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DIY NFToohigh


Active member
Cool setup toohigh. Hope you get a bumper crop out of it :wink:

What do you guys know about a strain called Guido? I just aquired 2 big mamas of here with a nug of each pheno. Both are phenomenal! Tastes like grapefruit catpiss deisel or even more kushy than deisel, and it was turning me into a total idiot! It's supposedly from chicago, but I find that hard to believe, being so little dank out there.

Nice find. Perhaps a little late, but no one replied...

Motarebel is the breeder of Guido:

Guido is a cross between Killa Queen and GBW(G-13 x Blackwidow).The incredible stone is joined by a blonde hash/citrus flavor. I'd recommend to grow scrog on this one and leave at least 4 good branches. Guido is a tribute to a good friend Guideone, who has inspired me beyond words.
flowering time-9 weeks
yield indoors-300-350 g per m2

There should be more info over on the grow shop alien forum if you need it.


Well-known member
Thanks Neon! I got the info on the strain, but I had no idea it was named after guidone. Everyone here thinks it's an OGxgrapefruit cross, and to be honest, my pheno tastes as people describe, but a little catpissy too. Though the structure is sooo diferent from the OG and the yeild is much better, everyone in these parts say it's DONE at 55-60. I'm goin 64 or so and takin it down with the SFV at the same time.


Active member
My pleasure toohigh

Sounds like a nice pheno! Let us know how you get on with her. I'm sitting on a couple of packs of beans here which I hope to grow out one day, and I've not come across any grows with it before.

One Love 731

Senior Member
Tohighmf thanks in advance for the next 30 days as this is a ground breaking I have been waiting for. If you know of any finished successful documented grows using this zig zag method please send me a link, if not I will eagerly await the chop and final #'s. Thanks for all you do. I have learned a lot from your threads. Karma, One Love


Well-known member
Woah! Thank you all for stopping by! Olyver here has a biggun that he's flippin internally. I can't copy/paste from this device, but I'm sure a search will help you find it.
Another member here pulls 50% more then with 4/8 config.

Here's our new site in progress!!
Pm me for pricing. I'll update day 40 for y'all in a couple days



. At the time I was playing with flip boxes and all the crap on the market at the time blew.. Literally. I shoulda known with Canadian companies with names like zapp electronics, and that equalizer co that put out boxes with internal timers. A friend who actually grows commercial agriculture picked up on my flip issues, and designed his own w my help and an electric engineer to build a no frills flip that is expandable, where the timer is not built in the box as they are first to go, and when they do your box is useless. After 4 years of working out the kinks and know that out of 250+ boxes in operation, only 2 had minor issues as simple as a snagged contact spring and a metal burr when the boxes were drilled out. Not punched as they are in the production units. In the shop, started tinkering with a few of them and pluggin em into eachother and setting timers. It was then that I figured I need one box to flip every 12 hours, and another flip to zig and one to zag on another timer. Now you can power 16 off 4kw in 2 photocycles. I figured that's maximizing gpkw/h better than any other sham I read or tried. So BAM. Next run... 16 off 4..

You're right Toohighmf, Zapp, and Equalizer flips were garbage, they're not in business anymore. Then you slam Canadian companies. I don't know why it took you 4 years to design a flip that works. You just set up your website a couple days ago, yet you've been selling your flips for 3 years. I seen the 20 ballast flip on your website, where are the lampcords on the bottom. It looks like it was a cut/paste pic you made. As for doing 16 off 4, is pretty easy. All you need is a PLC and a timer. When you flip 4 off then 4 on in one room, the room goes dark, then the 4 on lights take a few minutes to get to full brightness. With a PLC, you can always make sure 2 lights are on in a room before the flip. Flip 2 lights, wait about 30 minutes flip the other 2. You will always have 4 lights on out of 8 in each room.

Last edited:


Well-known member
Olyver, Im not argueing with you. The 20 flip in the pic is just the factory chassis before cords and recepticals were added to the box. No photoshopping man. Our enclosures are all fresh designs, not hobby boxes or HD specials. .30 T5 Aluminum oly. This is my thread, and my product. Please show the respect I have shown you, and remove that link. At the time, Canadians were the only people making a factory flip box. There were problems with. All of them. We had been selling boxes for the last 4 years. We are the only AMERICAN co building production boxes. I don't think nowirenuts.com has inventory and is ready to ship. I remember when he worked for equalizer n talking to him on the phone about design flaws when I bought a 12 ballast flip and drove 700 miles to install it to have the timer fry at plug in. I sent it back to them and I never saw it again. Then their was the zapp box.. Weighed 400lbs with 8 ballasts in it. Same issue... Timer won't turn off or flip.. I'm not dogging Canada or nowirenuts but for you to jump in my thread, discredit my efforts, and promote your fellow cannucks products, is just plain rude. People ask where they can see other grows using the same principals, and I promotedyou, as your grow is similar, and I respect what your doing. Either.your really sensitive and can't accept compliments. 40 hoods in canada. BFD! As I worked for a CANADIAN co. For 5 years, spent near a year of my time consulting growers, I think I have a pretty good sence of how a lot of Canadians think. I spent a lot of time smoking the best CAN has to offer from the celebrities of Canadian pot. For the most part, most strains that were supposedly the "heat" or dank, was usually mediocre at best. However you canadians can sure extract! And you have to! Why? Because most the genetics suck, so hash is the only thc product with a buzz! The island has all the heat.. Some cannucks are lucky to have Vancouver island buddies to get them what CALIFORNIA searched so hard to find, starting back in the 60's-70's, before breeding and moving to CAN to do it. Be greatful your country was once very liberal about cannabis, and the US laws regarding MJ forced Californians to move north. not trying to dis Canada or it's inhabitants. I'm merely pointing out


Well-known member
That you canadians aren't really notorious or famous for their engineering or Manufacturing. You have rights to grow pot on a commercial level, and you have a lot of timber, hydro power and diamond mines. Aside from that I can't really think of anything else but agriculture. Correct me if I'm wrong! I love Canada, it's a beautiful country, great people for the most part, but I always feel this sense of patriotism often comes out sounding so defensive.

Flips are also used to minimize spiking and keeping the ballast constantly running as the major wear on them is restarting them. I can hot flip my digis and my box with no arcing, and the bulbs instantly fire before the glow of the arc tube is still visual! Since you probably run coil ballasts, I can see it being an issue as the ballasts take so long to fire, but again for the small investment of good digis, gets you 99.9% output (10-20% more lumens, the correct lux, at 4.25 amps, with no flicker or long startups. I guess a guy running 40 hoods can't afford 10 digital ballasts! LOL!


Well-known member
i would love to see a tutorial on how to make an nft system out of fence post

It's a little late for this show, but I'll be happy to in a few when I start my 16 hoods off 4 ballasts thread. If you are relatively mechanicly inclined, and have tools like a tablesaw, circular saw, jigsaw, or even a rotozip with a straight guide to cut the post & the end caps laterally down the center on parallel sides makes 2 2.5"x4.25"x8' nft troughs. 1 endcap cut down the middle makes 2 back end caps. Water is pumped from the front of the system to the back where any drip style system w/o the gph regulators in em to get a good flow. I use the Digg pressure compensating manifolds at the back that is PVCed from the res. The end caps are silicone sealed and 1/4" holes are drilled for the 1/4" line to run down the troughs, back to the res. It's so easy a caveman can do it! (not to offend any cave grower) when this is done, and I set up, I will write up "Toohigh's DIY NFT Tutorial" with specs on everything you need, everything you want to know, and my personal take on them, as well as where I see pros/cons to running this style system. I built a system that covers 16x8' for under $500. 4 am ag. True 4x8 trays would cost about $1000 before you plumb it, add a 4 res, 4 high gph pumps, and build a stand to put it on. Think about the cost efficiency, not to mention carrying 4-5 3lb troughs vs the table. Modular systems can be sized to fit any room, and you can push the troughs forward or back, left or right, up and down or even picked up to prune, stake, trellis, train etc. The only drawback I really see is for tree growers. This is not a system for blooming big plants. It's for SOG, which is the fastest as no real veg time is needed, and a s-load of plants is how I roll. Time and money for weeks of veg time at 24 hours isn't very economical, but when breaking the law, do it right! Keep under federal if it scares ya that much. I just figure the more crops you can produce in a year, and the least amount of power used to get benchmark results, is making or saving you money depending on how you look at it. It's always good to be lawyered up too. LOL


That you canadians aren't really notorious or famous for their engineering or Manufacturing. You have rights to grow pot on a commercial level, and you have a lot of timber, hydro power and diamond mines. Aside from that I can't really think of anything else but agriculture. Correct me if I'm wrong! I love Canada, it's a beautiful country, great people for the most part, but I always feel this sense of patriotism often comes out sounding so defensive.

And the Americans are famous for engineering or manufacturing. You slam my country. Good luck selling those units, $600(US) for a four ballast flip, isn't that a little expensive. This is the last time I'll reply to "your thread".



Well-known member
thank you for removing your link. Americans invented the assembly line. We use to mfg. Everything. Then japan came around and whooped our butts. Then trade sanctions were lifted on china.... And now everything anybody engineered is made in Asia, except expensive german engineered stuff. Oly, if I had 40 hoods rockin I probably wouldn't have time to be here.thank you for leaving me alone. Have a great life!

One Love 731

Senior Member
Toohighmf, hows things groin, cant wait for the next pics. What brand/model bulbs are you using with your digi. ballasts? How do you like the quantum's so far? if using 600's what spacing would you recommend? What spacing are you using with your 1000's? earlier in the thread you mentioned you were selling a few 4 light flips for $499, is that price still available? Thanks for any and all help in advance. Here is a link to the original Hightimes article http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=59511 about zig zag lighting via Chosen's 07 thread, for those interested. Hope all is well. I would also like to thank Olyver for removing his link and hope from here on out this thread can be about Toohighmf's awesome grow. keep up the good work. Karma, One Love


Active member
Hey BW, wuddupp?

here's the plan:

Trying to yeild more off less, with efficiency being key.
will hopefully avg. Me aproximately .5 lb. Per kilowatt/hour.

How do you calculate Kwh?
64 days @ 12hr = 768hrs * 4000watts/ 1000 = 3072 Kwh


And your going to get a half pound per Kwh?

1,536 Lbs ??


Well-known member
Nah, I screwed up the math big time. But that would be the average per hood. About 1.25/per hood. 4 ballasts, 8 hoods.


Active member
I was gonna say, WOW thats a hellova system
There's a flooded tube system
3+grams per KwH
Trying to yeild more off less, with efficiency being key.
havent seen anything easier
about 5lbs per 1K


Well-known member
Yeah, if you grow elite low yeilders you can't expect much more than a P per light. As previously mentioned, I'm going to run 2 of the same sized rooms running 16 hoods off 4 1ks (2 12 hr photoperiods in 24 hours. Figure 1500kwh running 24/7 but pulling down a p a hood... Talk about GPKW/h!! It's summertime and aside from a 20 plant OD deck grow, I'm basically on indoor va-ca, where I plan to get the new spot ready to go and start up in sept/October. If this does what I project, I'll buy 6 more quantums and 24 more hoods, my existing 4 light flip to 12/12, and a custom 8 balast flip with 2 triggers and run 40 off 10. I think I'm looking at about 6-7 this time which is a 50-60% increase over running 4k alone. I figure 1 room of real sour d, guido, pre' 93, Chem D and possibly headband as well as dawgdaze. The other room I will run Burma lights mad yielder, bag appeal, that burmese curry like flavor, colas the size of your arm and has sent a few puking! the "black" is a famous Floridian strain that's just friigin huge and trich packed nl5/ purple columbian haze. (3+ if you you pissed on it and I have seen football size bottoms with tops the size of well..
Say a football 3x it's actual size, jack, and kushage to have something that has the potential of 2+ per hood. One room is "headstash" and the other room has the potential topull down 20 of some really great "commercial" dank that the dispensarys don't see enough of. I'm gonna jump all over 40 off 10. I should throw up some pics of day 57. I might have 8! Not Internet 8 either. I have no reason to lie. These are experiments that could change the way a lot of people grow. Less is more sometimes. Let's hope my theory is
bigger than the hole in it! Peace everyone!


Active member
24hrs x 4000watts = 96000 / 1000 = 96kwh per day
lets say high yielding 65 day strain = 6240 KwH per cycle

1lb per hood x 16 hoods = 16 lbs. @ 454g per lb. = 7264grams

6240 KwH divided by 7264 grams= .85 grams per Kwh

I still think 3lbs off a 600watt in 56days is more efficient @ 3.19g/KwH
especially when you add in the other environmental factors

Just my 2cents

Not that I dont LOVE your grow:yoinks:
I have that HT article because I was going to go that route


I was big anyways and burnin up the meter and the room
Even started a flip flop thread on PG
verticle bulbs rock everything I research
for two years now

Best wishes
Im in for the ride