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smoking after collapsed lung?


My lung collapsed several times a few years ago and I was wondering if it is a good idea to smoke now. I have been wanting to grow but I am terrified that if I smoke my lungs will collapse again. I have only smoked a few times since this happened and everytime I feel like my lungs collapsed again or am afraid they are going to collapse. Is it safe to smoke after your lungs collapse? Would it be safe to vaporize? Does anyone know if smoking was a major cause of my lungs collapsing? The doctor's said it was spontaneous and that it is common in thin young men. Do you think it is a good idea to start smoking again, but very lightly? Or should I just cook my cannabis? One last question, what is the high like of cooked cannabis compared to smoked? Thanks.


New member
My lung collapsed several times a few years ago and I was wondering if it is a good idea to smoke now. I have been wanting to grow but I am terrified that if I smoke my lungs will collapse again. I have only smoked a few times since this happened and everytime I feel like my lungs collapsed again or am afraid they are going to collapse. Is it safe to smoke after your lungs collapse? Would it be safe to vaporize? Does anyone know if smoking was a major cause of my lungs collapsing? The doctor's said it was spontaneous and that it is common in thin young men. Do you think it is a good idea to start smoking again, but very lightly? Or should I just cook my cannabis? One last question, what is the high like of cooked cannabis compared to smoked? Thanks.
I am no doctor but i think your best option would be to cook and eat.


Active member
It happened to me a few times when in was in my 20s. The doctors also said it was spontaneaous.. (although I strongly suspect that it was caused by hard coughing due to extreme smoking methods...). When it happened for a third (or fourth?) time, they opened me up and fixed the problem permanently.

I've been smoking happily since, and I'm almost 48 yrs old. And in Europe we use tobacco too!

Incidentally, I had my lungs X-rayed yesterday (routine check) and everything is in order. So there's still hope for you, I'd say :smile:

h :ying:


Don't drink and drive home, Smoke dope and fly hom
ICMag Donor
I have had several collapsed lungs all on the left called spontaneous neurothorax it is very common in tall skiny people usuall with a pre-existing condition eg. asthma or it can result from the flu which results in flem buildup and coughing it is the constant cough that actually tears the lung in a weakend spot in my case working as a butcher in cold conditions a cold for me would result in phnumonia then i would collapse my lung they can also be caused by a very heavy knock or impact to back or chest i smoked all the way through all collapsed lungs at one stage i was spotting hash in the hospital carpark while i had a chest drain hanging out the side of my chest between 3rd and 4th rib the drain was connected to a water bottle and bubbled like a waterpipe everytime i would breath deep when spotting hash the bottle filled with smoke i have been smoking daily since but it still happens every now and then they also say once you have had one you are 50% more likely to have another i have been smoking for over 20 years now through waterpipe and recently had a catscan of my lungs and the specialist said he couldnt even tell i smoked cigerettes so go for it but if you are worried start of with a smaller conepeice or only half fill it i did this after my very first collapsed lung youll be right rip em down here i will start the round


Active member
It'll soon be time to start a "Collapsed lung growers Group", here on ic. :D

Similar experiences though...

h :ying:


i smoked all the way through all collapsed lungs at one stage i was spotting hash in the hospital carpark while i had a chest drain hanging out the side of my chest between 3rd and 4th rib the drain was connected to a water bottle and bubbled like a waterpipe everytime i would breath deep when spotting hash the bottle filled with smoke



Don't drink and drive home, Smoke dope and fly hom
ICMag Donor
I was only 15 or 16 then no fear think your mr invinsible nothing can hurt ya especially when ya mates are around and you try and impress i wouldnt even thinking of smoking now if i had a collapsed lung or phnumonia but back then it wouldnt stop me

Jeff Lebowski

Why smoke when you can vaporize? Do you want a less effective method of delivery?