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Post age 35 life change


Active member
I am in the shadow of age 40! I was laid off over 14 months ago. I have now entered a Dentistry program. I feel so low and depressed. I was wondering if there are other folks who have changed careers late in Life.
How did or is it turning out?

Changing careers so late in life is so stunning to my system. I could really use some success stories of mid life transformation.

Thanks in advance,



good on ya bro

if things work out, I will be selling my business in the next few months.

Then back for Masters in Psychology....if I feel it when complete I will enter a PsyD program. If satisfied with Masters I will get a job as counseler/therapist/coach.



You left out a most important detail IMO,are you married with kids depending on you?This makes all the difference in the world.Are you single and independent with some means and a sense for adventure and testing your limits?I changed careers from being an electrician for a couple decades to doing what I obviously really love and keep it within reason.Enough babbling I'm just happy tonight.


Active member
You left out a most important detail IMO,are you married with kids depending on you?This makes all the difference in the world.Are you single and independent with some means and a sense for adventure and testing your limits?I changed careers from being an electrician for a couple decades to doing what I obviously really love and keep it within reason.Enough babbling I'm just happy tonight.
That is true, I should have been more specific.9\\

I am a sneeze away from age 40. I am unmarried with no kids.



Your handle is hunt for genetics.You seem to be alone and if you have your own place..well what more is there to say.I worked as an electrician bldg engineer and too many other adventures that cant add up to the exitement and profit over the past several years growing.Dont be near a school,dont have firearms or scales and for god sakes dont steal electricity however much you use.Get a good german shephard mix from the pound.Get the equipment learn the info its a rough life but someone has to live it


Active member
Hunt4 i can see why you might be depressed, but honestly alot of people your age probably feel the opposite. i envision it as shaking the last boring 30 years and starting anew.

shit im only 23 but ive had many career changes, and i think i might be gearing up for another one because i am relatively unsatisfied with the way things are going. im thinking about saying FUCK IT and moving to Japan, quitting smoking herb, and start working out more so i can try out for OCS marine corps in a few years. thats so much different from the pot smokin, beer drinking, xanax popping lazy pot selling fart that i have become over the past 2 years.

although today it looks like it will rain money!


No career changes here, just no career at all. I graduated about 14 months ago and haven't got a job. Back to school. Opportunity cost of going back to school aren't that high when there are no opportunities to be had. Good luck h4g.


stone fool
Yeah, I did that gig, couple times. Ask yourself this, doees it make you smile? People should smile at work.
Same boat and peaking at 40 in half a decade. I too got laid off and was feeling the same way you are. On the positive side imagine if you had a wife and kids to support, that would be a hell of a lot more stressful. I have to say if your depressed about the past, put it behind you, you can't change the past. The other thing is you cannot predict the future so if that what is bothering you then put that out of your mind too.You are here now and have your freedom.

Get a loan and learn a trade or degree. You can still get unemployment for awhile because they'll still pay if your attending school. You are in the same situation as millions of men our age. The last Thirty years of leadership in this country has sold out our opportunity- to achieve the wealth and security our fathers were able to achieve. This has been documented by statistics.

If anything get mad, mad as hell and seek out people that are in your same situation and work to change our circumstance.


Active member
Thanks for all the advice. i continue with my training. I am feeling much better. i will soon have a new occupation. I guess we all live in a new world, with new rules.
Young people learn Spanish and or manderin Chinese.


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