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Making Soil Waterings Easier


Smokes, lets go
I am preparing my next grow still deciding on wether to do soil or hydro i was going to do hydro then i learned u cannot just top off resivors u have to manually pump everything out blah blah it sounds like just as much a pain in the ass as soil and at least with soil i know what im doing....

anyway i want to figure out a way to make waterings easier last grow i foudn my self trying to squeeze into a jungle of plants with run off messing up my floor and bushing buds during flower tryting to water plants in the back manually, not only that but filling up a 1 gallon contianer with water at a time and mixing nutes is no fun at all when u have 2kw worth of plants to water, what is a good way to make this waterign easier, i have been looking for some sort of 5 gallon backpack sprayer and all i can find is these mister sprayers for pestisides..... i am basiclly looking for something that will make my waterings easier....

i was planning on running my pots on some sort of tray where they can at least drain to a place where i acn just empty out the extra water so i don't have puddles of water sitting around on top of the panda film covered floors....

any other tips for me on making soil watering easier?


just a few ideas:

drip system might help you

a length of hose taped to the nozzle of a watering can makes getting to those hard-to-reach places much easier

trays are a good idea. u can drill drain holes and collect to a central res/dump zone.

but hydro can be relatively trouble free, and if you do something like ebb and flo, where you can use large trays, u won't have to worry about struggling thru the jungle to water because the automated flood will do it for you. also using this method it is simple to pump out res.

hope some help, good luck!


I'm on the edge. Of what I'm not sure.
Mixing 1 gallon at a time for 2k worth of plants would be pushing the limits of my sanity.

Check it out..........20 gallon rubbermaid tub
A length of flexable plastic hose to suit your needs.
One of those wand type garden sprayers that you find at
the Home Depot.
A small pump.
Hook this up and your watering woes wont be so bad.

I use a furniture dolly to move mine around, water is heavy!


ICMag Donor
Throw a hose in your grow ;)



Active member
Why are some of the simplest solutions the hardest to see.
In my case I could put a hose in, why didn't i think of that.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
i was going to do hydro then i learned u cannot just top off resivors u have to manually pump everything out

Someone learned you wrong. I topped off my E&F for 14 years. If I hadn't they'd have dried up and died. Besides, you can't pump out what the plants have already drunk.

I've been topping off my DWC for a year and a half. I average one water change per grow. I'm talking 20+ week Sativas.

None of this says you should abandon soil. Grow what you're happy with.


weed fiend
a plastic kiddie pool or the like with an attached garden hose to waste might keep the floor mess in check.