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Seeds from 1972 what should I do?


Autoflower Crusader
ICMag Donor
Ok the first group of seeds has been tossed. I checked them today and all I got was a rotten smell when I opened the container.


I tossed them and added more twice as many this round and I still have 300-400 seeds to try after this.



Cant we have a blessing from the Dalai Lama for those seeds so they gonna pop ???try also a banana peel for the ethylene gas

Namaste :canabis:


Just pre-crack them after day of soaking! It really works with oldies!


Will older seeds lead to more mutated and/or stunted plants? Or, once they pop, arel the plants be as good as new. Tabula rasa, so to speak.


follow your heart
ICMag Donor
paper towel method sucks

throw in rapid rooters as it allows them great deals of oxygen / you can see progress, and perfect ratios to me for water. not to dry, not sobbing wet either..

take them up to 88 degrees and not past 90


i am sorry for yours and your sister's loss.i wish you the best.what a find ,i hope you can get some to pop and find some nice old school genes to work with


My bro in law had bags and bags (the size of friggin footballs) of seed he had been hoarding from the early 80s. He recently went through this whole ordeal of trying different germination techniques. No nothing... If you folks have seed that you expect to grow at some time, proper storage is the key. You can't leave them in plastic bags in an attic.


My bro in law had bags and bags (the size of friggin footballs) of seed he had been hoarding from the early 80s. He recently went through this whole ordeal of trying different germination techniques. No nothing... If you folks have seed that you expect to grow at some time, proper storage is the key. You can't leave them in plastic bags in an attic.

Cracky Yes how a lot of us lost a lot of good genetics basicly bad storage.

I my self thort air tight containers were inuf and bags in dark dry spots were inuf to but when i joined the on line community in 2002 i started to read and soon relised my methods were not good and as i tryed to germ some things i found very bad germ rates on some others nil.


Active member
Cracky Yes how a lot of us lost a lot of good genetics basicly bad storage.

I my self thort air tight containers were inuf and bags in dark dry spots were inuf to but when i joined the on line community in 2002 i started to read and soon relised my methods were not good and as i tryed to germ some things i found very bad germ rates on some others nil.

Got any tips on seed storage? I tend to stick mine in a sealy bag sometimes two then in a jar/bottle and into the freezer same with pollen. Ideally I'd have Kew gardens lend me a bit of their seed vault storage space and allow you guys to share too :) It kicks arse! They have seeds from most known plants almost cryogenically frozen in an underground bomb proof space :)


dreadvik hi i had done a lot of research on seed storage a few years ago now and had found a really good site with a wealth of info on it from the hawiian univirsity but the links now gone.

Basicly in short freezing seeds you can get say up to 40 years fridge say 10 to 20 max but once you thaw frozzen seeds you cant re freez.

What couses the seeds to fail is basicly temp changes and heat moisture and lite so i looked into it found these special seed packets that you put the seeds in and you use a hot ion to seal them with they then can be put into a fridge or into a freezer there moisture air and lite proof and if there in the fridge can be re opend by sisors and then re sealed with ion agin.

The trick is to harden off your seeds to before you store them and if there going into the freezer more so as any moisture will couse the seeds to expand and fail.


Active member
dreadvik hi i had done a lot of research on seed storage a few years ago now and had found a really good site with a wealth of info on it from the hawiian univirsity but the links now gone.

Basicly in short freezing seeds you can get say up to 40 years fridge say 10 to 20 max but once you thaw frozzen seeds you cant re freez.

What couses the seeds to fail is basicly temp changes and heat moisture and lite so i looked into it found these special seed packets that you put the seeds in and you use a hot ion to seal them with they then can be put into a fridge or into a freezer there moisture air and lite proof and if there in the fridge can be re opend by sisors and then re sealed with ion agin.

The trick is to harden off your seeds to before you store them and if there going into the freezer more so as any moisture will couse the seeds to expand and fail.

Ah I see so this is why the pollen I took might be useless. Hopefully I got away with not taking extra steps to ensure it was fully dry and the light it was under did the trick :)

The moisture stuff makes sense and I think since I'm air tight with dry beans I'm good. currently everything is stuffed in a green glass capped bottle (ran out of jars) so semi light proof :) I will gaffa up a jar and use this with my single double baggy method from what you say I seem good.

So can I put thawed seeds in the freezer and expect the remainder of the 40 years or 10-20 whatever is shorter? Also noob question here but is there a preffered method to dethaw? I know if I was frozen I'd rather someone didn't warm me up too fast so I'm thinking fridge for some hours first then room temp before they go anywhere near warm water?

Thanks for dropping some knowledge though dood! If I can master a few of the helping along old seed methods I have read in the past should be able to keep the strains I love for life, only having to make seed for those strains again maybe once :)

I bought some more decent jars to store my weed in today too, proper tidy ones with clamp down lids and seals. I so want to put them on display or at least the smaller kind people get that look like something out of a lab with cool graphics but that seems so bait! The less things I have to run and hide when the door goes the better. Keep forgetting the bong as it is luckily it's ceramic and often seems to go unnoticed or so I think.