who had any interest in this thread, that due to security circumstances beyond my control, the cabinet is now a pile of wood in my garage, and I'm waiting for the plants to dry up so I can dispose of them as stealthily as possible. Shit happens, its not the end of the world, and I looked at 3 houses today so hopefully I'll be in a better place to grow soon!


oh and of course this happened literally right after I bought a 70w HPS from Home DePot. Oh well. That light is going back, and I'm starting to plan my next grow! Bigger, badder, and more buds!


Grow like nobody is watching
Awwww man. Terrible news. So silly we have to deal with these situations over a friggin plant. Take care bro.


Thanks man!

Yeah it sucks, but oh well. As I said, I'm gonna take this time off, maybe start getting more stuff together for my next time around.... only next time will be in a much better location, so I won't be restricted to such small spaces! Plus I was having some temperature issues, so if it gets much warmer this summer I'd have been screwd

See ya around!

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