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This is a male, right?

do female plants often take longer to show sex than males do, or is there no significant difference? i guess at this point i just kind of have to wait for a few more days to see what happens.

LoL considering no one answered, I decided to come along and give my opinion! In my experiences I have ALWAYS had males show their ugly faces before the females. Usually females can take up to three weeks to show sometimes. So don't get discouraged that it's taking so long, they will rear their pistils soon enough. "Patience is a virtue Daniel Son!" <~~(sorry karate kid was on)


plant pimp
From what I can see in your pics your plants look good, Nice female count so far too. Your plants uniform,or do you have diff phenotypes?


From what I can see in your pics your plants look good, Nice female count so far too. Your plants uniform,or do you have diff phenotypes?

well from what i can see so far, i do have different phenotypes. 2 of my confirmed females are pretty uniform, the other one definitely looks different from them, the main distinguishing characteristic so far is that it is significantly shorter than the other 2, although that my change soon. one of my girls has really taken off growth-wise, she's grown at least 4-5 inches in the last 2 weeks.

im becoming more and more sure that the other 2 that im suspecting of being females are in fact females, although i think it might take another day or 2 to be sure. they are also significantly smaller than the other ones, but they have always been kind of the runts of the litter so to speak, plus they were the last ones that i germinated. (i did a staggered germination, since that was the recommendation for first time growers that i read in the cannabis grow bible.

cyberwax: i can't really say that i "do" take clones as this is my first grow ever. i do certainly intend to take clones, that has kind of been my overall plan from the beginning.

in you guys's experience, how big does a cutting need to be for it to turn into a successful clone? i don't want to take huge ones, because none of my plants are that big, as this is essentially a micro-grow. my goal height for my plants by the end of flowering is about 24-26", so i am scared that if i take a large cutting, it's going to really slow things down, you know?
This is what I wrote to someone else wondering how to take clones......

Really simple, cut about 4 nodes down from the branch you'd like to get the cutting from. Make sure it's at a 45 degree angle (basically diagonally). Once cut, put clone DIRECTLY in water until you get ready to use the clonex. Once you use the clonex put the cutting in whatever medium your using (rockwool, rapid rooter, peat pods, etc.) then put them in a humidity dome of some sort and spray the foilage and cover the dome. In about 10 days or so they should start rooting. Once it's rooted then place them into your medium to grow!


Well as of this morning I have another confirmed female, so out of the first 5 seeds I germed, I got 4 females, so I'm pretty happy about that. I still have 2 unknowns, but they're a couple weeks younger than the other plants, and I put them under 12/12 about 10 days later, so I'm not too worried about them yet. Also last night I took 8 cuttings that I'm using the "cloning in plain water under flouros" method (I'm too lazy to find the link to the thread right now). I labelled which ones are from my current favorite plant, and so far they look healthy. I know it takes longer to root this way, but I really like the methods simplicity. I've got time too because I'm just gonna veg them til I harvest my current crop and then throw them directly into flower. So anyway, we'll just see what happens from here. Ill keep the thread updated with further developments and pix. Thanks for all the advice, input and help everyone! This forum has been a HUGE resource for me.


Well, as of today, one of my runts showed itself to be undeniably a male. Sucks, but I'm ok with it, as I still have 4 very healthy looking females. They are starting to show what look like flowers, and pistils are popping up all over the place. They really don't have much of a smell right now. I mean, they do have a noticeable smell, but it is not strong at all. I guess that will change as they progress, but this is supposed to be a fairly low-odor strain. No signs of roots yet on my cuttings, but I'm not expecting to see that for at least several more days. They are still looking green and healthy though, so that's good. Looking forward to July/August!


well, i think i'll post a little update. my project is going pretty well. i ended up having to kill off my other runt, so out of 10 seeds, 7 germed, and 4 of those were female, not terrible for a first time grow, i don't think. im trtying to clone, but not having great sucess with it so far.

anyway, here are some pix i took a couple days ago, this is about the end of week 4 here.


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can we see some more current pics plz. ~Vince

the pix i posted earlier are from 3 or 4 days ago so theyre pretty recent, theyre in the dark right now, and i have to go to work before this light cycle is over, so i can't take more pix until i get home tomorrow night, but i'll def. take some more and post them tomorrow night (well i guess its actually tonight, its already saturday lol) anyway, peace til then



welp, i ended up getting caught up in other things so i didnt have time to take the pix when i had planned on doing it, i ended up going to see "up" which i highly recommend, if you havent seen it yet. anyway, here are some pictures that i took yesterday. just to keep the timeline straight, my plants are just beginning week 5 of flowering about now. i have enough pix that it will probably take 2 posts to post them all. so here ya go


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more pix


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ok so its actually going to be 3 posts, i thought the max number of files you could attach was 5 not 4 lol, so anyway this is the last of them for now. i'll upload more in probably a week or so, enjoy!


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ok im basically posting this in three different places here because i need some help on this quick. when you're growing in a confined space like a rubbermaid cabinet what is the best way to keep your plants from getting too tall and getting burned in the lights?

it is not a problem right now for 3 of my plants, but the other one is stretching a lot and growing really fast, and when i checked on it earlier tonight, the very tips of its uppermost leaves were starting to burn. i moved it as much out of the way of the lights as i could, but i need a more permanent solutiion.

do i tie it down? do i top it? I actually had a problem a few weeks ago with one of the other plants getting burned really badly. in the course of about 12 hours it went from being fine to being pretty badly burned on the very top. i trimmed off the burned portion and 2 colas have begun to form in its place. recently, a 3rd cola has started to form as well. it is not growing nearly as fast as the other one is right now.

if someone can give me some ideas on what to do about this, i would really appreciate it. thanks in advance!


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
ok im basically posting this in three different places here because i need some help on this quick. when you're growing in a confined space like a rubbermaid cabinet what is the best way to keep your plants from getting too tall and getting burned in the lights?

it is not a problem right now for 3 of my plants, but the other one is stretching a lot and growing really fast, and when i checked on it earlier tonight, the very tips of its uppermost leaves were starting to burn. i moved it as much out of the way of the lights as i could, but i need a more permanent solutiion.

do i tie it down? do i top it? I actually had a problem a few weeks ago with one of the other plants getting burned really badly. in the course of about 12 hours it went from being fine to being pretty badly burned on the very top. i trimmed off the burned portion and 2 colas have begun to form in its place. recently, a 3rd cola has started to form as well. it is not growing nearly as fast as the other one is right now.

if someone can give me some ideas on what to do about this, i would really appreciate it. thanks in advance!
yes you can tie them over heres few suggestions http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=123709&highlight=super+cropping

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