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Botanicare feeding schedule too weak?



I have been following the feeding schedule shown here:

I have not seen any signs of burn at all, and they look like they could use more. Should I maybe kick up the levels and watch closely for signs of nute burn.

I gave them the Botanicare mixture two waterings in a row, then I flush with plain water, and there is no sign of any burn. This leads me to believe the mixture is to weak. Any growers with experience with CH9 Aroma beans under 400W HPS and using Botincare on any scale would really help me out big time.




That link is exactly what i am using. I convert into teaspoons and tablespoons per gallon. That chart is the same that my local hydroroponic store printed out for me. They are in Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil, with about 30% perlite. I am giving them the week 1 vegetative measurements right now. Temp stays right around 75-80 degrees F maximum. Nice oscilating fan blowing on them and strong intake and exhaust systems.

Anything else?
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Nobody is going to click on a link like that. It seems sketchy and with this being an illegal site, people are cautious to open links on strange servers.

Just post up the formula or if it is a .jpg, save it to your gallery and link it here.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
It's hard to imagine a commercial nute formula that's too weak. None of them are based on plant health but on how much crap you can force on a plant before it bursts into flame.

I'd start at 1/2 strength and see if they ask for more.


Here is the feeding schedule I have been following:

----- Pure Blend Pro Grow --- Liquid Karma

Clone/Seedling -- 7mL -- 5mL
Week 1 -- 15mL -- 10mL
2 -- 25-30mL -- 10mL

Recomended Week 3

12/12 - 15ml pure blend pro grow - 10mL liquid karma

What do you think about that?

I believe 5mL is a teaspoon.

That's what I have given them (2 water with mixture, 1 flush of plain water) and I am seeing small signs of nutrient burn. Just let them grow? They are about 5" tall and have 3-4 nodes or so under a 400w HPS bulb. Temps are right around 78-80, I know a little to hot, working on that. How much longer before flipping the lights do you think I am from?

I have plenty of room, but only 4 plants that are CH9 Aroma and only a 400 watt. What should I do top them a few times, or just grow into trees? I want to figure out a secure way to send pictures, will be up soon.

Any help would be great, I have done 3-4 grows using Fox Farm, now I switched because someone recommended it, and I am not sure. They seem pretty good so far, we'll see. I want to know how to get the most bud without sacrificing time, I am only going to have the location 3 months.

Thanks so much!
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Active member
I always thought pbp was too strong (soil, on the back of the bottle)..

I started at about 1/3 of the recommended dose and worked my way from there..


I am going to flush them all, I have given them 3 doses of full strength...

I did not see major signs of nutrient burn yet, what else should i do? They are in Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil, in 18oz. cups.

They will be soon transplanted into something larger, about 3 weeks old from popping through the soil. I have unlimited space under my 400W HPS, and temperatures are not a problem. I only have 4 plants though out of 10, I usually have a 90% germination rate.

How can I produce the most of bud, in the quickest time, I don't have more than 3 months...



Active member
Here's that link directly from the botanicare site. (just need to edit the hyperlink is all)


Edit: And yeah, I wouldn't touch that first link at all. Too easy to infect browsers these days.


Active member
Hello all..I use PBP but never at recommened level just slightly under and i'm on the edge of burning just the tips of the fan leaves.
I'm wondering if when u say u flush after a few doses that your not running all the nutes out of the soil, dont know if thats possible but just a thought.\
Good Luck Cobain