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What do you *prefer to smoke?

What do you *prefer to smoke?

  • Blunt

    Votes: 7 8.6%
  • Bong

    Votes: 22 27.2%
  • Vaporizer

    Votes: 5 6.2%
  • Joint

    Votes: 28 34.6%
  • Pipe (including bubblers, hookahs, etc)

    Votes: 16 19.8%
  • Whatever i can get my hands on

    Votes: 3 3.7%

  • Total voters


Active member
joints are the only way, take em wherever you go, inconspicuous to smoke, any amount you want to smoke already there for you, no repacking, or lighting, straight green hits, i hate blunts, there just so nasty, so are cigs


I like the vaporizer too, but if you have a box style you always feel like you are wasting a little bit of herb. I dunno.


Just luv the taste you get with a vaporizer. Really prefer baked goods, though. Ozone gen has fried my lungs. Soo can't handle regular smoking anymore.


Active member
I prefer a joint, then a glass pipe. I do love Volcano's though-the first time my buddy busted his out, I was highly doubtful(I was a firm believer in smoking the weed), but after 3 or 4 bags, I found myself turning down more. That thing got me higher than I had ever been before that.It is defiantly on my to get list, right below a 360. A while back(befor I started growing) I would smoke blunts all day, but after about a summer of nothing but, I started coughing up nasty stuff every morning and feeling like hell. After I went back to smoking joints, that cleared up. Now I might hit a blunt every now and again, but it has been forever since I actually rolled one. I might have to make one this coming weekend(growing perpetual is the shit, because I am only out of smoke for a couple days at a time max, instead of one harvest and out for a couple weeks) from my homegrown, and see how high that gets me

puffin fresh

Active member
ICMag Donor
I put whatever I can get my hands on...by that I mean I change it up so much that I never stick to just one implement and like pipes/joints/bongs/vape equally for different occasions. Generally day to day its the bong and vape with a hand held sheesha pipe for hash.


all praises are due to the Most High
good old joints are my favs atm, but i would not mind getting my hands on a nice glass bong sometime though


Haven't seen a bowl of weed in since april 7th '09

Haven't seen a bowl of weed in since april 7th '09

i always just used a glass spoon or my bong.
Spoon was taken back in march '09 by the Madera, CA police :wallbash:


You need to make another option. ROOR

I don't know if you knew this but...... ROOR is a bong.. and there is an option for it.

As a matter of fact I prefer EHLE over RooR because you get essentially the same quality and design for half the price... and guess what... when you smoke out of an EHLE... YOU GET HIGH! :nanana:

I am partial to 18" my beaker bottom bong w/ ice pinch... I load 3 ice cubes in there (from the ice trays) so you get a good cooling effect/smoke volume compromise.

I actually prefer the beaker/ball bottoms to straight tubes because in all straight tubes I've ever seen the amount of water your smoke travels through is pathetic compared to a beaker or ball bottom with any decent downstem.

The two musts in any bong are 1 ) GOOD AMOUNT of water volume and 2 ) Ice pinches! You can take monster rips and not even realize it until you exhale and your eyes go squinty & watery and the warm fuzzy feeling creeps through your head. It is quite deceiving because you actually fit more smoke into a bong w/ ice compared to the SAME bong with no ice due to the condensing effect.

When you can take one good rip from a bong and catch a buzz (not stoned mind you) then it's BEYOND pointless to even smoke anything else IMO. 3 rips out of the bong by myself and that is all I neeedd. My stash thanks me for it


Man, joint after joint every day. I have a bong and aq pipe too but these really are for those "special" occasions. You cant walk to the store smoking a bong but ya sur can with a spliff... thats why they get my vote every time.
Time to light one up...


Active member
Usually it's papers. people in the streets usually smoking Js
People in my town all put tobac in them

I bought a nice sherlock glass pipe, navy blue (red eye)
Love that one, I am cleaning it at the moment,
when I want to save up, I use it

I'd love to try a bubbler, they seem pretty smooth.

I like to smoke blunts with people, but not those royals.. YUCK
a nice cigar cut open, nice, but like I said, with people.

bongs are okay too, it's all about change I guess, If i go to a guy's place
and there's a beautiful bong, or just a normal one

it's gonna be like a special occasion

I love rolling spliffs and smoking them is even better... I don't like little J's though, only fatty cones, and the occasional tulip if the mood arises. If its glass, I gotta go with water filtered. A clean Bubbler or Bong is the best for those frosty nugs, but my one tube hookah will make it hard to leave the couch....... So i guess its all situational


New member
why does this question so much feel like whats ur favorite strain, my ass tightens and my stomach tickles...

joint... is my fav -about .8 to 1.2 g of premu - no cleaning or repacking bowls, roll a good size good hauls consistently, good feel for taste specially at teh start, easy to share to. Sucks though cause less u use a clip then your hands gonna stink- not cool. I like to use a chip bag clip lol for my j holder ;-). Cant knock it over and spill nasty bong water :-0, or drop it and be like shiiaiate, than than to just run and pick it up asap( like a fumble!!)

Bong- second choice gets u the most ripped, dual chamber with ice. Sucks to store and clean, no sticky fingers though!

Glass pipe- small fast, effiecient. Gotta keep her clean, and have a carrying case if mobile.Get the extra heat from da pipe though.good taste for the first hit too. again no stinky fingers. If it was a gun draw the pipe would win-BAM done.

oh ya FYI-
Space case grinder - GET ONE.

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