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Hey guys, hope all is going well. But I've been having some problems. First I've been having some type of weird deformed growth going on. Here are some pics. It seems to have gotten better. What I did was flush my plants out with 1/4 strength all purpose miracle grow for about 2 weeks. My ph runoff was about 6.0. Just posting these pics to see if anyone knows what is the cause of this, or if anyone has seen this before. I thought it might have been from salt build-up in my soil???




Next I have these damn bugs! They are messing with my plants. I have some spider mites too, but these are different. They are little black and tanish color, and they are making black shinny spots/dots on my leaves. I have sprayed my plants with malathyon twice and these sucker are back in 3 days. Its F'd up! And they seem to be killing my leaves pretty much like spider mites. Take a look.




If anyone could give me some helpful info, i would GREATLY appreciate it. Thanks for taking a look.


Not sure about the strange growth but I think those little critters on your plants are spider mites

http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=11688 <------go here and scroll down till you see the section on spider mites

Before doing anything though I would wait for a few more people to give their opinions


burnt out og'er
wow not sure wtf kind of creatures those are, they're not spider mites,
but its obvious from the texture that they're rasping on the leaves and the specks are fecal matter.
Plus you say you've also got the borg (spider mites) moving in too.
Arrrgh...I'd break out the spinosad and go postal on those critters


Thanks for the thoughts guys, but I know there not spider mites. I am starting to think they are thrips (the lighter tan bugs) but I'm still unsure of what the black ones are.


Those look nasty... It looks as if those black specks are tiny bitemarks and pest-poop.

You are at a point where you have to make a choice whether you wanna go organic, or gas-chamber those mofos...

I would definately use No-Pest Strips as a last resort with very low ventilation at daytime and no-ventilation with the grow room sealed at night for a full week and then rinse the plants off thoroughly after, to get rid of the dead pests and to remove any residual chemical from the NPS. It should smoke those little fuckers for good.

Check this thread for more info.... Hope it helps. :)



Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
thrips for shure...the black is there droppings

if you want you can compare them....just push the link in my sig and look by thrips...


Thanks guys, I'm gonna go with Core on this one and try something with spinosad in it. But I appreciate all your comments guys.


burnt out og'er
Is spinosad effective against spider mites??

For the borg, I'm not sure spinosad would do the trick, but it kicks thrips asses.
see thrips thread...

floramite or avid does in the borg, but that stuff is very expensive compared to spinosad
although there's some sellers on ebay that have it in 1 ounce bottles so you don't have to break the bank to get your hands on some.
see spider mite thread...



Just sprayed all my girls with spinosad so we shall see what happens. But for spider mites, Floramite is the killer. That will do the trick but it is very expensive. Like i said i have had spider mites so I'm sure i still have some but i used floramite and it kicked their asses. Only used it once too and sprayed them half ass and never really bothered too much again. Anyone know about the deformed growth on the leaves?


I have found that a good spraying with tobacco juice (soak tobacco in water for 12 hours or so and mix with a tiny bit of detergent, you'll find recipes on google) will if not wipe out the population of mites completely, then at least keep the numbers down. A spraying every month seems to keep the numbers down so much that you rarely see any mites at all. I don't know if it works on thrips though, and maybe you have a different strain of mites than me and it won't be as effective. It's cheap however, and so worth a try. It does seem to harm the plants a bit, but far less than any bug attack thats for sure. And once you get the numbers down you wont have to do as severe a spraying to keep them in check.

It's probably a good idea to use more than one method of killing the bugs, at least that's what I have read.

The deformed growth, I think you're looking at some kind of deficiency, but I'm no expert.

GL with your probs, bugs can be a real pain in the ass.