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PCgrow - NL, 69W CFL, Soil


New member
teerull, how about an update from you, dude? it's your thread, after all ;)

Yeah an update would be nice. Were just waiting for an update so we might as well talk here to give us something to do ya know? lol

idk much about those dude, but the description says its stabalized..so id say ur good. search em and find out about them..i never seen any1 do a grow on those..but some1 in another thread grew some auto afgani and it never autoflowered, he had to flip it in 12/12. ive heard real good things bout the white dwarf.

Yeah after talkin with some guys on another forum i think im gonna go with


sounds nice- "Not a strain you should be smoking if you intend to go dancing, play sports or indeed anything that requires you to use your legs."
hes outa town till monday he said. yea man those r the ones i got.. my buddy was buyin seeds and i asked him to get me a pack of those, ive heard nothin but good things about em too. im looking for an outdoor spot for em but it sux cuz i live in a city. if i cant find a spot ill build a box or something to put afew in..


Hey, kuidas kasvatus edeneb ? :)
Võtid selle NL-i maha juba, sul kaalu ka on, et kaaluda saaks ?
Muidu sul taimed paistavad väga väga ilusad olevat :p

Loodan, et ei pahanda, aga viskan mõne pildi enda omadest ka siia, saad näha, millised välja näevad.
Esimesel pildil on BlueBerry kloon, mis on lihtsalt üliilus :D, *mulle meeldivad need paksud/laiad indica lehed :)

Teisel on vasakus ääres 2xNL topitud taime ning paremas ääres on 2x BlueBerry klooni. Neid Blueberry-sid ma toppima ei hakkagi vist, pärast ei jõua nad NL-idele järgi ja siis on ka jama. Vbla lihtsalt painutan väheke.

Kolmandal pildil on ülevaade tervest kapist. Hetkel siis taimed vegevad 200w Envirolite'i all. Väikses rohelises "kasvuhoones" on 4 BB klooni sõbrale ja 2 NL klooni endale. Ja 2 BB klooni on juba pottides(seal minu BB-de vahel, pole näha).
Ise mõtlesin miski 1.5 - 2 nädalat veel vegeda ja siis õitsema panna(400w HPS;cooltube)


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Hey, kuidas kasvatus edeneb ? :)
Võtid selle NL-i maha juba, sul kaalu ka on, et kaaluda saaks ?
Muidu sul taimed paistavad väga väga ilusad olevat :p

Loodan, et ei pahanda, aga viskan mõne pildi enda omadest ka siia, saad näha, millised välja näevad.
Esimesel pildil on BlueBerry kloon, mis on lihtsalt üliilus :D, *mulle meeldivad need paksud/laiad indica lehed :)

Teisel on vasakus ääres 2xNL topitud taime ning paremas ääres on 2x BlueBerry klooni. Neid Blueberry-sid ma toppima ei hakkagi vist, pärast ei jõua nad NL-idele järgi ja siis on ka jama. Vbla lihtsalt painutan väheke.

Kolmandal pildil on ülevaade tervest kapist. Hetkel siis taimed vegevad 200w Envirolite'i all. Väikses rohelises "kasvuhoones" on 4 BB klooni sõbrale ja 2 NL klooni endale. Ja 2 BB klooni on juba pottides(seal minu BB-de vahel, pole näha).
Ise mõtlesin miski 1.5 - 2 nädalat veel vegeda ja siis õitsema panna(400w HPS;cooltube)
nice lookin plants bro but uhhh, whats that language,,polish or german or somethin no? anyways, id like to know what ur sayin..maybe something helpful..u know?



ahhhh, It's a jungle here! (I mean the thread) :yoinks:

Thanks for stoppin by everyone! never thought the thread would catch so much attention!

pthway4, I really like your grow but can you please not post so many(and so big) pictures in my thread? :hijacked: no disrespect or anything but everyone can make their own threads! thanks for stoppin' by and sharing experience though!

Burnzy, when I first had the idea of growing the fine herb, I was also looking for a strain with similar qualities that you are looking for! Unfortunately I knew they were only dreams for me, since it's really hard to obtain seeds in my country (yep, even SEEDS are ILLEGAL!!! :fsu:) Anyways, I was really looking into top44 as well.. I've heard some fairly good things about the strain but don't have any personal experience! I do want to experiment with the autoflowering strains though! If you get your pc going, be sure to give me a link to your growlog if you're planning on doing one!

2tokes, damn man, you know almost as much about my grow as I do! :laughing: thanks for stoppin' by nevertheless! by the way, do you have a growlog/diary of your grow as well? I remember searching here on ICMAG, but I didn't seem to find it...

CaveMan, kasvatus edeneb nii ja naa, eks ta vaikselt lähe. Alati saaks paremini! NL sai maha võetud jah. mul grammikaalu pole, aga mingi väga ebatäpse kaaluga sai märg mass nii kuskile 20-date lõppu. ehk siis mingi algselt planeeritud ~7g siit tuleb. alustuseks ei kurda ning endatarbeks jagub vähemalt seni kuni uus laadung peale tuleb... ma loodan vähemalt :abduct:
usu mind, ma tean mida sa mõtled nende indica lehtedega! mu uus NL pheno näitab suht sarnast olukorda... mmm... toppisin enda NL kah ära ja siiani tundub täitsa ponks, vaat et paremgi kui enne! arvatavasti saab NL väga lähiajal ümber istutatud ühte hiiglaslikku potti ja siis 12/12 alla... homme ülehomme vast kui aega leiab. Kurat peaks mingi aeg tulema ja sult mõne BB klooni rottima :sasmokin:

tänks, et läbi astusid!

as you can imagine, I was away for a few days... things have been.. well not too bad but not great either...
the few things I've managed to do:
1) harvest the lady @ 70days from seed! (probably the most exciting thing)
2) didn't reveg the NL since it was (at least I figured...) too dry of nutes
2) the clone hasn't died! (no roots either though)
3) dehydrate the NL a bit... not too bad though
4) WW doesn't show anything sex related just yet
5) the problem with the weird ass WW leaf is expanding and a few spots can now also be seen on 2 other leaves
6) after reconstructing the pc I've obviously filled the carbon filter with too much carbon and the temps maxed at 34'C!!!!!! now that's a problem. need to reconstruct it ASAP... Thinking of completely removing the carbon pellets and using cooker hood filter only since this will be used strictly for veg/cloning/reveg etc. this is definitely the priority of the following few days!

ok - here's the part you've all been waiting for! the harvest! That's how the lady looked before the chop - not so appealing on the photo, I must admit! She was really pumped out of nutes, I mean even the sugar trim was starting to lose colour so I didn't bother to keep any! There was very little in any case!

Here's the main cola after a nice haircut! definitely bigger than the lighter! looks really yummy as well... oh the temptation... :yummy:

And here's the whole harvest! I don't really have a nice gram scale but with my awkward and quite inaccurate measuring style the wet weight seems to be in the high 20-s. around 26-29g. According to that the dry weight should be around 7g-s which was the minimal goal! :woohoo:

Here's the clone! it's now been sitting there for 6 days and it really looks like a happy-chappy! hasn't changed colour at all what-so-ever and has even grown a bit! I took a look under the cover to see if any roots had formed but was out of luck there! surely I will have around 10 or so days before I should get worried!

Here's the next pride of the batch! the NL now at 31days of veg! She got dehydrated though hence the slight droopyness on the pictures! (that 31+'C is/was stunting it's growth for sure!:spank:) Anyways, She will be repotted to a huge ass pot in a few days and then switched under 12/12 because there's no way in this universe that I will be able to fit that pot in the pc case!?! more on that later though! Some of the lower leaves are showing signs of yellowing and probably some heat stress. gees, It would really be a hard ass if it didn't show any!?!

Here are the new, really good looking by the way, tops of the NL. It seems like this strain/pheno of the strain seems to take topping really well.

And last but not least - here's the WW. it has currently been under 12/12 for 6 days and has showed no signs of sex what-so-ever. There really is something wrong with it though.. at least with the older growth. the new growth is quite happy other than the slight droopyness. I wil repot it to something slightly bigger when I will do the same for the NL though... there's no way I'm finishing her (hopefully) in something smaller than the one I chopped just now!

I really haven't got a clue what this is... Could it perhaps be from the pretty extreme temp. changes from ~21'C (16-17 at lights off) to 27-30'C combined with stress from a crappy replanting? who knows... I will chop off the "infected" leaves when transplanting though, that always seems to put an end to weird things like these... and even if it does come back it will at least be out of my mind for a couple of nights...


now that took A LONG TIME!
hope y'all enjoyed the story of the pc/cab northern lights and I find 70 days from seed to harvest quite fast! even though I now wish I had done a few things differently I still had a really nice first harvest and I can't wait to sample the goods! I've been keeping myself clean for the last 3 months specially for this... I hope it doesn't dissapoint me!



oh, and 2tokes, that language is Estonian... and he was just describing what he has there and what he squeezes the lumens out from :rolleyes:


Yea no doubt..

Yea no doubt..

Teerall sorry about that....can you tell me how I can post the little ones that I see alot of? I just dont know how to post smaller, it's not an ego trip or anything..that is not me....
teerull. i dont have a thread of my current grow cuz when i signed up on here it wasnt letting me post pictures and discouraged me to start a thread on plants that i cant post pics of..i guess y start grow diary thread if i cant let u see my grow..u know? its nothing really special anyways. more leaf then bud which will probably mean alot of buds full of sticks wen its dried, unless i do my best to pull the leaves out instead of trimming em. im about 2 weeks away id say..the hairs are about 20% red but nowhere near the ammount crystals as ur NL.. i love the branching on the white widdow man. after seeing more pictures of that strain. thts a strain id love to grow and play with man..did u figure out whats wrong with it? ive never had that problem..hows ur ph?


New member
Burnzy, when I first had the idea of growing the fine herb, I was also looking for a strain with similar qualities that you are looking for! Unfortunately I knew they were only dreams for me, since it's really hard to obtain seeds in my country (yep, even SEEDS are ILLEGAL!!! :fsu:) Anyways, I was really looking into top44 as well.. I've heard some fairly good things about the strain but don't have any personal experience! I do want to experiment with the autoflowering strains though! If you get your pc going, be sure to give me a link to your growlog if you're planning on doing one!

Yeah man i'm not sure what i wanna do yet. I'd like to pull more than 7-10 grams out of the case every two months. Not bashing your grow at all, dont take it that way as you did an excellent job and wish mine would grow as good as yours did lol. I'm thinking of growing


what do you think teerull?

If i do maybe a week of veg and then go 12/12 or even 12/12 from seed it would supposedly finish around the same time lowryders do. Thinking if i do a scrog with two plants and some higher wattage bulbs than i have now (couple 26w 5500k's), that i'd get a pretty decent yield out of it.

Oh btw, seeds are illegal here too, attitude does a fine job of shipping :smoke:

What are your thoughts about the fast blast in the pc case?


pthway, when you upload your pictures, use the album feature on ICMAG. then when you post there's an "insert" button under the smilies where you can choose the image... it then adds it as a small thumbnail and when clicked on, one can see the full image!

2tokes, I get what you mean... have you tried using the albums here on ICMAG on your profile? you also need to resize your images to be 1024x1024px maximum. I'm actually going to use that method from now on... it's a lot easier and more user friendly than the one I used before.
About the plants though, I think my PH is off by a tad bit... really need to invest in a PH meter or the PH drops... that's the thing next on my list... even the nicer NL showed some yellowing/rust spots on a few fan leaves, however it was nothing similar to what the WW had.

Burnzy, that really looks like a nice strain! should be perfect for a pc as 2tokes already mentioned! however I would recommend using 2700K bulbs for flowering and the 5500K ones you're using now. leave them for veg time. I would veg until the screen is about halfway full and then switch to flowering. That way you can drastically increase your yields I think. If I could do my pc grow again from the start, I would definitely have vegged her for a couple of weeks at least... experimenting is the key though! good luck with your grow!

And a few updates:
I've redone my pc case... AGAIN. it no longer has a carbon filter and has now got just a sheet of cooker hood filter over the exhaust. Since I use the case for veg/clones in any case it isn't really that smelly and the filter seems to be doing a good job for now. Temps are now nicely @ ~27'C (~80F), right where they need to be!
I also took another 2 cuttings from the NL... there was just too much branching and I couldn't help myself :rolleyes:
Hopefullt it will soon become a she and I can keep a nice mother plant because this pheno is seriously nice! it has a very nice lemony smell... you almost want to eat the fan leaves!

In any case - here's a quick photo of how things are looking now!

I've decided to go with the small thumbnail route from now on to keep the low bandwidth users happy as well!



New member
Burnzy, that really looks like a nice strain! should be perfect for a pc as 2tokes already mentioned! however I would recommend using 2700K bulbs for flowering and the 5500K ones you're using now. leave them for veg time. I would veg until the screen is about halfway full and then switch to flowering. That way you can drastically increase your yields I think. If I could do my pc grow again from the start, I would definitely have vegged her for a couple of weeks at least... experimenting is the key though! good luck with your grow!

I just bought all the equipment, minus lights, for a rubbermaid grow. So hopefully i'll be growing in that. Thinking about ordering the fast blast today. Little paranoid now as i've read on other forums that people have been getting busted and leo's showing up at peoples houses without notice. Even though i've ordered twice from attitude.

On topic... teerull your plants are lookin great man. Nice job!!


Thanks for the advice..

Thanks for the advice..

teerall- just attemptin to post one...using the way you described

now lets see if it did it...
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very nice grow im growing in a pc case myself exept under around 94w of 2700k and i cant fit no more in unless i go bigger W but that means more heat but for these pc grows a coffee can cut in half then screwed end on end like (________) <that works as a great reflector imo...and can hold 4 bulbs atleast in there....works good for cheap lol...but man i cannot wait till mine are done yours are damn good for CFL imo


New member
im trying to setup a small grow to yeild me around 20g, but i cant find a 70w hps ANYWHERE , i dont want a shitload of cfls everywhere so im trying to get just 1 small hid or 1 powerfull ass cfl,lol.
could you guys direct me towards one of these? thanks :p
and teerull, im imprest with those buds great job man!


If you are in the USA. Lowes has 70 watt hps security lights for 35.00 dollars. They would have to be modified to make them remote ballast.


New member

Can you provide a link to the exact page with the light? I've been to their site and am yet to find the hps. I went there a long time ago and it said hps now i'm not sure what light they are calling the hps unless i'm lookin in the wrong spot. Thanks dude.


thanks for the comments guys!

there's no smoke report yet, because they're still drying... I will probably have a toke tomorrow though... they seem to be gettin' dry enough :smoke: