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More Strains than Brains - SB's evolving project.


Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
Of course not, CD. You're welcome to squeeze in anywhere you can find room. I'd have more space for ya, but the closet is suddenly very full...

... details on that at a later time. :smoke:



Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
Why, yes. In fact, it looks...

Exactly like you do. Hmm. Are you in my closet? (edit: at the time, his avatar pic was a growtent)

Last edited:


Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
Well, then you're definitely not in my closet. This thing only fits in with a good shove and minor modification to the closet doors. :D

I've been looking for a bit too, Thundurkel. I will only order from very discrete places online and none of them have had the 2' models in stock for a good long while. My favorite site finally had stock, though, and I made it happen. I don't have lights or ventilation yet, so it's going to be a minute before it gets going. Expect those baby C99s to be in on its christening.



Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
Grape Skunk, Day 53

Here's a few shots, 4 days into the flush. The Grape Skunk is taking on a little of her purple, finally... I don't think she's going to be a knockout-magenta like the first run. I've kept her much better fed this time, so I hope that translates to a beefier yield. This one likes to play tricks on me with her trichs. The last shot shows areas that are 80% amber and areas that are 20% clear. Depending on how I crop it, I could make you believe anything.

Northern Lights, Day 57

The 'northern lights' may in fact be Northern Lights... Day 55 popcorn revealed a 40/60/0 trich field and a great bob-your-head-to-no-music kinda body stone. Fuzzy head. Happy. Everyone I know who's smoked NL finds it familiar. Only lasts about an hour/90 mins right now but should be excellent when it's ready. Potency is right on target. The flavor is still the same as the smell - sour orange and funky, spicy, earthy musk. Orange Dank. %@%&#@$% lovely. I'm guessing I'll take her at 63-65, but she'd better start ambering up. I only saw a scattered one here and there in the macros.

I work on deadlines and I'm in the middle of one right now. I'll try to get you some shots of the younger flowering clones and maybe some baby shots of the veggers next week. Until then... breathe deeply and stay safe. :smoke:



nice buds, but can you make me believe that Santa is real again? :laughing:


Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
I dunno if I have the power to do that, CD... but I know there's someone new in your life who does. I'm betting you 'believe' in Santa Claus with all your heart for at least the next 6 years. :D



Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
Small update.

Small update.

Tonatiuh, you may be right about the Grape Skunk. She hasn't made a single nanner this time. She made her balls at the preflower spots early on, but not a single male flower on the buds. I think solving the light leak took care of those, at least - tomorrow is chop day. The next clone is just starting week 3 and hasn't shown any yet. If she comes up clean, maybe I have her nailed down. That would be cause for celebration.

I also popped a couple of seeds last week and 2 of 3 are up. One is a Wonder Haze (third from the pack) planted out of sheer whythefucknot? The other was given to me by a good friend and planted out of intense curiosity. He got it from his dealer, who told him it was Chemdog or Chemdog99. A good portion of the story did not make it all the way to me. He mentioned Rez by name, though, so I imagine the Chemdog part was accurately relayed.

As always, though, these claims lose something in the translation and I take this kind of fourth-hand info with a grain of salt... big grain of salt.


One thing that does make me thing it's a 'dog is that it already knows how to roll over:


The one that has not come up is a random, mature seed that fell out of a... weird plant in my cabinet some time ago.

I cannot account for this seed as I am aware of nothing in there at time time that did anything tricky. (I was between GSK runs, so all I know is that it's not that.) I dug it back out a couple nights ago and cracked it in my teeth, and it seems to have taken hold in the peat upon examination tonight. I suppose I'll know tomorrowish. It'll be as random as they come.

Alea iacta est.



Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
Well, the mystery seed has poked her head above the peat... I think we can call it 'up.' Time for a rousing game of 'who's your daddy?'



Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
Big happenings in the tiny cabinet. Today was the end of the line for the Grape Skunk. I took her at day 60 this time after going 56 the first run. I think 60-63 is about her sweet spot, but we won't know that for a couple of weeks. She did pick up a little of her color after 10 days of flush. Here are a few parting shots:

And here's the only nanner I missed on the whole plant. I'm sorry for the out-of-focus pic, I was holding the giant SLR/Macro in one hand and the branch in the other, in low light... :mad:

As you can see, though, this one is dry, done, and never did pop open. In fact, none of them have ever popped open.

Couple shots of the harvest, hanging in the tent:

I wish I'd had the veg height to get this one 3" taller before being flipped... I blame the yield on inability to utilize available height. The lighting will make nice buds twice as long as the best of these. The first run was 12g, this time I'm guessing ... 14-16g?

In other news... a DP Flo went into the flower box to replace the Grape Skunk. The Northern Lights is @64, and is going to come down in the next couple of days. Her flush was pretty effective and she looks like hell - but the buds look great... if you can see them in that sea of yellow. I'll have pics tomorrow, they're asleep right now.

I've got too many pots on the stove this week, and I've missed the Grape Skunk's extreme N deficiency day. About day 17, she begins a crash from perfect to yellow in maybe ... 48 hours. I was on top of it with the one I just cut, but the little clone in there now is looking pretty haggard. Going to try to bring her back around, it's way too early to lose any fans. She's also made 1 male flower so far... I think it's in her genes. So be it.




Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
First of all, apologies for abandoning ship. I very suddenly reached a point where it was either tend the grow or document the grow. Deadlines bring chaos. That's the nature of my line of work, so I deal.

This is a little Grape Skunk popcorn nugget, which is now entirely in my head. I learned well - the smallest of the popcorn this time is exactly one-nug-per-bowl (and sure doesn't lack for frost):

The Grape Skunk indeed came down at day 60. I think this was the right call - it's significantly better the second time through. I know there are a few other variables, but I like the high better this time for sure. The NL came down after a solid 65 days, and probably could go 70 without much trouble. Turns out a day 53 flush was a little early - I lost all my fans a week out and had more than a few yellowed calyxes by chop day - but it still yielded far and away a personal best in 1 gallon. I know I'll get this one dialed in. I did not take harvest shots of this one.

The whole harvest was slightly better than I had expected. I refuse to keep scales around and so I haven't weighed them... but I'd guess +/-16g on the GSK and 21-24 on the NL. I've dipped into the jars - I coasted into chop day on E - so we'll never really know... but historically, my guesses have been uncanny.

The GSK smokes like the first batch, only more expansive and more potent. The high is really complex, and this time it's a little bit incapacitating for the first 30 minutes or so. I don't start my day with this one. It smells and tastes the same as the seedplant. It didn't change with genetic maturity - and I for one am grateful. It was sublime to begin with.

The NL is losing the sour citrus notes as it cures, and taking on the funky, musky dank smell that I remember from the bud I found the seed in. It's a case of zero-sum... the lime/orange tasted reallllllly good, but the funky dank fills the room and makes me grin every time I grind up a nug. The potency on this one is about a 7/10. Nothing exciting, but not remotely disappointing. The quality of the high is excellent. It's a contented, happy stone without a lot of confusion or lethargy. It's not entirely in the body. Early indications are that it's an excellent painkiller. I think it's an all-day smoke as well, so it may be a very, very lucky find. Strangely, though, the buds are very un-photogenic when dry and so I haven't shot any. I'll take a couple next time. She's so pretty when she's plump... kinda weird.

In other news, one of my two Flos is starting to look a little bit interesting. The crinkle is pretty severe on some of the lower leaves, and the variegation is just now starting to come out on the one:

The (hollow) stem has great color which my poor lighting 'rig' cannot handle... but it's Warlock Purple stripes down a Scorpion Green stem. (K+ to anyone who knows WTF I just said.) The smell is spicy with a really rich cherry/raspberry bubblegum (?) note that dominates up front and barely lasts long enough to get a handle on. The one pictured is the rooted top of seedplant #2 and will be flipped in a day or two. I have high hopes.

There are many other things afoot - the C99 is about sexed (looks like 2M and 1F, with my friend's lone survivor also a F) and I've popped some very select beans which are just beginning to join the party.

Until next time - which won't be in 2 weeks... :joint:



Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
Hehe, thanks HD. You're welcome over here any time. Of course, unlike the rest of the spectators here you actually get to take that invitation literally... :D



New member
Always good to hear SB. Hey I have been trying to find good info on that pll(I think that is what you said) lighting. No luck.:frown: If you find a good link I would love to check it out. On another note. I have been thinking about where to cure and dry and I was thinking that in the grow chamber of the armoire, I could section off the bottom 5 inches of it and put some screens in there. Maybe even pipe it into the main air duct running down the back. Just an idea. Peace dude.


Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
The urge to photograph has struck.

The urge to photograph has struck.

And photograph I have. I took shots of everything interesting in the flowering chamber but did not venture over into vegland. There are some interesting things in there, but that'll have to be an excuse for another update.

The next two plants out the chute are a Romulan Kush clone - all top and no lowers:

and a Grape Skunk clone - frosty lowers and a running top bud per usual:

As you can tell in the photos, both have been through the wringer a time or two. I've finally fixed the problem - grow-wide magnesium deficiency - but the scars remain. In spite of proper-pH and regular blackstrap feedings, the whole grow was still suffering. I've resorted to some hydro Cal-Mag :)mad:) but the proof is in the pudding. It's done the trick in about 5 days. Here's the 'F' clone - this yellowing and necrosis happened in less than 72 hours. The F is evidently a magnesium hog, and very sensitive to deficiency:

Here's the top of the same clone, not only stabilized but returned to full health (next to her, a canopy shot of the ex-mom - 7 days in - which never became deficient):

Flo 2, which also got the calmag before getting deficient, looks amazing. The stem smell is still rich dark fruits, cherry and raspberry. Really nice. She's 3 days in and has stretched from 6" to just over 8... :1help::

Here's a couple more clones - Romulan Kush and the Northern Lights. The NL, as usual, proves its hardiness and shows no deficiency at all while the RK has some damage on its lower leaves. The RK is paler green by genetics, for what that's worth. They're both looking exactly as they should now:

I didn't take shots of the two Flo seedplants, which are 21 and 3 days into 12/12 respectively. There's no reason for that, I thought I did. You can see them in this group shot, though, they're the only two in 1-gallon pots. Flo1 is back/left and Flo2 is front/center:



Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
Another day, another flower...

Another day, another flower...

Nothing much new, just a few more days on everything. Two Wonder Haze I put into jiffy pots last week peeked up into the light this morning, making for 5/5 so far. Not bad for 2 year old, 'end-of-the-line' beans. RK got a flush last night, and is beginning to stack calyxes as she does at the end:

The Grape Skunk is really starting to build. It's very different SOG style than the previous LST efforts, much bigger and fuller buds. I think she like it this way:

The F has frosted a little (smells great, sour & haze-ish?) and is really building on day 23. The larger one is on day 12 and looks like it's starting to transition from stretch to budbulding:

And finally one of Flo 1's colas, on day 26:
