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Definiton of a drug:

A drug, broadly speaking, is any substance that, when absorbed into the body of a living organism, alters normal bodily function.[3] There is no single, precise definition, as there are different meanings in drug control law, government regulations, medicine, and colloquial usage.[4]

Don Dump

the man doctors said would never moonwalk again
I hit the vape as needed. average 3 grams a day probably


Active member
Wow, 5 pages in 1 day.
Anyway, i smoke alot. In the morning with my other drug{coffee}.
I don't overdoit in the morning, just a couple hits off the bowl.
When i get home from work i'm pretty much high till i go to bed. On my day's off i'm pretty much high all day.
But, after the 4th of July, till the start of football season i actually smoke weekends only, skipping some weekends, clearing my head sorta speak. I always start back up football season though.


In the 60's I only smoked a couple of times a week. Going to school and keeping a job was too distracting and annoying. Come to think of it, I probably should have smoked a lot more. But little money and a scarcity of weed forced me to keep it down.

But now that I'm retired, a vapor hit in the morning and several in the evening do me just fine. Been a year now since I took up smoking again. I recommend it. :joint:


pure dynamite
It depends... if I have important things to do through the day... I'll smoke like 0.5 gr in the morning and 1, maybe 2 gr. late in the night before going to sleep.
But if I don't have important thing to do... I get to 2-3 gr./day, sometimes over 5 gr. a day... but I always take a break after a long period of 2-3 gr./day or more.
I also smoked a lot for a couple of month or more, everyday... and I was asking myself how would it be if I didn't smoke... so I was living high and asked myself how would it be if I was sober.. :laughing:

BTW I smoked it mixed with tabacco for many years thinking it burns better, but for like 1 month I smoke only pure bud. And it's great! This is the way to do it. Of course the buds need to be well cured to burn properly... but what grower smokes uncured buds?


Active member
of course smoking pure bud is the way to go, why anyone would taint it with nasty ass tobacco confuses the hell out of me. i hate spliffs.


of course smoking pure bud is the way to go, why anyone would taint it with nasty ass tobacco confuses the hell out of me. i hate spliffs.

Ditto. I can't stand tobacco. Bud is so delicious and pure, why taint it. What a strange world we live in that I can go buy tobacco down the street that kills 430,000 prematurely each year in america, but the drug that harms no one is illegal.


Active member
Ditto. I can't stand tobacco. Bud is so delicious and pure, why taint it. What a strange world we live in that I can go buy tobacco down the street that kills 430,000 prematurely each year in america, but the drug that harms no one is illegal.

That is the frustration for us nurses.....we see so many die from alcohol and cigarettes and even sugar is deadly to some like my man..

But I never saw adverse pathologies or death from just weed in my patients and reading medical charts daily.... I have toked for 45 years off and on and my O2 sat is 99%

in other words it has not damaged my lungs. My dad died at 52 of cigarettes,

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