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What is the last good movie you saw...


Active member
There is a screener version out just as good as dvd quality heard it sucked hardcore so didn't waste any space in my storage. I'm currently downloading a 1080p version of "The Ruins" already seen it but 1080p makes it worth watching again.

Hummm...sounds interesting, I'm going to check it out K+

heavy dank nugg said:
taken was pretty good saw it last night. .

Sweet...I'm glad you liked it too!!



Thanks for the K might check out Friday The 13th Extended Dvd release before hitting the sack always get up at 6 to workout but I don't know.


Active member
Thanks for the K might check out Friday The 13th Extended Dvd release before hitting the sack always get up at 6 to workout but I don't know.

Damn you are dedicated!! The only thing that gets me up a 6am is Fire in the room, gun shots, or at least $20hr...otherwise I just roll over and sleep for another 6 hours...



Drag Me to Hell was ferkin' awesome. If you like the Evil Deads and/or Army of Darkness, you'll like this one (it was by the same direction, Rami). Smoke some serious shit ahead of time and you will be creeped the F out, guaranteed. It's not one of those movies that scare you with loud sounds, it's genuinely freaky...and also quite funny in some parts.

I also saw the new Terminator not so long ago. I thought it was gonna be total shit based on the reviews, and in truth it wasn't magnificent cinema or anything, but a guilty pleasure. I'm pissed because they could have gone so many different directions with it and really opened up the franchise, but instead they dumbed it down. Still, though, sweet enough to go see on a lazy Sunday, etc, and fuckin' Ahhhhnold circa 1984 makes an appearance (which is worth it in and of itself).

Other than that, I saw the new Trek, which was sweet, and recently rented Benjamin Button, which was also sweet.


Active member
I would not get out of bed for less than $50. Hell, it is hard to even get up then.

Last good movie I seen... I can't think of the name. A guy goes into a hotel room with his suitcase and opens it. Out comes this really hot red headed miget chick that is butt naked. He has sex with her many different ways and then someone knocks on the door. It is this really tall black guy with a big reg mohawk. He is apparently the hotel manager and is there because he suspects that the guy with the suitcase has a guest and didn't pay for her... The black guy and the red head do all these things and then there is another knock on the door... This time it is a neighbor complaining about the noise

:laughing: LMFAO..........I think I have that one...



I found some interesting movies in this thread, thanks everybody!
It's really difficult to find good unseen movies these days, so this helped lot.

Here's my input to this thread.
Some good stuff I've seen in past year or so:

- Mystic River
- No Country for Old Men (Cohen bros quality)
- Persepolis (animation based on awesome graphic novel)
- Surveillance (Directed by David Lynchs daughter. And you can tell it by watching it. It's like D.Lynch movie you can understand!)
- Proposition
- Prestige (Really Good!!!)
- Man from earth (zero action, but interesting plot)
- Burn after reading (Cohen bros quality)
- Chaos Theory
- Hot Fuzz (british police action + humor, if you have read "the boys"-comic, you'll find familiar face! LOL)
- In Bruges

...Looks likes theres not much Hollywood action on my list, only good movies like I promised.
I think most of these movies have found good balance between art and entertainment, just the way I like 'em!

heavy dank nugg

just wanna say R.I.P. David Caridene. just saw him the other night in Stoned Age...under rated never got the roles.


Well I'll just be getting to the Friday The 13th (2009 Edition) Extended release today so I'll post a review when finished. I also have another recommendation for a movie that everybody would loved stoned here it is 11:14.


I dl'd the wrestler, & the new xmen. I personally really liked the xmen movie. wolverine rules with his bad self
The Shawshank Redemption

several months ago... fantastic movie...

actually I watched "Milk" more recently...which may even be greater than Shawshank.. both fantastic films... made to perfection


sunshine in a bag
Just saw The Hangover last night.

I have never laughed so hard in a theater in a very, very long time. I was very pleasantly surprised.