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Too Dry? - First Harvest


Active member
I harvested on 5/9 trimmed and hung the buds from 6 plants under a 250w in my cabinet - lights out but kept the fan on. The buds were crispy on the outside on 5/10 so I picked up some lunch bags on 5/11 - bagged them up folded a few times and checked for mold again on 5/13 & 5/15 - both days buds were still on the dryer side of things. I had to leave for 3 days so I left them in the bags. I just finished trimming and removing all the stems and the buds are very very dry.

Will curing do anything with the buds super dry? Should I try and re-hydrate?

Everything went into jars - I honestly don't think there is much if any moisture in these.



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natural medicator
with my overly dry stuff, I just toss in a slice or 3 of lemon peel overnight. Each slice being about the size of a penny and maybe 1-2x the thickness. Seems to rehydrate everything a bit. Curing for a couple weeks should bring out some funk and flavor

If you don't mind your buds being dry and its just for personal, I'd say 'don't rehydrate them' and they should stay in better condition lnger/less worry about mold.

Nice collection/yield for a 250w!


Active member
its just for personal, I was hoping to cure it for 30-60days to get some of the stronger flavors of the different strains.

So, my curiosity is: Due to me letting these dry out so much - did I lose the potential stronger smell/flavors that comes from curing? Or will re-hydrating them allow the cure to do its job of pulling out some more of that chlorophyl.


Active member
Leave them alone! When you get a real humid day open the tops for about an hour. Then close them up. The high relative humidity in the air will help to keep the flavors instasis.


i found that no matter how dry bud seems after the first 24hrs of being in a jar the buds moisten back up from the moisture left in the air.


I find that if you do your curing on the stem you have more control over moisture in the bud. Seems like rehydrating them now would risk mold and that is a lot worse than dry nugs. :2cents:


New member
In my extremely limited experience the quick dry you did in the bags didn't harm them, most of the moisture is still deep inside the buds. Now that they're in jars the moisture will start to migrate out, or essentially even out until the whole bud is at the same moisture level. At this point you'll 'burp' or air out the buds and back into the jar for another week, this lets the whole curing process continue. It's essentially a long slow dry. More happens during curing than that, but at it's simplest that's what happening.

Now if you squish the bud and it crumbles into dust, then it may be over dry.

Good luck!

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