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come on KC UPDATE THE DWC!! where are all the AF hydro grows ,, with all the Feminized AF varieties out there now,, you would think there would be more.

Anybody, please Post some Hydro AF grows!


SWEET they are starting to plump up ,,these are going to be rock hard buds by the time these are done.. that is the one awesome trait I love about SNL which can make it viable to breeding, it has the most solid buds of all AF strains I have seen yet.


now that is some nice SNL ,, best I have seen. Great Job man,, I would let them go until day 65-70 tho. Every SNL i have seen completely changes during the last few weeks, it will be worth it to wait.


SNL aka Sweet n Low, aka Saturday Night Live, was a project on old HB by Polm, he left the online growers game but also left this behind. I only know of 2 other people that have it and KC is 1 of them. It is a Master Low x Sweet Tooth x LR I do believe, KC please correct me. very nice potency but the taste needs work. 100% AF but again the taste is nothing special more like menthol hay, not the best. I am working on a Fruity Pheno I found in the F4 population, not sure if it past through to the offspring as i havent tested it yet,, heres hoping!


Active member
Day 61

Day 61

SNL = (Sweet Tooth #3 Micro x LR x LR) x (Masterlow Micro)

very nice potency indeed... day 61 samples conclusion: excellent but still needs time. needs 70 days this batch, still 50% clear 50% cloudy. Alot of the old growth was cut away to open the plants up a bit more. Also realized alot of the yellowing in the center is heat stress, apparently there is a bubble of heat there that gets up into the 88-89 region for a few hours, too hot. Will be fixing this flaw in the next run.


yo is that 61 days from seed, damn i 12/12 from seed with regular seeds and my fastes so far is 78 days from sprout, awesome anyway


Active member
Yup 61 days from seed...always been amazed at what AF can pull off in a tiny space in so little time


whats the light 12/12 or 24/7 or what please, damn thats awesome


Active member
16/8 light schedule... saves a bit of money on energy bill and allows the lights to be off while i'm at work for peace of mind. Thanks for all the compliments!


Active member
Day 70

Day 70

Wellll the time has almost come. Learned on a ton on this run, yield isn't gonna be quite up to snuff due to mistakes this time but next run... oh yeah. Prime time. :joint: Going to totally revamp my ventilation, that's going to be the biggest improvement. Also know alot more about how smaller AF's react to Lucas, and some mediumless quirks. Can't wait to smoke some dried and cured bud. I'll update again during the chop, probably this weekend.



Active member
Harvest Pics!

Harvest Pics!

Yay, the best part of my day. :rasta:

This was a really fun grow, pushing the limits of tiny space and stealth, cramming all 4 plants in was a challenge: the payoff is sweet. Thanks for all the compliments everyone, and look forward to more logs in the future! I shall commit to permanence!




Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
When did this happen? Haha! Wow I didn't even know we had a sub-forum. Not sure how I missed it. I've just been posting in Mdanzig's seed section. :wallbash:

You better bash your head, this is brilliant. Why have you been hiding it from us? Bad, krazy, bad.

Beautiful work.

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