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Dont foreget to bring yourself a beverage!

nice i agree i blaze and train allllll the time. the way i look at it is if can beat people who train everyday while im high, then i can beat anyone on the street with no prob. 2 days ago actually some guy tried to rob me while i was on my way to the bar by sneaking me with a right hook from behind and breaking my gold chain off. he outweighed me by 40 lbs and i ended up taking his back and punching him in the face until he gave it back to me. his face and my knuckles were a mess but my BJJ left me 100% in control. keep training bro. BJJ is the key to life

Denial N Error


ive read that 80% of white belts dont get a blue, and of those 20% that make blue belt, 80% of THOSE dont make it to purple....of those 20% that make it to purple only 20 % of them make it to brown. so out of 100 white belts only 20 will get blue, out of 20 blue only 4 make it to purple, of those 4 purples only 20% (about 1 person) will make it to brown....from brown the statistic swaps and about 80% of browns go on to make black. kinda interesting.... ive been grappling for years, and just started the Gi game...ive beaten purples and browns in no-gi events but im still getting comfy in the gi, sadly i just became a blue belt back in nov... but when my gi game gets up to par with my no-gi game ill be happy! bjj and mj go together like peas and carrots!

Ran Dude 101, i also would like further explanation...how am i a bruce lee type? brazilian jui jitsu is a form of wrestling where the goal is not to pin your opponent but to use a joint-lock or choke to get the submission.


denial, whats funny? i dont get it.....
Ran Dude 101, i also would like further explanation...how am i a bruce lee type? brazilian jui jitsu is a form of wrestling where the goal is not to pin your opponent but to use a joint-lock or choke to get the submission.

I think you need to smoke some more of your crops..


Energy is as important as hydratation IMHO.
What the OP describes sounds more like a lack of sugar (energy) than deshydratation, even though both can happen together.
Living in the tropics where it gets quite hot, when I plan to do a lot of effort, I not only drink a shitload of water but also try to consume lots of sugar. Sweetened water (very sweet) may not taste great but boy does it put you back on your legs fast when such a thing happens. And don't worry, you won't die from it but it sure can induce panic, which makes you more tired faster, especially when you're in the middle of nowhere.
So remember, water + energy is what you're aiming for, not only water.

Peace :joint:


:asskick: yup i guess all jitus post are worth guano!!
nice i agree i blaze and train allllll the time. the way i look at it is if can beat people who train everyday while im high, then i can beat anyone on the street with no prob. 2 days ago actually some guy tried to rob me while i was on my way to the bar by sneaking me with a right hook from behind and breaking my gold chain off. he outweighed me by 40 lbs and i ended up taking his back and punching him in the face until he gave it back to me. his face and my knuckles were a mess but my BJJ left me 100% in control. keep training bro. BJJ is the key to life


New member
Energy is as important as hydratation IMHO.
What the OP describes sounds more like a lack of sugar (energy) than deshydratation, even though both can happen together.
Living in the tropics where it gets quite hot, when I plan to do a lot of effort, I not only drink a shitload of water but also try to consume lots of sugar. Sweetened water (very sweet) may not taste great but boy does it put you back on your legs fast when such a thing happens. And don't worry, you won't die from it but it sure can induce panic, which makes you more tired faster, especially when you're in the middle of nowhere.
So remember, water + energy is what you're aiming for, not only water.

I would totally agree with you sir, to get into more detail about that very day ur explaination would match it perfectly. It was a morning after a night of drinking, ate no breakfast, took an adderal(prescribed), and the only liguids a consumed proir to me leaving was two coffee drinks. I believe my mind was stimulated to the task but my body was not ready. Just another great life lesson learned now on.
no way dude! brazilian jui jitsu is best done stoned! i flow through postions and transitions sooo much better after puffin a bowl of kali mist! search eddie bravo's 10th planet jui-jitsu, he's a med patient and constantly tokin. he's also a bjj world champion.