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The Dankest Weed you never smoked



PREFERABLY dank that never crossed your lips but if you think that grail has blessed em than so be it

or you read quick and are stoned, dont matter its all good



Eugene Oregon
1.Super Silver Haze- I heard this hype all across my local area about how a guy had a great cut of it and the smoke was going around but never got my hands on it, I have smoked supposed SSH but it didn't live up to the expectations I heard.

2.DJ Shorts Genetics- What can I say everyone talks about how significant his genetics are and how they have the most beautiful plant structure and the smoke is vibrant and euphoric with no hang over in any of his strains. I wanna try some of his stuff for sure!


Dogshit is not malawi x hawaiian...it is a columbian afghani and it also did not originate in portland.

It originated in humboldt.

Check your facts before spewing misinfo.

My favorite smoke is malawi northern lights haze.

well your wrong as far as i know and calm the hell down
im not speading misinfo. did you breed this strain?
Im not speaking about the strain jason king encountered in humboldt
I am speak and anybody from portland in the know will tell that the dog shit strain from portland is infinitely better than that from humboldt
Jason king doesnt know everything about strains and some strains are coveted i.e portland dogshit to the point that the linage is undiscoverable by outsiders


roadkill skunk

dank nasty smell

oops, didnt realize it said never

never smoked -
reefermans presoviet afghan

that would be a nice one to try


My buddy says his pheno of kali mist is the best he's ever had, and knee grow has smoked a lot of pot.

I'm super psyched to give it a whirl if I ever make it back to Kentucky.


Green Mujaheed
brown dry & seeded buds from Zaïre. Would pass as schwag to most contemporary pot heads, but still the strongest weed I've ever smoked.

Irie !
I wanted MK Ultra for the longest time. Never had OG kush and I figure this is the closest I can come to the OG flavor.

Ive also never smoked strawberry cough, but i hear good things about it. Next trip to the seed shop, I'll probably choose either DP Strawberry Cough, or THSeeds MK. Any reccomendations? I want good flavor & strong high, could care less about yield.

(I want somthing from DJ short but the shop doesnt carry his work.)


Black Majic- Looked like the worst bag of cow chips, all bricked and seedy. Took two good pulls and coughed till black out. Eyes cleared up and I was on a majic carpet ride navigating through kilidescope glasses.

h^2 O

some years back ordered from that "sandra green" person...got some hashplant and then some kind of skunk...can't remember what it was...but it was ROTTEN. I opened the bag and almost gagged, it smelled like REALLY BAD body odor. When I packed a bowl it tasted like weed/armpit, and my eyes swelled up and I immediately starting salivating profusely.
I live for that shit. I need to find some nice purtid-smelling skunk. Someone suggested Mr. Nice "SHit"...I dunno

Space Ghost

it's astonishing how many people didn't read the TITLE of the thread... For those who need a second look, it's The Dankest Weed you *never* smoked, notice the "N"?
All I can say is if I haven't smoked it yet, how do I know it's dank?!!!

I am looking forward to giving a straight up G13 a try..... have smoked pretty much everything else that I can think of.



I have a old hippie friend who would trade most anything for some bud called Champagne. I've tried to find it- have read it's some type of hashplant cross. Would love to come across it sometime. He had nothing but praise for it..


Outdoor herijuana. Or, my first time smoking which was outdoor locally grown diesel....

Both times were equal, in fuckupedness.


I'm not a real goat.™
Best weed I've NEVER smoked would be Panama Red...

As a kid, before I had seen or even really knew what marijuana was, I heard stories of Panama Red that fascinated me. To this day, when I here 'Panama Red', a strange mythical kid like vibe comes over me....

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