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They came and TOOK EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


so sorry to hear this, hope some one will help you getting your medicin. the war against cannabis is actually the war for more terrorism as you might have to buy imported cannabis from terror countrys now. need seeds, let me know
that's a growers worst nightmare. fuck the cops it's still early in the season for growing outdoors you could still get a nice crop going if you start over...


that's very bad news to hear norcalkell

that makes me even more apprehensive about ordering beans (if that how you even came into their radar)

best of luck to you kell


I'm freaking out!! I was OVER and they took it ALLLLLLLLLLLLLL. infants, moms, teens , everything. I coop w/ them and avoid be taken in. All my HARD WORK ! OMMFFFG! Now its up to the DA..

I don't kknow what to do????

I'm scared! and freaking out... HELP!!

Yes they said I would hear from the DA.. I'm totally freaking.. and I was just about to plant OD.. FUCK!!

:yoinks::1help:They destroyed and cut everything down! Now I need a cigarette.. I'm going to town,, I can;t stop crying.. thank god they didnt y=take me in.

I;m the ONLY grower!!WTF!! I aint a snich.. it was MY PROJECT!! NOT A SNICH!! Fuck off if you think of me that way!!

I think so..

Dude the first thing you need to do is chill out. It is not the end of the world. Yea you might get in some trouble be they are not going to lock you away for the rest of your life. You should start off by telling us what they found, how many and everything else. Is this your first time in troubleand do you have any(by any I mean ANY) prior records? And I take it you live in cali?


Active member
darlin please dont think im callin u a snitch, i am totally sympathizing. but listen, they didnt take you in cuz u cooperated. maybe they asked u "how long u been growin?" or "for personal use?" if you didnt answer little questions like that they may have dragged u in.

i suspect the next call may be from your detective, telling u the DA says "felony weight". then the cops may want you to make a couple coke buys to have your problems dissappear. in other words u do the cops work. bad idea BTW. dont want some coke people comin after ya.

but by not draggin u in, the cops did u a "favor" and "befriended" u. they'll want more...

thats how it goes 'round here. sorry once again


Look first thing you need to do is calm down.. I kno, I kno easier said then done. But there's no capital crimes here your gonna make bail.. You are going to be fine. Contact an attorney and find the best one for money you have to spend. If it's your 1st offense and you can prove that you have never grown before this occasion you may get pleaded down to a misdomeanor.. Did they seize any scales, past grow materials, baggies, firearms anything of this sort?? If not there's a good chance you can plead guilty to possesion instead of intent distribute... I need more details. Talk to your attorney and then talk to me. PM me anythime with any questions you may have. I'm experienced with many legal drug related cases. Altho I am only familiar with cases in a particular region and not most states. So.. find an attorney, talk about your options. Also make your attorney find out the way you got caught.. If some-1 set you up you may in court decide to make the state bring forth any witness against you instead of pleading the 5th. Sometimes witnessses get nervous and reverse thier statements after a defendant does not plead the 5th. Hopefully you can plea bargain to a misdomeanor possesion charge. Goodluck let me kn ow whats going on...
good vibes norcalkell...dealing with this kind of shit sucks but it will be behind you sooner than you think. Any idea of how you got busted ?


Thaks for the support!!! Things are better today! I found a bad ass female atty and she spoke the the cops and he believes that I'm not in it for profit and I grow for disabled people and my self. They did take all the guns, a processed unit, all the babies, mom, etc...left my equipment.. She said that the cop said I may have been a lil cone crazy and not knowing the changing laws for my county in Cali. Thank god they did not take me in and fuck up mothers day! i'll keep doing my thing just within the limit!!.


pure dynamite
glad you're better now... you must have had a hell of an experience passing through that..

h^2 O

wtf kell...worse thing possible. I feel for you. I wouldn't really sweat prosecution (you didn't get arrested right? So no judge will see you as a flight risk or anything like that) - but sucks bad about the ladies getting murdered. I'm sorry for your loss.
Any idea how they got wind of your garden?


Non Conformist
Well :woohoo:.... There's light at the end of the tunnel after all! You better keep those numbers down young lady!:whip: lol... Good luck with it all. BC

Big D

Sorry to hear this Kell. I have been there! I am glad that you talked to a lawyer and she was able to ease your mind. Stay strong and the best of luck to you!


Congrats on the case. Too bad about your guns, but they could have really made things difficult for you if they wanted.. Goodluck for the future..