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is anybody growing indicas and harvesting early to get an up high

is this possible, to grow say a quick flowering indica and make it ever faster to the finish by pulling it early for an up high? say a white rhino or something like it pulled down at say 40ish days, i really like a clear non couch lock stone but defineatly am not going to grow a plant that takes 10-12 weeks to finish...just wondering if anyones doing this method out there.

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
I've noticed with grows that have problems and a plant may not make it to a "real" finish, that an indica can have a half-ass high....high, but not crippled. I don't like to smoke a good indica that way....but then, all winter long I was smoking good indica and I gained weight and slept about 12 hours everyday. Indica's can be a bitch if you don't mean to get too stoned. I swear to god when I smoke Soma's Reclining Buddha I get fuken retarded....very groovy though.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Luke, come to the dark side. Grow a Thunk. It's only 23 weeks. You know you want to ...



State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
almsot 6 months to harvest that shit better make you trip lol... i want to try some


The only decent strain I have is an afghanni strain that takes a solid 12 wks to finish. I've pulled it at 8 wks before thinking what you did that it would be a clearer high, but comparing that to what it does on completion it's not worth it. Besides the buzz being half-assed, the buds don't really pack on the weight till the end. I think you're better off finding a fast grower that you like than pulling something else early.


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
this would be all upto the grower and his or her likes i dont think ya could take WR at 40ish and have a good buzz, maybe 50-55ish :). i have a few strains i pull at 50 days the sugar shack knocks ya out if ya sit n veg but can be creative the decapation can do same but more creative. love indicas been smoken them for yrs now just have to know how to handle them dont solo a whole doobie lol smoke half type stuff lmao

Old Soul

Active member
Yes, you can harvest early but you still want to wait until the harvest window opens otherwise you will be wasting your time and get a weak, short lasted high. Once the window opens, you can pull immediately. I have only grown hybrids, never pure indicas, and can tell you that there will still be some couchlock effect, but it will be a better mix of head and body high. The mix just depends on if the hybrid is more sativa or indica leaning. I prefer sativa highs, so I pull most of my hybrids on the early side. I do let some go longer so I have something to put me to sleep at night though. Hope this helps.


harvest at 6 weeks can never be a good idea with any strain... If you want an up-high then atleast wait till the actual 8 weeks have gone because companies try to put it as early as possible but that isn't the case. A strain that they claim finishes at 8 weeks is atleast going to go to 9 weeks to be fully done..
I would say 9 weeks is good for most strains but 8 weeks if you want that up high... 7 weeks or earlier is ruining your money and time and effort blah blah blah.. lol

Old Soul

Active member
kash, I beg to differ. There are strains that will finish quick. I have run trainwreck and green crack and they both finish in 6 weeks. I also have a master skunkush that finishes in 7, and none of the high's are weak imo. It is all personal preference. As long as you wait until the harvest window opens, which is when the calyxes swell, you will be fine. Any earlier and the high will be short lived.


The Hopeful Protagonist
I've noticed with grows that have problems and a plant may not make it to a "real" finish, that an indica can have a half-ass high....high, but not crippled. I don't like to smoke a good indica that way....but then, all winter long I was smoking good indica and I gained weight and slept about 12 hours everyday. Indica's can be a bitch if you don't mean to get too stoned. I swear to god when I smoke Soma's Reclining Buddha I get fuken retarded....very groovy though.



Iin now way am I making fun of the deformed....Actually, that is me. :D


In my opinion I think there is a substantial loss in yield if chopping indicas for an up high.
I like to let them go for as long as possible.


Indicas in general finish quicker than sativas... be glad you can chop it at 8-10 weeks flowering instead of 14-16!

The thing is, even with CBN and CBD with indicas, the main active ingredient is THC. You'll have maybe 0.6%-0.9% of those CBN/CBD but sometimes over 20% THC.

I always give my indicas 60 days (8.5 weeks) flowering.


I also usually go 8 to 9 weeks. Or just untill I feel the plant is ready.
Couldn't you just get a short flowering sativa?


Active member
, i really like a clear non couch lock stone but defineatly am not going to grow a plant that takes 10-12 weeks to finish....

C motherfucking ninety-nine is one choice. It makes no sense to pull an indica way before it's time, if you're looking for an "UP" high. Grow something else if that's what you're looking for.

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