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saying the word Bong at a headshop


h^2 O

oh! oh! get this - like 4-5 years ago I go into the store for a glass one-ee....the guy asks me what I'm looking for as for style, etc. and I said "hey as long as it doesn't look like a crack pipe" and the fuckin' asshole says "I'm sorry but since you mentioned crack I can't sell you anything, all slick-like. Pussy. "But I don't smoke crack!"


ahhaha good posts, Been there trainman.. I almost got kicked out of a headshop for not using the right "lingo" kept calling it a bong and the dude kept following me around correcting me WATERPIPE, wasn't even talking to the dickhead, lucky i spent couple hundered at his shop as is. Then they end up grilling your ID for a halfhour, gotta love it. Guess he has to follow the rules though, or im too blunt about smoking lmao



They call em bongs in my local headshop, really who gives a shit? It's no secret what they're used for. That's just the attitude in CA tho I guess.


There's a sign behind the glass case at the one I frequent that says something along the lines of "Slang is prohibited." This is east coast though...

They're in a separate room and you have to show ID just to look at 'em.


Active member
ahhaha good posts, Been there trainman.. I almost got kicked out of a headshop for not using the right "lingo" kept calling it a bong and the dude kept following me around correcting me WATERPIPE, wasn't even talking to the dickhead, lucky i spent couple hundered at his shop as is. Then they end up grilling your ID for a halfhour, gotta love it. Guess he has to follow the rules though, or im too blunt about smoking lmao


emmm hmm...Cannabis users generally don't get treated with very much respect. I don't like this, even if I did not smoke. I think we should all work to remove the 'stupid stoner' stigma that has been ingrained in our minds since day one. Don't let anybody talk down for any reason, we are all adults.

There is going to be cool shops and lame shops in every state. The poser shops usually trip but I have seen some good shops do it too. But I think it's more about how you enforce it/approach it. You do it politely and with respect.

If I owned a shop, obviously I'd be looking out for my own ass but that still does not mean being a **** to your customers. That's just not good business. I really want to talk to some of these glass shop owners that think that whores can sell glass. Women can sell glass but hookers can't. That turns me off going into a shop when I know that these ho's don't have a clue. I know sex sells for many but imo not with glass. Now if a cute/sexy girl who didn't look/act like a skank and actually knew about the glass, that's chill.

My favorite shops are the ones that are artist owned. An old friend of mine owns a stoney little shop in oregon. I love going in there. It feels like an extension of the home, or a friends house. It's really neat but it has that vibe to it. Home blown quality glass, affordable, he's chill. I would take strong ganj cookies over to him all the time just for being someone local that I liked. Fool would eat them right in front of me and be waaaaay high but yeah that's his job ;).


Correct me if I am wrong, but I think what gets "employees" arrested is when they are NOT marked "Tobacco Use Only".
Kind of like when they sell switch blades or stiletto and brass knuckles.
If they are marked as "novelty" item.

pack a bowl

i cant believe how many of you make a fuss b/c you can't say bong or express the fact you blatantly smoke weed.

its like if i was to complain that i cant get mmj when i tell the doc its for recreational not medicinal use. gotta play by the rules folks.......


i cant believe how many of you make a fuss b/c you can't say bong or express the fact you blatantly smoke weed.

its like if i was to complain that i cant get mmj when i tell the doc its for recreational not medicinal use. gotta play by the rules folks.......

no kidding. Some childish folks in here.


no kidding. Some childish folks in here.


I like the diversity in the answers, adds a little spice to life.