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Ideal humidity for drying before jarring


New member
So based on what I've read, the best way to get a well cured end product is to slow the drying process down as much as possible. Now, people always seem to say "its easy, hang them until stems snap then put them in jars". I've read reports of weed that was too dry before jarring being jarred for 2 months and not changing at all, because there wasn't enough moisture. That would suck. So obviously this makes me think that the initial hanging and drying is a crucial step in getting "dry hay" smelling weed or dank, skunky smelling weed. Genetics are a factor too of course, but I've noticed that the two small plants I'm growing now and any other plants I've ever seen in person ALWAYS smell nice and skunky, even if you just rub the leaves, which means those terpines and oils are indeed present in the plant.

So, what is the best relative humidity for the area where your buds will be hanging to dry right after harvest? If its a 0% totally dry room, I imagine they'd dry much too fast and that hay smell will get "locked in". But obviously if it's too humid, they could get moldy which would be awful. Anyone have a magic number for humidity in the drying room, before jarring?

Also, has anyone ever tried jarring up buds immediately after cutting them, and simply burping them often enough to prevent mold? It seems risky, but it also seems like that would give you complete control over how fast they dry..


Active member
that sounds about right, don't want it too dry or too humid. Density of colas may require dryer or damper conditions.