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Mind == Blown. I'm here to share


New member
So the other day, I think yesterday maybe... Well, i was stoned out of my mind with some new Northern Lights that my dealer just got in, and after chillin with my friends and getting all stoned I had a realization that blew my mind.
So what if, the human brain isnt evolving, but our brain was always able to be as smart as we are now, but we just weren't. like cavemen COULD have been as smart as us, but just didnt comprehend it. the brain hasnt changed, its an infinite muscle?
just a thought?
anyone get me?


I opened the door to the back porch, there was a sudden breeze. As I stopped to analyze the situation my cat, Pajamas, ran between my feet and through the door. Once I realized what was going on, it was too late. Pajamas had gotten inside.


Paint Your DreamStrain
We are cavemen with clothes and laws and language n stuff. You're not too far off there bruh.


Those mental flights of fancy are always fun....especially when preceded by Northern Lights....mmmmmmmmmm :)

If you really want to know what modern science is beginning to understand about the human brain, you should pick up this book at the local library, or buy it if the economy is treating you right. I read this, its a fantastic book :)

Here is a link to a description:


If you don't feel like reading a book, The Matrix is a movie you should watch, its pretty far out cool as well.


Active member
Dowload BBCs "Brain Story".... It's an amazing 6 part documentary

buy a half z of the NL and just smoke and watch that shit... it'll blow ur mind

the bitch hosting it is a little annoying tho


Active member
we only use 10% of our brain capacity, so yea you make sense. its possible that maybe some crazy undiscovered drug or substance is out there that can unlock the other 90% potential, but that would just be bad.


New member
Social evolution is faster than physical evolution. We are living in a modern world, a modern society, with modern rules and a population far exceeded anything we're are subconsciously developed for. This is where social evolution is at. Our brains haven't evolved this far on a sub or superconscious level yet, we're still evolutionarily designs for life tens of thousands of years ago when we all lived in tribes that would barley exceed 300 people...

I'm too wasted to figure out how to explain this any better haha, it's covered in many books based around Darwin's theories.


stone fool
The man plugged the hole in his house and went back inside. The little birds that had lived in the hole all their lives came back, and were confused, then angry. They began to try to open the hole, again and again, one, and then another, then sometime two at once. It was getting dark.........


Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
"In the last 10,000 years man has done much to change the way he lives, but little to change the way he behaves."

I forget whose quote that is... if you know, please tell me. But that about sums it up. :D

We evolved a great deal in our brain, the mass for instance increased greatly.
The Universe is conscious, so all forms that exist are as well. But they adapt, they evolve or they die; things never remain the same.

There is not drug that can overcome the other 80-90%, that requires neural connections. Ultimately you will realize that you made no connections, none were necessary. But you live with connections, all creatures live with connections.


New member
isnt most of our brain, filters...
keeping us from going insane since we dont need to know every little thing.
a large part of the brain is just determining what we need to pay attention to and what we dont need to know.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
Social evolution is faster than physical evolution. We are living in a modern world, a modern society, with modern rules and a population far exceeded anything we're are subconsciously developed for. This is where social evolution is at. Our brains haven't evolved this far on a sub or superconscious level yet, we're still evolutionarily designs for life tens of thousands of years ago when we all lived in tribes that would barley exceed 300 people...

I'm too wasted to figure out how to explain this any better haha, it's covered in many books based around Darwin's theories.

I actually feel this is correct for most people. I also think that there is many people, including myself, that have brains developed one step farther. I mean have you ever met someone that is really nice, but so dumb, that you just wanna pet them on the head, smile, and give them a cookie? I meet them all the time. Where I live contributes a lot to that though.


Active member

How much have we evolved?

~Abbie :joint:


we only use 10% of our brain capacity, so yea you make sense. its possible that maybe some crazy undiscovered drug or substance is out there that can unlock the other 90% potential, but that would just be bad.

That is just a myth. In truth while no two humans use their brains in exactly the same manner, the idea that we only use 10% of our brain was actually government propaganda to encourage kids to stay in school way back in the day.

Orga, one would use brain scans.

As for the original question, I don't think your idea is very far off base at all. "Intelligence" is nothing more than understanding and applying theories more than people around you. While that is an oversimplification of things, I believe there are two reasons why we believe ourselves to be intellectually superior.

1: Knowledge, science, etc. are all built layer upon layer. For an examply, You can't develope space travel without first understanding flight. You can't experiment with flight until you understand propulsion. Eventually as you peel back the layers you get to the basic foundations that today we grow up knowing. Someone had to spend their life discovering and expanding upon every single building block we now know. When taken in conjunction with #2 you can understand why it has taken so long.

2: 10-15K years ago when homosapiens survived and neanderthals did not, the population was quite small. For the first generations all knowledge was passed in verbal form. This would lead to inaccuracies and an inability to reproduce. Science, medicine, etc. could not evolve to how we know it until writing was "invented". Now, in a population of 1000 people, lets say you have 1 genius. A population of 1 million people in the world would have 1000 geniuses. These guys could at first not communicate with each other, then by mail - but imagine sending a letter by horseback (or foot) hundreds of miles trying to communicate with another brilliant person who may or may not be interested in studying the same thing.

To think that we are intellectually superior in a physical way would be a guess at best - more likely we just have millenia of others research taught to us by the time we are in junior high that we are able to devote our energies to newer more exciting technologies and ideas.

God I ramble when I am stoned...


I opened the door to the back porch, there was a sudden breeze. As I stopped to analyze the situation my cat, Pajamas, ran between my feet and through the door. Once I realized what was going on, it was too late. Pajamas had gotten inside.

This is perhaps the best response to a internet thread


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