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How much Milorganite?



How about none?


I've never liked it soon as I learned what it was. After smelling it knew it was something different...but didn't realize how different...lol. While it has lots of iron, added I think, I'm sure you could use a better long term N source or are you set on Milorganite? I think cotton seed meal is a nice long term N. Maybe go ask the guys in the Organic section here for a good replacement? Does seem to have deer repellent properties though...I wonder why...


Active member
man i dont have adobe installed :pointlaug , i was kind of set on it too, 9 bucks for a 36lb bag, available almost everywhere :nanana:


ewwwwwwwwww that stuff is nasty. Why dont you just use cheap bat guano?

I know because Im from Milwaukee, (where this stuff is made) and everytime I drive over the Hoan Bridge, It just reeeekkkks of that stuff... (The Milorganite plant is right under the middle of the bridge.)


I remember when I was in high school waaaaay back and used to work in a feed/grain/fertilizer place and once I found out what it was didn't even wanna touch it.


Active member
so no one has a recommended amount to use per/unit of measurement, and/or how much in a topfeed? I couldn't find anything for search


Active member
sorry that i ain't helping you by saying this , but this ois sewage dump recycled? yuck!
You can top-dress with Milorganite by the handful.

Several handfuls won't burn a healthy plant.

When rain or watering has dissolved it, go ahead and toss more on top.

A cup per gallon in the soil mix would be plenty, assuming few other nutrients.

Cottonseed meal will work, but it's slow to break down, and isn't as complete a fertilizer.

By all means, if you have anal-retentive tendencies, or other mental health issues, go ahead and try to find guano that's not made from animal crap.

Properly prepared and processed, people poop feeds most of this planet.

Do you think all the rice paddies in China use Guano?

Of course not! They use "night soil" ... that is, human waste!

One thing I can promise you: there won't be fungus spores or bacteria to inhale in a bag of Milorganite. Read the labels on Guano ... you really should wear a mask when working with it.
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Active member
aww bass i knew you loved me :D:cool::chin:

so in like a month after the mix of 1 cup/ gallon id go do some topfeeding?


By all means, if you have anal-retentive tendencies, or other mental health issues, go ahead and try to find guano that's not made from animal crap.
First thing is Milorganite is based on human sewage...and everything else that goes down the toilet and drain in the US. Just take a look at the diet Americans eat in general. Would I want that as the source of nutrients for my plants??? Hell no. Guano is a different story, for me, because of where it comes from in the food chain and the types of food being eaten. Bats don't take pharmaceuticals, eat Doritos and drink Pepsi. Has nothing to do with being anal or head stuff for me. I don't eat high end predators like shark cause they are so high up on the food chain and the problems associated with that like heavy metals for starters.
Icky Stinky Poopy

Icky Stinky Poopy

First thing is Milorganite is based on human sewage...and everything else that goes down the toilet and drain in the US.

The product is only manufactured with sludge from Milwaukee sewers, not the rest of the US. If there are specific chemical, biological, or elemental contaminants that occur in that system, and are passed on in Milorganite, what are they? Please name one.

What organic chemical compound, bacteria, virus, or prion, can survive the pressure and temperature of sludge processing without being broken down?

Just take a look at the diet Americans eat in general. Would I want that as the source of nutrients for my plants??? Hell no. Guano is a different story, for me, because of where it comes from in the food chain and the types of food being eaten. Bats don't take pharmaceuticals, eat Doritos and drink Pepsi.

Actually, bats are in the food-chain like everything else. Bats eat insects that have been born and bred in dumpsters full of Pepsi and Doritos. They get a dose of high fructose corn syrup whether they like it or not. ( Which is why bee hives in cities can produce honey that tastes like Mountain Dew! )
Mosquitos can carry blood containing drugs that are passed on to the bats. There's really no escape for bugs & critters, ( though we still have a choice ).

Has nothing to do with being anal or head stuff for me. I don't eat high end predators like shark cause they are so high up on the food chain and the problems associated with that like heavy metals for starters.

It's true that pesticides, herbicides, organic chemicals, and prescription drug residues, all become more concentrated the higher you go in the food chain.
Sharks are a good case in point. However, none of the above are passed down in Milorganite. Whatever is left after processing undergoes even further breakdown in the soil. As for heavy metals, they are elements, and cannot be broken down further, but tests have shown that Milorganite contains even Less heavy metal content than commercial factory fertilizers,
the same stuff that grows most of your food! Is there a problem there?

Unfortunately, several generations of impressionable children have grown up on half-baked hooey like "Macrobiotics", "Biodynamic Agriculture", and "Homeopathic Medicine". A significant percentage have never outgrown these fairy tales, and have an emotional investment in them, no matter what the scientific facts. ( One obvious symptom: dreads on white boys. )

California leads the nation, and has for quite a while, in both religious nut-bars, and health nut-bars, who spread holistic half-truths to gullible saps. The same tidal wave of balderdash has broken over the herb growing scene.

On a more practical note, what would you have the City of Milwaukee do with their waste? What better use can be found? Should they send it to the moon? Dump it in the lake? Ship it to your backyard?

What's your solution? Should everyone just stop crapping?


you guys are so hypocritical...
Bat shit, Worm Shit, Cow Shit, Chicken Shit, Rabbit Shit, all that stuff is okay to work with, but you guys are like "ewwwww" when it comes to Human Shit? Pleeeaaaasse.....

I always wear a dust mask when handling Guanos or Dry manures, because i really don't want to breathe that stuff in.

Remember to always wash your hands, and you'll be just fine!
hypocritical my ass.....disease from most of those animals wont spreads to human (use a mask anyways cuz some will spread across species lines)

in human shit any and all bacteria/virii can infect a human (obviously), its not the fact that its poo, its the fact that its our same species poo. I wouldnt wanna use gorilla poo either for more or less the same reason...


Medicine Farmer your point is spot-on with regards to night soil! Said bacteria/virii do not, however, survive the industrial processing that Milwaukee's Finest is subjected to.
Don't use that stuff...at least use fish emulsion if you want a cheap nitrogen source. I don't think there is a worse product on the market to use on consumables.
Rotten indeed ...

Rotten indeed ...

Don't use that stuff...at least use fish emulsion if you want a cheap nitrogen source.

Liquid fish and liquid seaweed make a great combination, either in soil or as a foliar spray, but it's certain to draw critters that dig up plants, knock over buckets & bags, claw into water storage, and otherwise screw things up. Every coyote, raccoon, possum, feral cat, and roaming dog for miles around will drop by for a visit. Better to use the fish stuff around the home garden.

I don't think there is a worse product on the market to use on consumables.

Oh, is that a fact? Please tell us exactly why. Be specific. Show us the data.

Do you "think" the EPA doesn't have a clue, and can't measure pollutants?

The EPA checks for the presence of, and levels of, 412 different pollutants.

What do you know that the EPA doesn't know?

Check the PDF file posted in the milorganite FAQ. See anything interesting?


The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) "Exceptional Quality" criteria might not be as strict as some would like, but that designation isn't achieved without considerable testing and measurement.

The only thing the EPA found that had a remotely possible adverse effect was from some "dioxin-like" compounds, and whether you like it or not bud, you're Already contaminated with it! The miniscule amounts that could pass to a plant from the soil, and then on to you, approach those of homeopathic preparations. That is, a little less than nothing.

Why aren't you worried about the cancer causing compounds that exist Naturally in every single piece of Broccoli, Carrot, Spinach, or Cabbage, no matter How it's grown? You can grow "organic" all you want, but measurable levels of carcinogens are in those veggies, and almost every other foodstuff!

How can your body Possibly survive on organic food? Oh, the humanity!


Active member
when should a person generally start topfeeding, and how often? also when you flower how much bat guano should be used topfed? one top feeding is enough right? and this should be done when they sex ?

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