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Does anyone else see the world as we know it changing dramatically in the near future

Does anyone else see the world as we know it changing dramatically in the near future

  • Only a few more years at this rate..

    Votes: 13 21.7%
  • At least 5-10 more years before things change big time

    Votes: 10 16.7%
  • Over a decade

    Votes: 7 11.7%
  • More than 20+ years

    Votes: 30 50.0%

  • Total voters


I'm in my early 20s. I have a "long way to go" as most people say, and they're right.

One thing that gets to me though is the constant SHIT going on in the world, and wondering if we all even have much more time.

This COULD get religious, but even putting that aside the events people talk about in the world...North Korea nuke tests violating treaties which will bring sanctions, and they've already said if that happens they'll take it as a declaration of war...and you know who'll be the first there (USA)...possibly a draft...etc. On that note, 2012 people are scared, worrying about the possibility of major shit going down (pole shifts, major catastrophes, etc.)

My family says "it's all happened before" blah blah blah. Yes natural disasters have happened before, so have wars. But it just seems like there's this "impending doom" floating around outside. (No, i'm not depressed lol)

I hope we all have decades to live, but at the pace the worlds going i don't see that happening. I tell people get right with their family, their religious beliefs (if they have any), and live as if today was the last day. No need to be worried, undue stress, but its something that always crosses my mind.

Natural resources will run out... overpopulation...no food....no clean water....wars....natural disasters...



One thing smoking weed has taught me is no matter how much you have, you will always run out (unless you grow more). We can't regrow oil and we can't regrow natural gas, these resources ARE going to run out, maybe not for another 100 years or more but it is 100% innevitable. Oil isn't just used to fuel our cars, it is used to make every every single piece of plastic on the world, it is used to feed us (western agriculture basically converts oil into food) and it is used to synthasis a vast amount of products from medicine to computers.

Check out http://www.lifeaftertheoilcrash.net/ for a more indepth picture.....


I'm in my early 20s. I have a "long way to go" as most people say, and they're right.

One thing that gets to me though is the constant SHIT going on in the world, and wondering if we all even have much more time.

This COULD get religious, but even putting that aside the events people talk about in the world...North Korea nuke tests violating treaties which will bring sanctions, and they've already said if that happens they'll take it as a declaration of war...and you know who'll be the first there (USA)...possibly a draft...etc. On that note, 2012 people are scared, worrying about the possibility of major shit going down (pole shifts, major catastrophes, etc.)

My family says "it's all happened before" blah blah blah. Yes natural disasters have happened before, so have wars. But it just seems like there's this "impending doom" floating around outside. (No, i'm not depressed lol)

I hope we all have decades to live, but at the pace the worlds going i don't see that happening. I tell people get right with their family, their religious beliefs (if they have any), and live as if today was the last day. No need to be worried, undue stress, but its something that always crosses my mind.

Natural resources will run out... overpopulation...no food....no clean water....wars....natural disasters...


I don't see a draft happening and if it did most people would try to flee. I think most people are overstating the facts I don't see anything significant happening anytime soon and if it did I'm ready the question you need to ask yourself is are you?

Mr. Freeman

just a fellow cannabis smoker, vaper, cooker and r
ICMag Donor
You forgot to add a "fuck you" option. I would have voted. lol


Rent the movie "left behind" and the answers are clear as day.
It's sad to watch the millions of people being deceived.
Seven years of peace in the middle east will soon be upon us.
Clear up any wrongs with your maker and sit back and enjoy the ride.

You can't change revelations :abduct:, but doesn't mean you have to go at it blind..

Perpetual Nooch

Active member
The world is constantly changing. There is always wars going on around the world and there always will be.

Do I think civilization will end like the 2012 believers think? No way.


Shit man, you should have tried living during the Cold War. In school we used to drill once a month for duck and cover. We had public buildings that were marked to indicate if it was a bomb shelter and during the late 60s and early 70s we did have a draft. :nanana:

Now we have fanatical terrorists and a media that delivers FUD 24/7. The world (as a civilization) is a better place than it has ever been. People live longer, healthier lives than at any time in history. Information is learned, shared, and used with greater effect than was ever imaginable. Freedom and liberty are more widespread than at anytime in history.

Sure we still have a lot of fucked up shit happening in the world. There are certainly more assholes now than ever before (a negative effect of more people living longer), and the planet is being mishandled in ways that could endanger the future of our species (another negative effect of improved living standards). But mankind has a knack for problem solving. We are probably so adept at it because we seem to create a lot of those problems we have to solve.

In short, don't let the people and objects (like TV) bring you down. Keep your chin up and take on the world like a (proverbial) man. :)


Are you fuggin kidding me.

Even if george bush was appointed dictator and the people who controlled him took over the world, i still would give the human race another 40 years easy :laughing:

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
Mankind is a self-destructive species....that's just my 2 cents. I think a general breakdown in morals has made the world a shitty place. But, even in times when respect and brotherhood existed...man was as barbaric and destructive as we are now.

Maybe all is "alright" now....until the fukking bombs start flying because rich people in power have small penises and have to "conquer" everything.

There's an interesting theory about our technology and information advances and how they have affected our social abilities and basically cut us off from needed human interaction....turning us into social defectives. The internet does not count in this theory.

This is not my theory....I just see some truth in it.

I think we're screwed in one way or the other....when? I don't know. I'm just glad I don't have to raise kids in this world....making it through myself is more than enough.

On the other hand, I have faith in people....sometimes.

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
I thought that was translated to mean that...it's like mankind's clock being set back or a change in the world as we know it. Interesting as hell, I've read a lot....it's open to a million different interpretations. We'll know what that date means in a few years I guess.


January 1st, 2013

A sigh of relief will come to millions...lol

Shits crazy. So unpredictable...

If i could get my hands on DMT or mescaline, i would definitely setup an introspective trip to get some insight on A LOT of things. bluelight.ru is better geared toward that though!


Registered Pothead
I thought that was translated to mean that...it's like mankind's clock being set back or a change in the world as we know it. Interesting as hell, I've read a lot....it's open to a million different interpretations. We'll know what that date means in a few years I guess.
Terence Mckenna came up with some interesting things with the 2012 theory based off the i ching. Shit gets real deep. Timewave zero. Its all about novelty.


as you all can see, nobody is on the same page...look at the poll results

its all a matter of opinion;

i don't know for sure. but i am going to start taking steps to 'somewhat' prepare for something big (IE, buy food for long-time storage etc)

worst case, shit goes down, i got food for my family..

best case, extra food. :)
there's nothing worse than self fulfilling prophecy ie. the end of the world/apocalypse. we have the technology to destroy everything we know. technology is supreme creator and destroyer. we also have the technological ability to unite ourselves completely. we can communicate with any part of the entire world. which way do you think it will go? religion is dangerous when taken to far. fundamentally it is what divides us and causes major disagreement. it sets a divine moral code. no one can deny that there isn't separation of church and state. there are plenty of fanatics out there willing to die for their own religious beliefs. when is enough, enough? when can we see past this? i don't know man... but it's hard not to lay awake worrying about it.

edit: i'm the same age as you.. alot of my peers sit around for hours and talk about this. none of us have yet to do anything about it. maybe we should start?
Religion was once a greater opiate to control the masses than it is now. Government is the new God. Government will be the new God for some time to come with power lusting men like Michael Madigan (IL Speaker) calling the shots for the next 20 years unless something is done to really change things for any hope for the future.

The world isn't going to end in the lifetime of any living person's great children. Your job is to worry about leaving this place more peaceful, free, honest, transparent, and honorable than it is now.

Locking people in cages for using cannabis is unacceptable especially is your name is Barack Obama. Its as simple as that. Don't give the Madigan and Obama and Clinton and Biden and Pelosi and Reid and every GOPer but Paul's the POWER of your vote and they may stop jailing cancer patients on their death in Chicago.

People are going to start seeing the nuances in that reality and the world is going to change when they realize Barack Obama has already been a politician for 12 years in Illinois with only horrible results that will translate onto the world now.

(===== I like trying to end threads with truths about evil politicians, hehehehehehehehehehe

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