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Advice on the Urinator...drug test coming soon

i heard if u workout before a test the thc stored in your fat cells could be released in your bloodstream and give you a positive test.. so thats why i get high everytime i workout!!. no but seriously, dont exercise the day before the test.. at least i wouldnt.


New member
I took an at-home test today after 14 days of no smoking and came up dirty...damn!!! I'll give it another test on day 21.

I'm still gonna be clean until my test in the faint hopes that I can pass naturally, but I can't count on it.

I ordered a Urinator with fake urine this weekend...hoping to get it this week to pratice. I just hope the fake pee works & doesn't get detected. Does anybody know if the Urinator creates bubbles in the cup like real pee?

Brother Bear

Simple kynd of man
ICMag Donor
hold it abit high over the cup :yes:
but they don't check for bubbles LOL, just temp and drugs of course
i also have a urinator

lowriderguy -

so what kind of sound will that make :chin:
LMAO !!! :nanana:


New member
hold it abit high over the cup :yes:
but they don't check for bubbles LOL, just temp and drugs of course
i also have a urinator

Brother Bear,

Have you used thier fake urine? Did it work for you? How easy was the Urinator to conceal?

Sorry for all the question, but I'm getting close to the tme I may need to test.
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Brother Bear

Simple kynd of man
ICMag Donor
easy to hide, i pulled my socks up high and tucked it in there
no i have never used it
my last job did randoms but i never got called
we could see the piss van parked outside before work and had plenty of time to get ready

however i did do ALOT of reading online before i bought mine
the fake urine is what they use to calibrate the machines they use to test for drugs
i have NEVER heard of anyone badmouthing them, or failing the test
hope this helps


New member
thx Bear,

Good idea on tucking it in the socks, just in case they have me pull down my pants. I mean it's only a pre-employment test, but I'm not sure how strict they are now with the procedure.



If its just a pre-employment test then they usually just use those little cups and dipstick. Like the ones they sell at CVS or Wallgreens. I think you should be fine, just get some practive like every-1 else said. Parole and Probation is a different thing. When i was paroled i had a female P.O. so instead of her taking my urine she would take mouth swabs.. Those things scared me 2 death b/c i was hearing all kinds of rumors that they can detect drugs you have used really far back in the past. Like months back. But i just remained clean and did what i had to do to get off parole. But like i said i think you'll be fine. most pre-employments tests they don't even enter the bathroom with you. Goodluck.


Gotta Smoke 'Em All!
ICMag Donor
dude most likely you're going into a bathroom by yourself and pissing in a cup.

at the very most they'd have you empty your pockets and stand at your back while you piss in a cup.

just dont wear spandex pants.


Active member
A much cheaper (yet probably much unhealthier) alternative.

I passed tests that got sent to the lab every month for 18 months for probation.

There is technique, if u want to know just ask.



This works for me.

This works for me.


14 1/2 year sentence- completed...stoned

4 year federal probation- completed....really stoned

6 years juvenile probation- completed ...stoned

12 convictions/ 22 jobs- no drug test failed for employment
.........so here's how I did it..

County drug tests or escreen, track test, dip sticks and any other non-lab test.....I used water, 1 gallon 2 hours before test and 30 minutes prior 2 multivitamin...the first will absorb the second your body expels for coloring.

State/federal Parole/probation--

My advice is as Brother Bear, the whizzinator or some type of advice...I had used powdered sysnthetic urine. It takes some balls to pull off but it is the sure 100% way to pass. I had PO's stand over my shoulder looking a my DCK and still pulled it off numerous times....good luck. I have placed all my faith and have not been busted for a dirty the entire time I was on. Good luck, stay strong.......

I am ADHD and half retarded I am no longer in the system and if I can do it anyone can....just takes will and want.....
i heard if u workout before a test the thc stored in your fat cells could be released in your bloodstream and give you a positive test.. so thats why i get high everytime i workout!!. no but seriously, dont exercise the day before the test.. at least i wouldnt.

That is true, think about THC is stored in your fat cells when you work out you sweat and release those cells. Everyone thinks its good to workout for a test when in fact its the worst thing to do, do not workout for at least one week prior to a test.
I used the dilution method posted on this site multiple times. So did my best friend who was on probation with random drug tests and he still smoked while on probation.<- to note, they just breathalyzed him after 6 months of passing tests. He was lucky. Everyone is different and you have to remember that. Just because something works for you doesn't mean it will work for everyone. But the dilution method done right, is the way to go if you don't want to invest in synthetic. I was clean for 9 days prior to my test and before that I was smoking probably close to 2gs a day. I am skinny though and did the workout method but stopped 1 week prior to the test. I also workout on a regular basis so that helps. 1 thing about the dilution method... DO NOT FORGET to DRINK CREATINE or take capsules at least 2-3 days before your test. I drink a protein shake everyday and just add some in but it needs time to turn to creatinine so give your body enough time.

Key things to buy-

gatorade- I like the powder form
B vitamins or a complex form of them
fatty foods and carbohydrates- BULK UP all week before the test. you want to make new fat cells.

read the dilution thread if you want a step by step of when to take each and when to drink the liquids. And one more thing--- stay away from all those "detox drinks". They are almost the same thing and I know a lot of people who have counted on them to work and ended up failing.

GL to everyone who has to piss for the man.


New member
I have used the synthetic urine before and passed a lab test. I now have to take another drug screen, this time on the company's premises. As described to me:
1. Walk into bathroom and piss in cup
2. Hand cup to the person who will test
3. He/She will check the temperature to make sure its 98.
4. The container is placed into a machine, probes come down into the container, and the specimen is shaken/probed. Basically before I leave corporate HQ, the machine will test and provide a result.

Anyone know if synthetic urine will work in this scenario? I noticed a place in the latest HT that advertises real clean urine that comes in a pouch that can be heated. This looks exactly like the test kit I used before that has synthetic urine. Once again, I have passed the simple lab test where they drop a liquid in and see a reaction if its positive *kind of like a pregnancy test*.

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