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how do you know what you want to do in life if you're just guessing?



I'm reading over lists of possible second bachelors degree options, community college options, etc. etc. etc. and I have no clue.

My hobbies include fishing(shore/pier fishing, can't do big water boats as I get sick), growing weed, smoking weed, good food, bsing with friends. Similar to everyone else basically. I don't have much of a math background so most in demand majors would take literally like 6 years for me to do. So I'm sitting here with a useless liberal arts degree and tons of student loan debt hating myself, with no hope.

I basically have no resume as I was on scholarship so I didn't work through college. So I can't get a job that a high school kid couldn't get. I've got enough money to where I don't have to work for the moment, but it's running dry. I basically just don't know where to turn, or what to do. I exercise, smoke, and read useless crap on the net all day.

Do I drop 30 grand more in debt and get some sort of masters degree that I don't know if I really want? Do I just up and move and get a fast food type job and try to advance?

Sorry if this rant seems self pitying. It's just that I'm not getting any younger, and I don't know wtf to do with myself on any level professionally.

Thanks for reading.


Lammen Gorthaur
Begging your pardon, but it is about expectations. I never had the opportunity to go to college, but I put my "real world" education to good work by creating my own consulting company and you can do it too.

At the very least, you can create a company that mirrors your playtime activities, thus making those activities that can be reasonably shown to further your business goals will be tax deductible.

I admit that I struggled at first, but once the Internet became as ubiquitous as dirt, my business took off because the Internet leveled the playing field.

Stay with it!


If you don't work you are never gonna know what kind of work you like.
You may find you like doing something you never thought of.
Start work now, build a resume.

h^2 O

I'm reading over lists of possible second bachelors degree options, community college options, etc. etc. etc. and I have no clue.

My hobbies include fishing(shore/pier fishing, can't do big water boats as I get sick), growing weed, smoking weed, good food, bsing with friends. Similar to everyone else basically. I don't have much of a math background so most in demand majors would take literally like 6 years for me to do. So I'm sitting here with a useless liberal arts degree and tons of student loan debt hating myself, with no hope.

I basically have no resume as I was on scholarship so I didn't work through college. So I can't get a job that a high school kid couldn't get. I've got enough money to where I don't have to work for the moment, but it's running dry. I basically just don't know where to turn, or what to do. I exercise, smoke, and read useless crap on the net all day.

Do I drop 30 grand more in debt and get some sort of masters degree that I don't know if I really want? Do I just up and move and get a fast food type job and try to advance?

Sorry if this rant seems self pitying. It's just that I'm not getting any younger, and I don't know wtf to do with myself on any level professionally.

Thanks for reading.
my old man told that you have to pursue a field of study that sincerely interests you - because if you don't you end up just like the rest of the losers out there. I would go with your fishing thing and check out marine biology/marine protection shit.
And I'm not sure where you live or what school you were looking at, but with financial aid these days it's basically free. I know a guy who goes to an Ivy League school and all he does is smoke weed and read - and he hasn't paid a dime out of his pocket. In fact they're paying him to learn, basically. And paying for his pot and food. Good times.


Active member
go work at an aquarium or the zoo! keep trying new things until you find something that interests you... could always go to Le Cordon Blue if you like good food!


Throbbing Member
Chase what you love.....

Obviously if you are a male 20-30, that would be pussy, weed and having fun :D Beyond that what makes you happy?


Active member
hey we are in kinda similar positions.

i got a scholarship to a liberal arts college and graduated with a history degree. its a pretty bogus degree and i cant get hired anywhere. but its shitty for everyone, i have friends with business and economic degrees that still cant find work or work as bank tellers for 12 an hour. Unless you got a masters with a good resume and an internship forget about a 60k+ job.

So you gotta run independent. Right now im surviving on a part time job and my crops, i barely make more than 1500 a month just enough to cover my rent/bills/insurance and all the other money gobbling expenses that come with a comfortable lifestyle. Im not saving up like i wanted too but hey in this economy if im making enough to keep me in a nice house with a nice grow room i should be happy right?

Personally, i dont think you should get a masters degree, thats gonna put you in the hole even more. Try to find a job or trade you might be interested, and until then grow some crops and sell some buds. Personally im kind of messing around with the used car industry, i do advertising and buy and sell cars on the side, i personally dont really like it but its easy and i have friends in the industry so i might as well exploit connections.

Also, i really want to make my grow bigger because if i could yeild more buds my money issues would ease up a bit, everyday my cars tank are on empty and i drink cheap beer instead of nice Hefeweizen. Im also contemplating canceling my cable bill. It would be nice to have a couple hundred extra bucks a month from harvests to cover all that shit.

h^2 O

hey we are in kinda similar positions.

i got a scholarship to a liberal arts college and graduated with a history degree. its a pretty bogus degree and i cant get hired anywhere. but its shitty for everyone, i have friends with business and economic degrees that still cant find work or work as bank tellers for 12 an hour. Unless you got a masters with a good resume and an internship forget about a 60k+ job.

So you gotta run independent. Right now im surviving on a part time job and my crops, i barely make more than 1500 a month just enough to cover my rent/bills/insurance and all the other money gobbling expenses that come with a comfortable lifestyle. Im not saving up like i wanted too but hey in this economy if im making enough to keep me in a nice house with a nice grow room i should be happy right?

Personally, i dont think you should get a masters degree, thats gonna put you in the hole even more. Try to find a job or trade you might be interested, and until then grow some crops and sell some buds. Personally im kind of messing around with the used car industry, i do advertising and buy and sell cars on the side, i personally dont really like it but its easy and i have friends in the industry so i might as well exploit connections.

Also, i really want to make my grow bigger because if i could yeild more buds my money issues would ease up a bit, everyday my cars tank are on empty and i drink cheap beer instead of nice Hefeweizen. Im also contemplating canceling my cable bill. It would be nice to have a couple hundred extra bucks a month from harvests to cover all that shit.
it depends on what school you're getting the degree form. My Ivy League friend is like Dude Lebowski and has tons of contacts with financial firms, etc., so he's set. It really depends on the school


Active member
i also kinda figured that even if i could work at financial firms and top businesses i dont want to go down that path. My dad went down that path, while its secure and the :smart" way to go its not for me. Im an outlaw, i cant stand the idea of working a 9-5 and being angry all day. My dad rants to me all the time about how much he hates his boss and his job in finances so it basically solidified my desire to do something that does not involve office work, like flying planes, selling cars, growing weeds, growing vegatables, farming chickens, who the hell knows. All i know is, NO CUBICLE FOR ME!!!


Tons of great advice in here. Glad I made this thread.

I hear you prop215. I just don't have a realistic plan that you specify. I can grow good pot, but I don't know shit about anything else agro-related.

I'd love to up and move to california and sell to the clubs, but I don't like my chances of success. I'd imagine I'd have plenty of competition.

Do the clubs regularly reject herb? Is it really as simple as harvesting some indoor with decent genetics and walking up to a club and negotiating?


Get a shitty job, it will help focus your thought. Seriously.

sage advice there. Gotta start somewhere. Everyone works a fast food job sometime in their life. You can only go up from there.

Keep guessing, eventually you will find something you like. If you do something you like, it doesn't seem like work. You're young, and not suppose to know what you want to "be the rest of your life".


The Hopeful Protagonist
sage advice there. Gotta start somewhere. Everyone works a fast food job sometime in their life. You can only go up from there.

Keep guessing, eventually you will find something you like. If you do something you like, it doesn't seem like work. You're young, and not suppose to know what you want to "be the rest of your life".

Shit...fast food ?

Get out there and bust up some concrete for the summer, that'll help you "focus" your attentions......


I busted enough concrete behind bars. Fast food was a blessing after that. Made me realize I could do much worse, but there was way too much better shit out there than to stick around frying small pieces of potato..


as is all-too-common in my life, I succumbed to my
moving ,not everybody figures out what to do in life..some of us which i call floaters go to college or not,work various jobs live various places and still end up never find what we want to do or where we want to live...some of us are meant to roam ,be low key or off grid as i like to say..i say f#@k the doldrums of everyday life and do what you want with-in reason..you'll either find it or won't, but you can enjoy life and the adventures it offers no matter what..personally i walk through almost every door that opens to me and take the new adventure head-on..peace


The Hopeful Protagonist
I busted enough concrete behind bars. Fast food was a blessing after that. Made me realize I could do much worse, but there was way too much better shit out there than to stick around frying small pieces of potato..

That wasn't really aimed at you bro... :joint:


Ever thought of going to a trade school? You can become a master electrician or master carpenter or plumber or mechanic, medical technican etc. These jobs don't sound that great but once you finish with all the apprentice things you will be making decent money and you have the opportunity to start your own business if your smart with your money. Furthermore if you grow and are good at it you could possibly use grow as a way to make enough money while your working or going to trade school to help you get to your own business a lot faster. I know a couple of older people that sold a bunch of coke in the 70's and opened up Mechanic shops. I plan on doing something similar. You have to think what do you want in life, material things or other things. I only use most material things for function try to use as much little resources and spend as much little money because that way your dollar goes a lot further.


I'm reading over lists of possible second bachelors degree options, community college options, etc. etc. etc. and I have no clue.

My hobbies include fishing(shore/pier fishing, can't do big water boats as I get sick), growing weed, smoking weed, good food, bsing with friends. Similar to everyone else basically. I don't have much of a math background so most in demand majors would take literally like 6 years for me to do. So I'm sitting here with a useless liberal arts degree and tons of student loan debt hating myself, with no hope.

I basically have no resume as I was on scholarship so I didn't work through college. So I can't get a job that a high school kid couldn't get. I've got enough money to where I don't have to work for the moment, but it's running dry. I basically just don't know where to turn, or what to do. I exercise, smoke, and read useless crap on the net all day.

Do I drop 30 grand more in debt and get some sort of masters degree that I don't know if I really want? Do I just up and move and get a fast food type job and try to advance?

Sorry if this rant seems self pitying. It's just that I'm not getting any younger, and I don't know wtf to do with myself on any level professionally.

Thanks for reading.

I'm kinda in the same boat. 32k in debt. I was going to school for auto tech but I got a DUI so now no shops will touch me for another year or 2 till it drops off insurance records. When I was in school I realised how much I hated working on other peoples cars. right now I'm working 2 jobs just trying to get by.