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Frequency of tokage?


half cat half man half baked
I smoke about 3/4-1g a day spread out as much as possible so that I'm medicated throughout the day.


Smokin on that serious...
weeds just about the only thing that gets me out of bed in the morning, and the only thing that puts me to bed at night.

i smoke probablly 2 - 3 bowls an hour


Gotta Smoke 'Em All!
ICMag Donor
I don't weigh it.
Lets say 2-3 bowls in the morning and 2 in the afternoon and about 4 in the evening.


Clorox and INHail : Dr. Lola sez you boys know how to smoke that herb! Increase dosage as needed. haha

Southern Guerilla: Good job on dosage..lol. I don't weigh stuff anymore either. I been smoking so long I can weigh a 1/4 or OZ by feel alone... dead on Balls Accurate by Feel. :zoink:

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
I smoke about a gram and a half a day. It works much better than the pain prescriptions from my doctor. I dont need something that strong, at all. THC works better, because my pain is caused from stomach acid, and THC actually lowers stomach acid. Also it puts me in a great mood.


first thing i do after work is fire up bowl and then later on have a bed time bowl...i do quite smoking once a year for 2wks. to a month to clear out my system..it's like the first time all over again when i pick it back up..


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

it's certainly dependant on the quality for me, I use it medicinally & so I need to maintain
a certain high. Quantity wise it would be 1-2 grams per day of quality greens and so I toke small bingers and/or VaporGenie bumps all day long. I will be going in for a back surgery in the near future, if and when the constant pain ends (I expect occasional bad pain regardless) I'll certainly cut back in frequency of toking.......


Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
first thing i do after work is fire up bowl and then later on have a bed time bowl...i do quite smoking once a year for 2wks. to a month to clear out my system..it's like the first time all over again when i pick it back up..

I generally dont smoke more than a quarter of the same strain in a row. When I switch strains I try to choose one that has really different genetics. That way My tolerance doesnt seem to get to high. plus I take lechethin, which is just a simple vitamin made from soy. It helps keep your tolerance from getting to high.


Hmmm.... lately its been once or twice a day, strictly at night when the g/f gets home from work. However in the past i've smoked all day long, normally a bowl or bong for wake n bake, then bongs or bowls every hour or 2 for the whole day. I find this gets old after awhile... even if u change strains or make hash or edibles. It just doesnt do much.

I love the act of smoking more than being high itself. I like the pain relieving properties I get from herb, I love rolling a J or packing the bong. Its really the ritual of smoking with friends/family that I have grown to love so much.

edit: S4L, check ur karma messages. On a totally unrelated note, i've noticed u post a few times that u can't get any local quality, that really blows man. Are u in the middle of nowhere in that state you're in? I imagine in the bigger cities its gotta be around. When I am out I have one growing friend I can turn too for very reasonably priced "elite" nugs. Man i hate that word, but im talking ECSD, Chem D, MSS, FFA, Dj's Blueberry, etc..... Even when I don't go to that person I have 1 other person that isnt a grower, but has some great connects.

I can somehow always find the quality.... then again i've been a cannasuer for years. Or what about setting up a perpetual grow? With just my 600 HPS for Flower, and the 400 veg, i've managed to become completely self-sufficient w/my herb. I'll buy some every now and again to help my good friend out.

Post 1111 for me.... I guess i'll make a wish.


Active member
Dont be so quick to judge sparkjumper, everyone is different, it's what makes the world go round. You can't be a drug addict if what you do isn't a drug, it's an herb man.

Well THC is certainly a drug.... and I agree somewhat, smoking morning to sleep is a somewhat loserish thing to do, I would certainly feel that way if I was smoking 24/7.... short of some serious medical condition.....


Client of Wu-Tang Financial. You need to diversify
I know that thc is a drug, I was sort of joking when I said the herb thing


Only when I'm not working and all my household stuff is done. That usually means after 7:00pm on weekdays, and after Noon on weekends. Kind of like Seth Rogan's Dad in "Knocked Up".

I smoke every day, but not nearly as much as the average pothead. That's probably because I never get stuck with crappy smoke since I've never purchased weed from a dealer.


Haven't smoked on the regular in ages but, when I used to...

it'd just take a quality hit at night to relax, watch a movie, house chores, read a book, then crash. In reality I couldn't smoke much more anyways, working plus school. It worked out well.