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Good Bucket for HEMPY?

Lord Doobie

those are fine...kinda pricey, though...anything from 2-5 gallons
lots just use anything from dollar stores
I've been looking for square buckets which are more efficient than round in an enclosed space...those are pretty close
I'm going 12/12 from seed...will keep it short

Perpetual Nooch

Active member
I have used square kitty litter buckets. They are strong and around 3 gallons in capacity. They work really well. If you know someone with a cat, see if you can have their empty litter buckets.


New member
I have used square kitty litter buckets. They are strong and around 3 gallons in capacity. They work really well. If you know someone with a cat, see if you can have their empty litter buckets.

thanks guys, i dont know anyone with cats and even if i did i doubt they'd have enough for me to grow in. plus you can go to usplastics and get square buckets which are about the same dimension as the kitty litter buckets but those are too big for my c25, i'd might as well just stick with 4 5g painters pails.

thanks for all the input guys if anyone else has some .02 to throw in please feel free