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Transporting clones


OK. in this hypothetical situation what would happen?

Lets say someone has 1 dozen mothers- immature plants i believe and up to their medical legal limit. 70 cuttings are taken and transported to a collective for delivery. Would one have to go through the caregiver channel to allow for the carrying of any amount over their personal limit ie flat of clones? Or would the fact that it was a drop to a dispensary be good enough?

I know from a law enforcement standpoint that maybe an issue like getting pulled over. But when it comes to file charge etc would one be fucked if they were doing it as an exchange to a collective?


Make sure your car registration is up to date.
Have Car insurance.
Have a Valid Drivers License.
Follow all Vehicular and Road Laws.
Make sure your headlights work.
Check Brake lights.
Wear your seatbelt.
Gid rid of all your hippy stickers if you have them.
Check your mirror's often...you should be fine

Remember...how else would the clones get there?

Jeff Lebowski

OK. in this hypothetical situation what would happen?

Lets say someone has 1 dozen mothers- immature plants i believe and up to their medical legal limit. 70 cuttings are taken and transported to a collective for delivery. Would one have to go through the caregiver channel to allow for the carrying of any amount over their personal limit ie flat of clones? Or would the fact that it was a drop to a dispensary be good enough?

I know from a law enforcement standpoint that maybe an issue like getting pulled over. But when it comes to file charge etc would one be fucked if they were doing it as an exchange to a collective?

That is your subjective take on the plant. Most consider a mother to be a mature plant, as it is able to produce flowers readily. Stay within your limits or take a risk, it's up to you.


That is your subjective take on the plant. Most consider a mother to be a mature plant, as it is able to produce flowers readily. Stay within your limits or take a risk, it's up to you.

Whatever, thats not even the point although that is a better interpretation, still dicey though as i thought maturity applied to a flowering plant only. even still as a soon to be caregiver for other patients, i would only be legal for mothers and not near the number of plugs in a tray.


Make sure your car registration is up to date.
Have Car insurance.
Have a Valid Drivers License.
Follow all Vehicular and Road Laws.
Make sure your headlights work.
Check Brake lights.
Wear your seatbelt.
Gid rid of all your hippy stickers if you have them.
Check your mirror's often...you should be fine

Remember...how else would the clones get there?

Good points, seems like a sensible approach to me.

Jeff Lebowski

Whatever, thats not even the point although that is a better interpretation, still dicey though as i thought maturity applied to a flowering plant only. even still as a soon to be caregiver for other patients, i would only be legal for mothers and not near the number of plugs in a tray.

Call your District Attorney and ask him/her what they consider a mature plant to be. I bet you'll find I'm right. Anything with more than 3 to 4 sets of leaves is going to be considered a mature plant in my experience. Look at cases where unrooted clones have been counted.

If you worry is legality, go get your amount modified as to allow your possession of more medicine. Or, come back on here in some unspecified time and ask what is going to happen to you because you thought a plant was immature when it's being counted differently. 6 Mature/12 Immature is the current limit for the CA majority. You're legal, don't fuck it up for yourself or the rest of us please :)


Active member
here in this state a rooted clone is counted as one of your legal plants. make sure you know your laws and keep in the limit dont take anyones word for it find out yourself from a reliable source


Call your District Attorney and ask him/her what they consider a mature plant to be. I bet you'll find I'm right. Anything with more than 3 to 4 sets of leaves is going to be considered a mature plant in my experience. Look at cases where unrooted clones have been counted.

If you worry is legality, go get your amount modified as to allow your possession of more medicine. Or, come back on here in some unspecified time and ask what is going to happen to you because you thought a plant was immature when it's being counted differently. 6 Mature/12 Immature is the current limit for the CA majority. You're legal, don't fuck it up for yourself or the rest of us please :)

Again this is entirely beside the point and question I posed. the 3-4 patients who i would be allowed to grow for will STILL not be enough for the number in a flat of clones. Its the cuttings I'm concerned about not the mothers that I would be maintaining. Mostly curious as to how that technicality would play out since in the case of a pullover.

Jeff Lebowski

Okay smartass, take your chances.

If your flat of clones if over their and your limit combined, it won't matter as a drop. You can argue semantics with me, the cop, and judge about what is considered mature, immature, a cutting or a fucking plant, but you'll still get popped, medical or not if you're over.


Active member
get a higher limit then; if you want to do it legally do it legally; if not then remember rule number 1 of fight club; keep the shit in your trunk, package them well, and hope it's a short drive

i believe that immature plants are plants that are not in flower; so moms are fine at 12... rooted or unrooted if you get popped with clones they're going to count em as plants so don't get popped with clones... the law is ridiculously stupid in this regard; if you grow you should be growing 1 flowering plant; have 2 moms; and take 3 clones at a time... trees but only real legal way to have any variety and meds; just sucks when u lose one of those 6 plants... or you get an exemption to meet your needs from a dr who cares; no i don't have the name of a dr for you; sorry... oh this only applies if you're in california btw


Okay smartass, take your chances.

If your flat of clones if over their and your limit combined, it won't matter as a drop. You can argue semantics with me, the cop, and judge about what is considered mature, immature, a cutting or a fucking plant, but you'll still get popped, medical or not if you're over.

Kinda the point I was trying to communicate from the beginning or get to the bottom of, its not about semantics it was about you arguing whether or not mothers are constituted as mature or not which you where actually flat out wrong on. That of course again was not the concern initially but rather the cutting situation I was semi unsure about. My question had to do whith whether or not there is a distinction to be had from clones and moms and whether or not the circumstances of a legitimate collective drop would change the scenario of legality at least when it comes down to actually seriously getting in trouble for it, thats all. Thanks for nothing though.


Make sure your car registration is up to date.
Have Car insurance.
Have a Valid Drivers License.
Follow all Vehicular and Road Laws.
Make sure your headlights work.
Check Brake lights.
Wear your seatbelt.
Gid rid of all your hippy stickers if you have them.
Check your mirror's often...you should be fine

Remember...how else would the clones get there?

get a higher limit then; if you want to do it legally do it legally; if not then remember rule number 1 of fight club; keep the shit in your trunk, package them well, and hope it's a short drive

i believe that immature plants are plants that are not in flower; so moms are fine at 12... rooted or unrooted if you get popped with clones they're going to count em as plants so don't get popped with clones... the law is ridiculously stupid in this regard; if you grow you should be growing 1 flowering plant; have 2 moms; and take 3 clones at a time... trees but only real legal way to have any variety and meds; just sucks when u lose one of those 6 plants... or you get an exemption to meet your needs from a dr who cares; no i don't have the name of a dr for you; sorry... oh this only applies if you're in california btw

Best advice in this thread. Thanks Guys. Looks like playing it low key and following the driving rules is the best course of action, that is, until I figure out how to raise my limit. Relatively easy here in cali from some recent research I've done. Time to call the Doc.


Active member
I was pulled over on my way to a drop once. It was on 70 north of sac. The CHP officer was cool in that he let me go without any problems. He did make me dump 60 babies right there on the side of the road and only keep 12 (which sucked ass but is actually him following law) I was pulled over so he could warn me about unsafe passing. OBEY the traffic laws and never assume your babies are 'legal' no matter the number of babies or amount of recs...

Jeff Lebowski

I was pulled over on my way to a drop once. It was on 70 north of sac. The CHP officer was cool in that he let me go without any problems. He did make me dump 60 babies right there on the side of the road and only keep 12 (which sucked ass but is actually him following law) I was pulled over so he could warn me about unsafe passing. OBEY the traffic laws and never assume your babies are 'legal' no matter the number of babies or amount of recs...

Is there an echo in this thread?


Active member
depending on the length of the clones you can store 4-8 in one of those usps priority mailing tubes (altho they're triangular shaped). wrap em well and they can be mailed or safely transported.


Put them in a toolbox. Put lock on said toolbox. You're good to go. :yes:

EDIT: You can fit ~50 at a time in one of those small plastic toolboxes HD sells for about 5 bucks. Get two, and what more could you want? :smile: