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Active member
god dammit, i have to learn spanish.

basically my bachelors degree is being held back because i am missing an intermediate spanish course, which totally FUCKS ME.

I havent taken spanish in almost two years, and now they want me to jump into a level 3 spanish course in order to graduate.

how about jumping in front of a truck?

argh this shit is hard, especially when you are a smoker. learning languages is such a bitch!!

so, i just dropped 250 on a rosette stone, 250 on an online spanish course at LSU, and another 50 on textbooks.

my whole summer will consist of me trying to past this class.

most of you probably wont care, i just need to rant. this is FUCKED.


Active member
i have a secret weapon up my sleeve, (ex roomate is native nicarauguan) however he lives an hour away so i gotta commute all the way over there 3x a week to passs this. plus i probably gotta pay another 40 per lesson.

all for a worthless bachelors degree that i could give two shits about. but its honestly pretty stupid to not get my degree because im only a credit short. i just wish i could take ANY other class, shit il take Womens Studies in Feminism right now instead of Spanish, or how about Russian? id rather learn russian because all my coworkers speak fluent, PIDA RASI BLLLLLAT!! SUKA!


no tienes que joder con rosetta stone para $250

quando hay babelfish.com


good luck, spanish is a bitch. i'm on third year too. i'm doing it in order to transfer to a certain 4 year school though. i suggest that you get all the help you can get and go over it each and every single day, because that will make memorizing it very easy.


You would NOT rather take feminism! Take that back while you still can man.
Ok, one by one.

First, i think you meant "hijole" or something of the sort, which is an adaptation of "hijo" meaning son, used to express excitement, mostly by mexicans.

Bendejo is not a word, "Pendejo" is though, and it's true meaning is pubic hair, but it's slang for idiot, but more derogative.

"no tienes que joder con rosetta stone para $250

quando hay babelfish.com "

No tienes que joder con rosetta stone POR $250 CUANDO esta babelfish.com

And spanish is easier than english or french. It's probably the easiest of the romance tongues to learn, as there is only ONE pronunciation for every single character. The language is straightforward and VERY expressive. We have three ways to express different levels of love... What do you guys get to say to a girl you're going out with? "i LIKE like you"? bwahahahahahha

Proud gloating over!


Active member
are you guys saying im a "joder" aka a fucker for paying 250 from rosetta stone?

yes, i am, but i was tricked. i heard an ad on the radio that said FREE rosetta stone so i called. turns out you gotta buy it first, then return it in six months.

so i can still return it though.


Active member
i like the rosetta stone format though, i just sit here like a dumb ass (stoned) with my cool little headphones clicking on pictures and shit.


Active member
Ok, one by one.

First, i think you meant "hijole" or something of the sort, which is an adaptation of "hijo" meaning son, used to express excitement, mostly by mexicans.

Bendejo is not a word, "Pendejo" is though, and it's true meaning is pubic hair, but it's slang for idiot, but more derogative.

what i was trying to say is pronounced EEE--WA---LE---they always say it before CHINGALA! it kinda sounds like EEGUALAY CHINGALA


I'll tell you what an asshole I am, but first the setup: My favorite thread on the entire internet is the R.U.S.T. thread. I am in awe of the amazing outdoor sativa pics that the Spanish speaking growers post.

Raco posted some pics of a plant that I think he said was about 12 ft. tall at harvest. One night I was logged in late and he posted the nug shots. It was about as long as my arm and had a distinct purple hue.

I wanted to tell him, in Spanish, that it was a purple donkey dick. The only slang word I know for dick is chilito, which is Mexican and Raco is from Spain. So I decided to say the word for penis instead. I was both tired and high, BTW.

What I typed was "El peno de burro purpuro". I realized that something was wrong immediately, so I ran it through Babelfish.

I left it up overnight just to give anyone reading it a laugh, but I did delete it the next day.
I always laugh when gringos try to talk to me in spanish. Then i get pissed, because i realize i'm in the US and they just ASSUME that because i'm latino i don't know english...

But joder is a verb, man, so no cookie for you yet!
joder is to fuck, but only in spain. In latin america joder is to bug. to say you are a bugger you would say jodon, -on being a modifier taht turns it into an adjective.

the correct term there would actually be pendejo! caues you are being an idiot, not for using rosetta, but for PAYING for it! torrents FTW!


Spanish is a fake language, ask any mexican, the only words you need to know to pass yourself off as spanish speaking are "CHHHAAALLLLEEEE" and "PINCHE BENDEJO".


are you guys saying im a "joder" aka a fucker for paying 250 from rosetta stone?

yes, i am, but i was tricked. i heard an ad on the radio that said FREE rosetta stone so i called. turns out you gotta buy it first, then return it in six months.

so i can still return it though.

its means you dont have to fuck with rosetta stone; not you are a fucker

joder is a verb not a noun

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