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Anybody know anything about dog paws??


Cookie monster

Inbetween my little girl boxers toes looks inflamed and the vets is closed, it's not harvest mites or anything like that and we dont have any bugs over here that could bite them and get a reaction.

Does'nt look like a bee/wasp sting either so im thinking grass seed thorn lodged in between the toes anyone had this happen before.

No emergency vet round here anymore so i thought id see if someone here could confirm my suspicions before the vets in the morning.


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Active member
check to see if there is anything stuck in there. If its a cut clean it with a little hydrogen peroxide and see what happens. You can put some neosproen on it also. Try not to let her lick it a lot as she might lick it raw. Give it a little time and if it get worse take her in. Try the neosporin

Cookie monster

Couldnt see a thing in there, she's not bothered with licking at it so im guessing its not sore yet.

Cleaned the toes and disinfected them kinda praying it sorts its self out by morning the vets bills aint cheap round here.


Lammen Gorthaur
It happens. Try to correct the activity, but make sure your vet knows as it has been a real challenge for getting our Boxer's feet back up.

Oh, and watch out for cancer; Boxers seem to be very prone to it and we are waiting for our boxer to die. We had a big ol' tumor taken out of his leg and this time it was malignant.

Hang in there...

Cookie monster

Aw man so sorry to hear your boxer has the big c happens to a lot of boxers but thankfully most of them have lived loved lives as im sure yours has.

I know i'll have to cross that bridge with 1 or both of mine in years to come but im hoping good clean food and exercise will give me a few extra years if she doesnt manage to chop her paws off running in the field that is.
That look's like a blister between her toe's. If so, pop it , peroxide and neosporin, or if possible Aloe vera in the plant form. it's also cooling on the wound


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

I've seen something like that several times over the years with a couple of different dogs of mine, as I recall after a week or so and some licking it went away. just keep an eye on it and as long as she's not limping her paw isn't likely infected or sore as you already noted.
aloe, neosporin, bacitracin all good and soothing.......


Cookie monster

I've seen something like that several times over the years with a couple of different dogs of mine, as I recall after a week or so and some licking it went away. just keep an eye on it and as long as she's not limping her paw isn't likely infected or sore as you already noted.
aloe, neosporin, bacitracin all good and soothing.......

Well folks were just back from the doggie doc, lady says just do the same as a S4L.
Pretty much keep her paw clean n dry and try and stop her playing ( not easy with a boxer ), wish me luck and lets home the house is still in one peice after 4/5 days of no walkies.


Iodine the cut if you take her for her walkies too, helps stop shit getting trapped in there, we have staff's and huskies in our circle and they do this all the time with sticks and peoples carelessly thrown fag ends. Iodine will help keep it sealed from the crap they pick up walking.


that happens to one of my pit bulls regularly.... it is some sort or alergic reaction most of the time but there were 2 instances where she had a fox tail stalk penitrate her paw and get stuck in there. I know this is kinda an old thread but all the same I know I have seen that before. I would wait a couple days to see if it gets better (use neosporan and a hot compress)....if it is an allergic reaction most dogs are ok taking small amount of benedrill (Vet's advice)


Are you in a desert climate (no need to answer) but beware the jumping cholla (sp?) these can be very rough on dogs paws. Also, Boxers don't seem to like walking on sand, they get all kind of toe problems when I walk them on the beach. If you have continued problems, search for Gooby Boots; by far the best foot protection.

if the problem recurs, you can also have your Boxers checked for allergies. There are four boxers in my family and two of them have food allergies which can manifest themselves as cysts on the feet.

Also, this can be a yeast infection or something similar. You can try an epsom salt soak each day for a week.

Oftentimes it's just an irritation or minor skin infection.

I second the agressive treatment of ANY skin reactions with Boxers. They are very prone to skin cancer---any skin tags, cysts, etc lasting longer than week or getting dramtically bigger should be checked by vet and sent to a lab. We lost a ten year old boxer to skin cancer that metastasized.

That said, there is NO substitute for Boxer kisses! They are the best breed but very failure prone!! Unfortunately, I know way too much about Boxer health crises; if you need any help feel free to PM me.

Gratuitous Boxer pic include. BTW-the fawn is a Rot-N-Boxer, not a pure breed (yes, she's enormous) the Brindle is a rescue--amazing what people will do to dogs these days.



Well-known member
i know its an old thread so dont bust my chops.my BOXER mix get that and my vet said that they are lil cyst's and she gave me a bottle of NEO-PREDEF )a powder that you squirt between DRY TOES and it works really well .it gets red from the dog licking at it and just plain irritation between the toes (kinda like us having a lil pebble between out toes hurts and get irritated

Cookie monster

Hiya chuck,
It turned out to be a grass seed or little splinter under the skin that caused the inflamation and swelling.

Minor thing thank god sorted itself out in about a week.


Hey Cookie,do you have Foxtail plants in your area? Or Stinging Nettles? Those nasties burrow into the webbing between the toes.

Cookie monster

^ both unfortunitly.

Try to keep them out of the long grass and scrub now, found a nice field with a river for them to run around in.

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