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Does anyone else see the world as we know it changing dramatically in the near future

Does anyone else see the world as we know it changing dramatically in the near future

  • Only a few more years at this rate..

    Votes: 13 21.7%
  • At least 5-10 more years before things change big time

    Votes: 10 16.7%
  • Over a decade

    Votes: 7 11.7%
  • More than 20+ years

    Votes: 30 50.0%

  • Total voters
as you all can see, nobody is on the same page...look at the poll results

its all a matter of opinion;

i don't know for sure. but i am going to start taking steps to 'somewhat' prepare for something big (IE, buy food for long-time storage etc)

worst case, shit goes down, i got food for my family..

best case, extra food. :)

Do yourself a favor and read the "Power of Now" by Eckhart Toll.

All we have is now,yesterday is a memory,tomorrow is an illusion!

You can try to live in the past or live in the future,but you will be misserable,because you can not physically exist in the past or future.

All you have is this moment and maybe the next.

You are far more likely to die in a car crash,struck by lightning or eaten by a shark than the end of the world.lol Do you worry about being eaten by sharks or being struck by lighting? I Don't,but I wear a seat belt and watch the road for drunk drivers and I don't surf shark infested waters during lightning storms either.lol

If we suffer from a super volcano (Yellow Stone Park is set to blow) and the planet is shrouded in darkness,we will all be f*cked !! If the Van Allen belts cross and reverse polarity,we are all F*cked! If Planet X "Nibiru"crosses our orbit we will all be F*cked !!! If the dollar collapses and we convert to the "Ameri Dollar" like the "Euro Dollar" and the world bank controls everything,We are Royally Screwed!! And that is far more likely than Planet X!!!

If you want to worry about something,try the super-collider particle accelerator that will be fired up in 2012.There is a remote chance that mankind will be sucked into a black hole of our own making.

But run-away to the hills be a hermit survivalist,and you are guaranteed a totally meaningful live of diversity and world experiences that can only be attained by a life of complete solitude and paranoid loneliness! lol

The human race has survived global disaster ,Plagues and god knows what else. Worry about the Halliburton concentration camps in America before you worry about the rest of that shit! Or Smoke A Joint and enjoy the only thing you really have"THIS MOMENT"

You kids have been denied mind expanding drugs like LSD, because they are a vaccine for mind control and brainwashing.

You have been given Prozac and all the other mind numbing anti depressants instead,to enslave your minds. Wrap your mind around that conspiracy! lol
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Your job is to worry about leaving this place more peaceful, free, honest, transparent, and honorable than it is now.

To expand a bit on that. Humans first used brute force by killing or physically harming them to control other human beings. (Peaceful) Then humans evolved to also using cages and enslavement through the threat of brute force. (Free). Then we evolved to using outright lies and dishonesty to get other people to do what we want. (Honest) When lies didn't work, we resorted to also using trickery and obscuring the truth to get what we want. (Transparency) Finally, as the last two Governors of the state of Illinois illustrate with one currently in jail and the other on his way, human beings are using their status and position and reputation and nuanced power to extort pay to play and this for that and compromising the previous 4 principles to get or maintain power. (Honor)


You kids have been denied mind expanding drugs like LSD because they are a vaccine for mind control and brainwashing.

You have been given Prozac and all the other mind numbing anti depressants instead,to enslave your minds. Wrap your mind around that conspiracy! lol

LSD can be pretty negative for a lot of people. My cousin didn't give a fuck before he saw god on lsd and now he's a christian!
impending doom used to be the domain of religions preaching armageddon. within the past hundred years, for the first time, man actually has become able to destroy itself. within the past 50, we have realized that we actually will if we don't change.


lol that is seriously negative. bummer.


finding religion in any way can be positive, or negative.

to immediately assume him "finding God" is a negative thing is pure prejudice.

we all have our own beliefs...understanding that each one of us holds a specific belief for a reason and that it's their choice not yours will take you miles. i'm a firm believer that Jesus Christ is the son of God, but non-denominational. i don't have a "religion". i try to follow the book...no church, or "association". it was tough when i was younger to be nice towards non-believers, as they were always insulting my belief, rather than discuss it nicely...so i would insult them back. now a days i don't even bother arguing the point...because either way, there's no way to win 100%...we can't prove he exists, and they can't prove he doesn't exist. the difference between us both: faith.

i think that's pretty cool he turned Christian after an LSD trip - only if it's for the right reasons. none of that 'only doing it for attention' stuff...if he TRULY believes in God and loves God, good for him! Otherwise, maybe not so much.


If we as a society make it through 2012, onto 2015 and 2020, oil will fall. This will change everything...no gas for cars, no plastics...do you have any idea how much stuff relies on plastics alone??

We have the right idea....renewable fuels/biofuels (cough cough HEMP!)...wind power...solar power...but the fucked up part is, we will NEVER get them in place. Wanna know why?


What does replacing 'on-the-grid' electricity with 'off-the-grid' solar power do? saves the environment, saves money and is renewable. what does it also do? puts electric companies out of business. many men who make a LOT of money will be out of that money. do you have any idea how much they'll spend to keep that from happening? same thing with the pharmaceutical industry. ohh baby are they paying big bucks to keep marijuana illegal!

yeah solar, wind and other things will pop up here and there...but having the govt do this shit? won't ever happen. too many payoffs, cheats and scammers throughout the corporate world. along with congress. and probably the president also (his stance on marijuana may be due to lobby groups..you never know!)

what it comes down to is...we as a race of people will be facing GREAT challenges in the future. 'luxuries' will be a thing of the past i predict...IE...going to the local supermarket for food.. DRIVING CARS...ways to get income (most jobs will be fucked due to the fall of oil and everything involving it)....it could be nuts. would you rather prepare a LITTLE just to ensure you aren't completely fucked if shit happens?

finding religion in any way can be positive, or negative.

to immediately assume him "finding God" is a negative thing is pure prejudice.

we all have our own beliefs...understanding that each one of us holds a specific belief for a reason and that it's their choice not yours will take you miles. i'm a firm believer that Jesus Christ is the son of God, but non-denominational. i don't have a "religion". i try to follow the book...no church, or "association". it was tough when i was younger to be nice towards non-believers, as they were always insulting my belief, rather than discuss it nicely...so i would insult them back. now a days i don't even bother arguing the point...because either way, there's no way to win 100%...we can't prove he exists, and they can't prove he doesn't exist. the difference between us both: faith.

i think that's pretty cool he turned Christian after an LSD trip - only if it's for the right reasons. none of that 'only doing it for attention' stuff...if he TRULY believes in God and loves God, good for him! Otherwise, maybe not so much.

there was just a hint of sarcasm when i said that man. i am pretty much non-religious. i believe in the possibility of a creator; just not the ones in our books. i think it's dangerous. you follow which book? old testament? new testament? i have respect for a certain amount people with faith in all religions. it's just the more i educate myself in college the less i believe in something so far out there. perhaps my logic get's in the way of my faith? i've been told this before. however, i lose that respect when it is taken too far. the all creating, all knowing, all loving, all seeing god; that needs more money!! or the suicide bomber that kills half a dozen people in the name of alah. i meet a lot of Christian's that claim they follow the book and not the cult. you follow the cult whether or not you go to church. it's not some novel idea to have faith all on your own. you still share the same values, ideas, and perplex the problems which religion creates. i am all game for an open minded and kind discussion. don't get me wrong.

edit: i do agree with you on renewable fuels and the fall of big oil. greed is something that is viewed as ok now. Americans especially claw their way to the top. they try to emulate their fellow man or woman in every aspect. its just a matter of getting our P's right. when will people > profit.


In his case def not a positive. He's weird as fuck nowadays.

I don't have anything against religion per say, I just hate the effect it's had on my family. Seems my family are some of the bigger dupes, no matter how hard times are they're always content to throw a portion of our money into a church that doesn't like them. I've been treated like shit growing up in a church. My family is still treated like shit at their church, but they'll never see it. The church they go to has a fucking sickening pecking order that is completely narcissistic, the pretty people sit up front, the weird fuckers in the back. I think being raised in a christian family either brainwashes the fuck out of you or one day you just say to yourself "this is bullshit" and completely turn away. Some of my friends from my early childhood have serious fucking problems, but they will never reach out for help because they "have god". Fuck, I have serious fucking problems that I relate directly to being put through Catholic school. Catholics are the most racist, backwards fucking people I've ever had to deal with in my life, and the account for more than 3/4 of my family.

So yea good for you that you have a relationship with god, but FUCK the church and everything it stands for (greed, deception, opportunism).

EDIT: sorry for the tangent, I feel pretty strongly about the negative side of religion.
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For reala dealas brotha. Take one toke and you for sure are guaranteed to see this planet as a whole and being real that shit will scare most. EGO dissolving is what this planet needs.

welcome to my sig, chubbers!


In his case def not a positive. He's weird as fuck nowadays.

I don't have anything against religion per say, I just hate the effect it's had on my family. Seems my family are some of the bigger dupes, no matter how hard times are they're always content to throw a portion of our money into a church that doesn't like them. I've been treated like shit growing up in a church. My family is still treated like shit at their church, but they'll never see it. The church they go to has a fucking sickening pecking order that is completely narcissistic, the pretty people sit up front, the weird fuckers in the back. I think being raised in a christian family either brainwashes the fuck out of you or one day you just say to yourself "this is bullshit" and completely turn away. Some of my friends from my early childhood have serious fucking problems, but they will never reach out for help because they "have god". Fuck, I have serious fucking problems that I relate directly to being put through Catholic school. Catholics are the most racist, backwards fucking people I've ever had to deal with in my life, and the account for more than 3/4 of my family.

So yea good for you that you have a relationship with god, but FUCK the church and everything it stands for (greed, deception, opportunism).

EDIT: sorry for the tangent, I feel pretty strongly about the negative side of religion.

Exactly how I feel about the church growing up in a strong baptist family I couldn't stand the hypocrisy of people who supposedly were christians but yet all people did was look down upon one another. So basically I said fuck that and got away from religion all together now I'm reading a book on buddhism because its the only religion I could ever see myself accepting but even that would be a iffy. I'm not trying to destroy this thread with a war on religion (Isn't that what we're having now lol).

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
...Think about it.......the strongest human instinct is SELF PRESERVATION....

....Not self destruction.....

h^2 O

i don't know....something WILL happen in 2012...not sure what though. Not necessarily bad. I could care less. As long as I'm smoking I don't care.
We're WAY overdue do annihilation anyone - world was supposed to end in 1962 - if JFK hadn't been president the world would really not exist; we would've nuked cuba, russia would have dropped a czar bomba, the doomsday machine/boat would initiate and make the world radioactive...
So to be honest, JFK is WAY more of a player in human history than Jesus. We should worship JFK for saving the world from destruction, not some carpenter who was killed and then whisked away from his grave at night so people would think he was an alien or whatever


2012 is gonna be so fucking tense, the world is gonna flip the fuck out even if nothing happens haha.


Active member
My 2 cents...

Populations are rising, resources are dwindling. There is ever-growing consumption from China/India, etc, as their economies grow. Eventually there will be 10 billion ppl on this rock trying to own/use 1/2 the resources we have now. As resources dwindle, overregulation will continue at increasing rates.

Resource wars? If this happens, ww3 could be spawned from it. Not trying to sound like a doomsday naysayer, but I know what I see. Without serious changes, we are doomed - it's just a matter of time - and the first change needed is that money must come in second, not first...

So, how much time do we have left? That's the real question. When this 'ol rock is too used up we'll know it for sure. The first thing to go will be freedom, as things dwindle, they will be more regulated to ensure those at the top get/have what they need/want. Those at the bottom will be having a hard time at this point. This can lead to civil unrest, which will lead to crackdowns and a police state.

Babysteps are constantly being taken, even now. What do ppl think all of this "track you" technology being invented is for? I know what it's for - to ensure compliance to anything they want you to comply to in the future. It's not that bad now, but what's coming?

A nightmare if you ask me. But I'd also love to be proven wrong...



three for playing, three for straying, and three f
Well i am (and have for a long time) expecting mass poverty, famine and civil unrest/possibly civil war in the next 20 years or so. And a dieoff eventually..

I find it funny that people always say ''it has all happened before'' and we're still fine. So so stupid. Tell it to the jews or the other millions of victims in let's say World War II. Some one will always survive! Those who are prepared or lucky..Are you prepared ? Basically our whole society is a bubble and it's unsustainable. This has been forcasted from the beginning of the industrial revolution and the green revolution. It has been basically been said that we have two options. Either we use this new technology responsibly and we will have a prosperous life or irresponsibly and multiply like animals..What has happened ? It's a no brainer really..People just block out bad thoughts, there is this new disease ''religious optimism'' going around. Some even say that your outlook on life optimism or pessimis can change the fabric of reality. IMO 2+2=4 regardless of how i feel about it..

We'll see..shit IS about to go down make no mistake. And be prepared! A nice country property with the means to produce food is always a good thing! If you want to survive or just retire when you are older..Win/Win..

Im not making any prediction further than 6 months at this point but i am biased in the long term (20 years) that some major shifts are about to happen. About this current depression i am pretty sure it will be much much worse than the last one. We'll see how long we can remain civil..

Expect the best, prepare for the worst..

A joker quote from the Dark Knight :D that has kind of been ringing in my head ever since i saw the movie ''When the chips are down, these 'civilized' people will eat each other.'' And it's the god honest TRUTH. MOST of the people are only civilized as long as their bellies are full..There is no REAL morality or ethics in our society. So when it gets bad. NEVER expect people to ''Act Nice''..


There are actually less wars now than in the past.look at the 1800s.Europe was constantly at war.we will starve ourselves to death before we kill each other.


three for playing, three for straying, and three f
There are actually less wars now than in the past.look at the 1800s.Europe was constantly at war.we will starve ourselves to death before we kill each other.

Not me..

I will definatley kill someone before i starve to death..