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when is someone going to market an ideal micro stealth cab

ive seen the pc planter on ebay and some mini grow tents but what im talking about is a micro box/pc/etc.. thats around the size of a speaker or a rubbermaid and has all the frills, lights, fans, real odour control and not a ona block and is tested and functional, i think this is the year that someones gotta release one that solves once n for all ones personal stash needs and nothing more- just somehting small, smell free, and quiet and not over 300$. im definately waiting because all i see being sold is overpriced shite nobody needs, grow boxes for like 1200 bucks and grow pc with a 50 hps for 500, someones gotta do better then that.
I wouldnt get my hopes up. Most of those ready to grow cabs are extremely overpriced. IMO the reason they overprice them is because they know a lot of people have no idea on what they are doing and will buy their products. And it feels more rewarding when you make your own. Im about to start my own pc case, gathering materials right now. Im only spending a bit less than 100 to get evrything started. Damn it im rambling on. Always happens when im high lol


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
With luck, we'll never see one. It would be no different than placing a neon sign on the box saying "weed grown here."

"As seen on TV" labels and stealth do not go together.


Well, there is this....?

2-3 pounds of any plant annually! This is amazing technology. I want watermelon.

:biglaugh: Well, I'd buy one of those straight away if I could pull off around 1/2lb per harvest from it.

I think a lot of people here could easily design and produce a much cheaper and more effective stealth grow box than the ones on that website. After feeling the satisfaction of building my own (and the frustration I'm currently feeling trying to figure out what to make the carbon filter out of), I can't imagine why anyone would drop that kind of money on a pre-made box.

Edit: "Our pc grow boxes are perfect for controlling plant odor by using high grade insulation on the inside of the pc grow box, in order that no plant odors leak out of the case except through the exhaust fan, where it is easily maintained with A/C filters, odor absorbing gel, or odor eliminating CFLs."

They don't have carbon filters? Some poor noob is going to get F'd in the A using one of these.


Just Call me Urkle!!
I'm working on a design and have been for a while and my friend and I are going to start a company selling them. They will range from just toss your plants in a grow or piece one together to your specs when we get a site going and know more people want them...


"... I'll tell you what, you can take a good look at a butcher's a** by sticking your head up there, but wouldn't you rather take his word for it?" Tommy Boy

Good solid materials and equipment fan/lights/filter cost money!
I built this one for $1,600 my cost. If I was to sell them I'd have to get $2,500 for it to be worth the hassle.
It's solid as a rock! pretty quite and you can pull enough out for personal use that's for sure.
Sure I could build a box with 1 sheet of plywood some paint and some casters but like Freezer boy said it will scream "BUD GROWING HERE" in fact the NGB cab is not that stealthy it's just a nice design and it works. I usually have my treadmill blocking it when people are coming by so it's covered.
There's no fan out there that will move the air needed for a 250 or 400 and be completely silent! I use insulated duct to cut noise and the fan is in the mechanical room behind 3/4" plywood so it cuts it down a lot!



Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
Never, I hope. Ideal is in the eye of the grower. I'd rather see 10 companies putting out unique stuff (or really, people building their own, or buying them from friends who do).
say i went into the rubber maid game, how cheap could i buy a carbon filter+fan that is powerful and qiuet enough for the job, what size would u choose?


Active member
the thing about growing in a pc case is........ if the authorities ever visit your house and confiscate your computer.. theyre gonna take your grow case too.. find weed in it and then your in trouble..

you need something REALLY clever to be stealth and risk free.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Depends on the room and set-up. Many people actually use Rubbermaid storage bins for, well, storage.
sorry about that last post :fsu:, it was meant for thundurkel, looking forward to what u come with..hope u make bank on it. it really is a pain in the ass to buy all the stuff and hope u can dial it in as you had hoped, will be great when one comes out that has working odour control and no heat probs... :dueling:


Here's the real skinny though; without tools, or a workspace, or any materials -- even a micro box the size of a speaker will run you about $500; a PC space could be made "growable" for maybe $200; but dialing in the strain that grows into a half lb yield seems really unlikly to me. For an inexpensive grow room from zero materials I reccomend a budget of about $800; you could easily yield a little over a half pound with a decent sativa or maybe more in a shelved SoG indica. The problem isn't that no one has had the idea for a cheap stealth cab; more spescifically it's that after adjusting for the costs of production, employee, lease, electric, water and shipping the prices "they" list are fair. It takes money to make money, as they say.
they already do make ideal micro stealth cabs, thousands and thousands of them. You can find them in any shop which sells flat pack or used furniture.

As for a complete, buy it and put some plants in box, they'll never make an ideal one as everyone's needs are different, as soon as you market a 'stealth' box, it's no longer stealth, and such boxes are too labour intensive to make to be cheap.

Plus, no box is really stealth, unless the box itself is hidden.

Lord Doobie

yep...cops will always find it regardless...that's why they tear everything apart...with relish...even walls...but until then...