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My father



Hey guys, if there's any chance i can get some prayers sent up i'd appreciate it..

My father is in very bad condition... he was a long time narcotics user (primarily heroin) and has been in and out of rehab his whole life, and is just now finally stopping the H...he's been clean for about 2 or 3 years now, but is taking methadone for pain.

He has hepatitis C, has high blood pressure for which he's on medication for, and also has had multiple back problems (pinched siatic nerve, etc.)...had 3 surgeries on his back and now due to degenerative disc disease, he's in major pain and refuses to take Oxycontin (due to his past) but is taking very low dose methadone. They were going to do an injection, but decided otherwise since the pain is so widespread...they prescribed flexeril and PT for his back.

I don't know how much longer i have with him as his condition is deteriorating rapidly...he lost 40lbs in 6 weeks... doc's may start running tests for cancer. so any well wishes and prayers out there would be extremely appreciated...thank you guys



~Resident Puck Bunny~
I'll say a l'il prayer for your dad. I'm so sorry, you must be going thru hell. My dad and I haven't always seen eye to eye but I would never want to see him suffer. I know nothing except him feeling better will make you feel better but know that I'll be thinking about ya and praying for your dad.


ICMag Donor
awww KMK...your dad will be in my prayers! I lost my dad years ago and its not easy, enjoy whatever time you have left! Sorry KMK :(

Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
He sounds like a good friend of mine that I work with.. Has all of the same problems you listed. The herion, the Hep... Its all a true shame.. I hope things look for him.... Ill say one for him.. :rasta:



Take time to enjoy the little things you shared. Time is short for all and it means so much more when its gone.

prayer coming your/his way.


Active member
Best of luck man , i wish you and your father lot's of strength in this period.

I don't pray but i am sending positive thoughts your fathers way!


thanks guys...sad part is seeing him smoke cigarettes over and over and meanwhile his doc is telling him to stop, and he may have something serious like cancer. its tough. i really appreciate the kind words guys, they go a long way.

whats even worse is being that i dont live around him (an hour away) i dont know if he's relapsed and began using again...i called him and he had slurred speech which made no sense, and in my exp. is when he's using H...but they gave him flexeril... but i tried that myself and didnt sound like that.

we actually considered calling up that show intervention (no lie)..


Thank you all for the kind words, again..

I thought I'd share something

My dad has a very "odd" knack for knowing things. And when i say that, i mean things he could not ever possibly know. I wouldn't call him a "psychic", but there are some things he has told me and I'm left like "HOW!?"


I was with a company who had me in a contract per se, where they would keep me employed for a year, as long as i met my goals daily (which was easy). Long story short, after time with the company, i began asking for more money (they were paying me 'off the books') and all i wanted was to be paid on the books so i could get a vehicle. They refused; afterwards they broke the contract and i ended up getting my severance and that was that.

I was jobless for MONTHS...borrowing money off family, mooching. I had to...no other income. I refused to sell drugs (which i easily could have), just didnt want to risk it. Went on dozens of interviews...the pay was DICK everywhere (11, 12 an hour...but no medical, bonuses, 401k, etc.)

Talked to my dad....he said he was going to pray about it. I get a call the next day from my dad and he said "Listen...i dont know how i know this, but you'll be getting a call very shortly...with a GOOD job offer you cant refuse" and i was like "yeah sure like you know these things"...

Needless to say the NEXT day, the company i work for currently calls me (i didnt even apply - my resume was online though)...i was offered a position (again, i didnt even apply!) at a very good hourly rate, bonuses, 401k @ 6% match, medical, everything. 40 hours a week. 8 flex days vaca, 3 personal, 10 vaca days.

I almost shit myself. I've never made the kind of money i do now, let alone have that much vacation time, 401k, medical, etc.

He does this stuff constantly...so as wacky as the stuff he says is, i still actually think about things and make myself aware.

Same thing happened the other day, called him before work and he would always say "be aware of your surroundings" (i was put in the hospital for 6 days after being robbed and almost killed at gunpoint).... he also said "watch your left. dont know why left is coming to me, but watch the left."

About 5 minutes later...



Amazing how he knows these things...maybe it's a guess, maybe not. Whatever the case, i believe in prayer much more after the stuff he's said. I know some of you aren't about praying/God, and thats okay. Your belief, i have no say in that. But me and him have a connection, as i grew up with him listening to "michael w. smith", and he got me hooked on the song "Missing Person"... which completely changed my life. I was a very angry kid...very angry. And over the years he may have stolen things from me for his H habit, but i can say he left me with my belief in JC...which is priceless, literally.

He has made mention he wants the song "Song For Rich" played at his funeral...just listening to it, and thinking about that day...almost put me in tears..



The Hopeful Protagonist
That is awesome man.....

I also am telling those I love to stay vigilant and be aware of their surroundings constantly.

For whatever reason (military background, hard up-bringing, addicts mentality) I think that's some sound advice.

As far as the psychic awareness, I believe that has alot to do with intuition and being "in tune" with said surroundings.

I learned a very hard lesson about this very subject bro.

Here's to easy days for Pops :friends:


Gro :joint:


It great you feel so intune with your dad right now. I hope you are spending enough time with him. No replacing time.


Praying for father. I lost my dad to cancer in 1992 when I was 15. Just when a young man needs a dad the most. Not a day goes by that I don't miss him. Cherish these times you have together.



Best of luck to your Dad, man , my old man was a severe alchoholic and as drunk as he could get he'd still be doing business and making more $ than I ever could, but he lived a life full of great pain.Hope he ends up doing alright, it was about a year ago my old man just had enough and took care of himself and it was over.I still think I'm going to pick up the phone and listen to him ramble on, but there's nobody to call, it's downright strange,Again , here's my best wishes for ya'. Chaco, aka, Lilly456.

Mr. Burgundy

Active member
Yeah, I miss my OG Dad every single day, and I for better or worse, I always knew he was human, not the superhero many of my friends thought their dad to be...I know the time in Nam didn't help the situation..When I got out the service, landed a great job in the dot.com boom, and the fine line between enabling and helping got thinner. .and thinner...He couldn't kick his habits, and was found dead on the street in West Oakland. Didn't even hit 60..but that's what happens when ya live fast.....

But damn I miss him. I got tats for him and my late mom on my forearm and bicep, and when I flex, the tats touch each other, like they are kissing.
A kid can dream, right?

Prayers and best wishes for ya and everyone out there missin' their dad..

Stay Classy!

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