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SR71 Strainguide and Clones

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Sorry, I shouldnt be such a dick. I get tired of the hate. I been doing my best to help these guys get their shit together and get better genetics out. My bad.

I'm willing to take you at your word. I think we could all chill out and just try to exchange the best information we have. If we disagree with someone, best just to let it slide. For instance, I won't even mention that I disagree with you about BOG's skills! :smile: Oops...

I grew out the Harborside Grape Punch and I wasn't impressed. It had a weak, short-lived high that I didn't like much at all.

To be honest, I've been smoking some quick-cured Vanilluna that I grew out from Harborside and I'm not even very impressed with that, either, and it's supposedly a cut delivered by DJ Short himself!

I gave a less-than-stellar review of SR-71's Purple Kush, but the more strains I grow out, the more I'm impressed by the Purple Kush.

I've been growing Bay Area clones for several years now, and it's never the big-name cuts that impress me the most. It's always the crap-shoot cuts that are the winners for me. An Ogre clone from the old LPC in Hayward, or a Bubblegum from the old Mission St. Caregivers in S.F.

I think it's important that we all just grow out cuts and then make honest reports. The names and the reputations haven't been that helpful for me, to tell you the truth. Just grow and report; that's about the best any of us can do to contribute to these discussions.
I agree. Almost a year ago i went into Purple Heart hoping to get some nice purple cuts such as GDP, grape ape, or purple urkel. They only strain they had was blue dream. I was pretty disappointed but didnt wanna leave empty handed so i got a few. I ended up getting all the other purple strains i wanted but none of them are as good as the blue dream is, except for purple urkel. I would say those 2 are equal, amazing in their own ways. But im glad i picked up the Blue Dream, i still have a mother of the same cut i bought. btw Blue Dream is Blueberry x Haze so its no suprise since blueberry is a great strain


Active member
i just grew out a bunch of the white widow, aka mr. nice black widow, crazy strong meds.. very popular with the clubs here.. a 10 week flowering time is the only drawback.. they are normal to light feeders; standard house and garden regime burned some but rez's recipe in coco was smooth sailing


Active member
No, actually I named it. Personally.

[hate] Actually you RE-Named it - big difference. It's called Grape Stomper made by Keyplay (a member here). You changed the name, and allowed the genetics to be sold at the clubs which you were told to not do. You sold out somebody so you can be famous. The best part is these closet jockeys, and "mersh growers in med patient clothing" who try to defend your actions actually support your scandalous nature as long as they get something out of it. Classic.

And don't try to tell me to get a Big Boy light.. :noway: I have big boy Everything :biglaugh:



Active member
S4vvy - I totally agree with everything you have said about re-naming the strain and all that. However, the one thing I do not agree with that has nothing to do with you is the fact that whomever first grew that strain (Grape Stomper or whatever) should not be angry that it is now readily available for all medical patients. If this strain is any good then it will help thousands of people with medical problems. For somebody to be so selfish to say that nobody can have his strain disgusts me. So I give thanks for Keyplay for making the strain and also to JustaNiceGuy for making it available for everybody. Peace out.
S4vvy has been around this forum for a long time, usually staying in the background. He has a lot of credibility around here, in my view.


im on here ALL the time,for a LONG time now. what handle makes no difference exept for those with ego problems, with that any low post count means less than the color of underwear the person is wearing at the moment.
most people remeber overG and those servers that were taken full of galleries and YEARS of peoples work stored and shared there........i think most of the "real" old time handles around here will and should be sketchy about posting "to much"
and braggin about your renamed cut now sold at med clubs in cali is locked in these severs untill who knows what ,when , or were sumthing may happen......
but hey its yur balls on the table not mine nice guy what do you got to loose?


"BOG HIMSELF" lol, just another pollen chucker, all OG hype. plus the beans were never released, and if you see any old 2 words thrown together, and a hypothetical strain that may have existed, grown by some dudes son doesnt make it exist or available to the public. Why hate, try it. It'll be a winner for many people.
I have several friends who are real deal experts that have grown it and give it RAVE reviews.

As far as more potent buds, Id love to try them and let you know. You can buy mine..... It is @ harborside right now in little glass jars, grown by me. Try it if you can, but it sells out hella fast. Ask anybody. I am the TRUTH. Your CFL does NOT keep up with this guy.
And Ill bet that any goo you spit out is HELLA weak.




I'm signing in to say get out of here with this bullshit all of you server space wasting arguing fucks!!! This isn't an annoyance at the moment but a common argument, "My club is better than your club." I'm so sick of that crap, we don't own the clubs so why do people defend them? Pollen chucker or not who the f cares. Grape stomper or sour grapes who cares??? Its medicine be grateful that medicine is available, some is better than others, isn't this topic supposed to be about the different medicines and how they grow/medicate for us the customers/patients. You guys are lame and push people like myself that have some knowledge away from this site. Remember neptune, I wonder why he left?

Casey jones seems to be a stretcher can anyone else tell me their experiences with this strain...its new to me.


Registered Med User
I'm signing in to say get out of here with this bullshit all of you server space wasting arguing fucks!!! This isn't an annoyance at the moment but a common argument, "My club is better than your club." I'm so sick of that crap, we don't own the clubs so why do people defend them? Pollen chucker or not who the f cares. Grape stomper or sour grapes who cares??? Its medicine be grateful that medicine is available, some is better than others, isn't this topic supposed to be about the different medicines and how they grow/medicate for us the customers/patients. You guys are lame and push people like myself that have some knowledge away from this site. Remember neptune, I wonder why he left?

Casey jones seems to be a stretcher can anyone else tell me their experiences with this strain...its new to me.

Yep, if u aint got somethin positive to add to the thread (aka info, pics, experience..) then your wasting bandwidth with your posts. If u dont like blue sky then dont buy there clones, its pretty simple. Were all adults in here.


Active member
S4vvy - I totally agree with everything you have said about re-naming the strain and all that. However, the one thing I do not agree with that has nothing to do with you is the fact that whomever first grew that strain (Grape Stomper or whatever) should not be angry that it is now readily available for all medical patients. If this strain is any good then it will help thousands of people with medical problems. For somebody to be so selfish to say that nobody can have his strain disgusts me. So I give thanks for Keyplay for making the strain and also to JustaNiceGuy for making it available for everybody. Peace out.

See.. with all due respect, you're speaking on things you do not really understand. The strain was and IS currently available to med patients and a few other growers who are cool with Keyplay. The med patients who get her DIRECTLY from keyplay, and the guys who he shared with who are not med patients (me, and a few others). We all had the same rules apply to us. "Do not whore her out, do not sell her to clubs, Enjoy her and keep her close". We are not upset at all that patients get to enjoy her. The clone is rarely sold, usually GIVEN away, but i would have preferred that the profits from SELLING clones of her went directly to my friend, rather than that pest, and disease infested club (SR71).

The main issue with DADDY HAZE is he straight up lied and back stabbed to get famous under the guise of Sharing with the Med Community. The guy he did this to is a med patient and med grower. He shares many of his genetics freely, and busts his ass to grow high quality organic bud, along with oil, hash, and edibles. His stuff goes directly to other patients in need. This clone was his chance at a little exclusivity in the highly competitive norcal/bay area club scene and he got got did dirty... for nothing.

Like i said before, classic :biglaugh:


disease and pests infested club? Is that your personal experience? If so, that sucks. I've never got any diseases or pests in two years of getting clones from them. I might be lucky. On the other hand I have gotten a few clones that weren't rooted, but the workers always replaced those next time around, and gave me free ones regardless on every trip I've made there.

I personally think blue sky workers bust their ass to make good genetics available to the masses, which is a huge demand every day. I've seen them lower the limits on the days where availability was low and they didn't want to see people leave empty handed. I definitely don't think they are perfect! I hate waiting in line early in the morning. But I give them credit for giving me what I've wanted. If they don't work for you, oh well move on. Speaking about moving on how about you two move your bickering about sour grapes (pun intended) to private messages?

Once again how much does casey jones stretch when flipped to 12/12 and how long should she go?


another pissing contest woohoo, some guy does a 6 lighter and is overly feeling himself, who cares what wattage lights somone uses

i cant really say anything bad about blue sky at least you know what your getting hopefully they expand there clone list to some of the cuts mentioned in the last few pages

somone should open a clone only club with reputable proven cuts rooted pm and pm free.

most of these clubs could give a flying fuck about the med community wich is utter crap.
so if you are more of a bar type establishment rather than a health center at least have quality proven product the bay area club scene has alot of wolves in sheep's clothing

ok done ranting

last but not least im pretty surprised there isnt any other sour d purple crosses they have both been out like 8 years,

purp that takes 10 weeks that yields the same as gdp? why bother or am i missing something


Active member
Casey jones seems to be a stretcher can anyone else tell me their experiences with this strain...its new to me.

From what I've seen of her, she streches a little more than odyssey, but not like WW which seems to keep on stretching until the end, rather it will stop at some point, if that makes sense.

I don't know about this sour grapes / grape stomper bs, as one strain really can't make or break anything IMO.

But I will poke around a bit when I get back to work in a couple days, it would help to get it straight from the horses mouth though, and without the drama, as I am still trying to figure out how someone comes off as famous or a hero in this thing.

Bit I do knowall to well about those wanting to keep their genetics and distribute in whatever manner they see fit, it's really quite common, I don't always understand it, but to each their own.

I don't know niceguy/dhaze personally if I did I would call him on this, bit in person not online where it comes across like some sort of growers mine is bigger than yours catfight.


Active member
S4vvy - Maybe I don't understand the situation very well, however don't expect me to feel sorry for the grower that was trying to make more money off a strain he was hording. You can make money in this business off swag if you put your mind to it. Bottom line, strains are meant to be shared, not horded for money purposes.


Active member
*Whips out a camera to document the size of his member for the IC community*

Y'all dont REALLY want to see this now.....do you?

I'll upload it in a heartbeat to shut u dipshits up !!!


The revolution will not be televised.....
The whole idea behind this place(thread) is sharing of info that we would not have readily available. It has become something of a joke that a community that supposedly places high value on karma, good vibes, and sharing has turned into such a capitalist, ruthless, and unkind home. We all have ideas and opinions on what this thread is about and should offer so I think everyone's posts are relevant and needed. Some may not agree and some like all the Bluesky employees, will hate at the first sign of people complaining. Thats is what this place is for?

I dont want re-named clones, clones stolen under the guise of sharing, hermis or any of the other mounting issues BlueSky has had lately. You can say we are lucky and that we should be grateful but at 15-20 bucks a pop its neither! And please stop with the Go somewhere else then spill!! What business that is worth a damn, would have that as a solution unless they didnt care about you being a customer cause they know a new sucker will be walking through their doors to replace the cats that have caught on? If I spend that kinda $$ I want good shit with no bad freakin bad vibes following it around, nor do I want to grow it out for several weeks only to find its full of nuts! If you think we are lucky or should be thankful for the shitty scraps they are trowing out, please!! I work too hard for my $$ to think that small minded.

Savvy is very respected here and I have never seen him flame anyone so I will go with his version of what happened since I know the other guy is trying to make a buck above all else. Why else would he immediatley attack Thundurkel? Come on now folks! Its obvious again, that you are being given anything they can get their hands on. Labeled incorrectly, re-named, herms doesnt matter as long as you stand in line and have the cash ready.

And last why try to down a guy for his way of growing? It may not be yours and is usually put together around space and cost. Not skill. Still want to know how much Blusky pays Gypsy for all their spamming and super trolling in this thread.


Active member
to be honest i really don't think bluesky reads or cares about this thread; mr haze got his gear from bluesky and sold the flowers to harbor side from what i can tell of the threads; all about making a buck; that's the way the game goes; money uberalis

all the guys i've ever known who've hoarded strains and refused to share em lost em to karma; now it seems as if this keyplay guy isn't above sharing his strains he just doesn't let em out to anyone whereas haze was trying to sell/gift the genetics to bluesky, whoknows, all i know is that he didn't and bluesky doesn't have grape punch, odyssey is floating around behind closed doors but not to the general public, those other strains mentioned they don't have either... they have what's in their catalog and not even that; blueberry is still not around... if one thing bluesky has going for it is that they seem to do their clones/moms all in-house as opposed to having vendors drop off god knows what strain they feel like calling it that day and bringing whatever bugs they have along for the ride

blue sky seems to do volume; there is a ratio between volume and quality; they probably crossed that line awhile ago and are trying to find their way back, i hope; and just for the record i am neither employed by or affiliated with bluesky; nor do i claim to be friends with any of the owners or employees

i've run the hindu skunk, odyssey, white widow, and purple kush so far in large grows with no problems or hermies; i always assume any new cut i bring into my garden has fungus gnats, mites, thrips, and pm; i treat them accordingly and have no bug/disease problems with the cuts i've ran from bluesky

just my :2cents:

opt1c :joint:


New member
went today (thursday) got there at 7 and was about 12th in line. by the time they opened there was over 20 people. i grabbed green crack, odyssey, sour grapes, and casey jones. they also had hks, ww, mazar, bubblegum and maybe 1 other. 18 limit since it was so crowded. not as rooted as they used to be, about half showing in the bottom. all look like they will be fine tho. no bugs that I can see. hope that helps
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