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DIY NFToohigh


Well-known member
Just a flush w h2o2. It's really only like running 4 lights because of the flip flop in the room.


Active member
things are looking good in here :joint:

there was an article in a old high times about staggering the lights like that, pretty much talks about doubling your grow area when running them on a flip, i'll do some searching to see if i find it..

be safe


toohigh, thanks for being so generous with all your pictures. I've read your advice a lot as I've been following threads on AN...always appreciate your input...I'm running AN but I now know to keep my eye out for their marketing schemes and stick to the tried and true products growers report results with. Looking forward to continuing to watch this grow...stay safe and grow well...


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Well-known member
I'm not sure yet stoney419. I'm seeing budsites everywhere and it all looks right on time. I'm in the 16-18 day range there. Monday morning will be 3 weeks. They love gold that's fer sure. I gave up on Lucas and started adding grow n calmg to it w RE and AN Revive. Thinking of adding some hydroplex. Thanks for stopping by!
Whattup toohigh, i tried both lucas' with micro and bloom gh and floranova bloom and never had luck with the sfv. I pumped up the calmag like you said and also pumped up the grow and they loved it - it was the best they'd done, until i lost all 6, fuck i guess they do need to be watered ? (no pump for 2 days) I will never forget the smell of fried plants and the heart dropping when i opened the door.... boooooo.
I used to think that cutting down or out on N would help cut down on og's stretch but she streched anyway, might as well have nice green leaves too.


Well-known member
I think I'm like a month in and all is doing pretty well considering I still have root aphids I'm battling. Well see at the end, but after this I'm running 16 hoods off 4 1k quantums and 3 horti-control flips. I'm goin for max gpw/kwh!!!! 2 rooms set up just like this running off the same power. 1 flip for 12/12 another 2 to zig zag. Were on some new shit, that is going to blow some minds!!! Pics up in a minute!











dude my mind is blown. Are you the guy who came out with the flip flop/zig zag box in the HT article? cause that's a pretty cool idea.


Well-known member
dude my mind is blown. Are you the guy who came out with the flip flop/zig zag box in the HT article? cause that's a pretty cool idea.

Haha! I read the article and they had that POS flip box that was melting cords so they put a pedestal fan to blow on it. That was funny. The mind blowing part comes when you wire a flip to a flip and run 2 rooms with 8 hoods each like this off of 4 ballasts. I took his idea and made it much more productive. That's all. I can't take credit for the article at all, but I don't think anyone has used 4 ballasts to run 16 hoods in 2 12 hour photoperiods.

Hey Bud13. I can barely afford to feed them girls, let alone feed myself. A camera is coming soon. Thanks for the props on this one bro. It's been a long haul. Next thread will be 16k grow off 4kw!!!!
this use of the flip will take gpw/kwh above and beyond.

Do you always run those tubes that high off of the canopy..or did you raise them at all for the pics?

I assume since your doing the checkerboard thing you want an extra wide footprint..hence the no wings on the tubes and higher distance?

I bet this would work awesome with some vertizontals if one had the ability to go non-aircooled.

nice work..your definately on to some productive shit

One Love 731

Senior Member
I just read the whole thread, maybe I missed it, what is the flip flop zig zag timing. I am guessing every hour or so the lights switch, if so, how much time between switch? How did you decide what would be the most productive switch schedule? I cant wait to see the final results! the soon to be 16 hoods 4k wow, that is mind blowing, way to conserve while taking things up a notch or 10. are there roots between the rockwool cubes? I ask cuz I noticed there is no hydroten or covers. Your ideas very well may be the future of MJ. Thanks for all you do. Karma, One Love


Well-known member
Ponically Made: the lights haven't moved since I hung them. You were right on the money as to using tubes high to throw wide across the "off" section. I read and tried just about every yield improving strategy in the mags, bottle claims etc, but I had to start thinking green in both terms of money, and power consumtion/efficiency. When I read the article in HT a while ago, they weren't using an actual flip. Their were just as many ballasts as hoods w that fire hazard waiting to happen of a quick change switch box. At the time I was playing with flip boxes and all the crap on the market at the time blew.. Literally. I shoulda known with Canadian companies with names like zapp electronics, and that equalizer co that put out boxes with internal timers. A friend who actually grows commercial agriculture picked up on my flip issues, and designed his own w my help and an electric engineer to build a no frills flip that is expandable, where the timer is not built in the box as they are first to go, and when they do your box is useless. After 4 years of working out the kinks and know that out of 250+ boxes in operation, only 2 had minor issues as simple as a snagged contact spring and a metal burr when the boxes were drilled out. Not punched as they are in the production units. In the shop, started tinkering with a few of them and pluggin em into eachother and setting timers. It was then that I figured I need one box to flip every 12 hours, and another flip to zig and one to zag on another timer. Now you can power 16 off 4kw in 2 photocycles. I figured that's maximizing gpkw/h better than any other sham I read or tried. So BAM. Next run... 16 off 4..


Well-known member
I just read the whole thread, maybe I missed it, what is the flip flop zig zag timing. I am guessing every hour or so the lights switch, if so, how much time between switch? How did you decide what would be the most productive switch schedule? I cant wait to see the final results! the soon to be 16 hoods 4k wow, that is mind blowing, way to conserve while taking things up a notch or 10. are there roots between the rockwool cubes? I ask cuz I noticed there is no hydroten or covers. Your ideas very well may be the future of MJ. Thanks for all you do. Karma, One Love

Hey one love, thanks for taking the time to read the whole thing! I would probably have some rootmass if these damned root aphids weren't eating up the rhizosphere! I had a bunch of cube covers and was planning to run cubes nut to butt so no light penetrated the channel, but I got lazy so I just use a bunch roots exceluratur and flush w a boatload of h2o2 to oxidize as many of those lil bastards as I can while protecting myself from pythium at the same time. I feed w 10/ml gal of sm-90. It's 3x the rec. Dose but it also kills the aphids in good numbers. (I know. Not very cost efficient, but it works and it saved me from a huge disaster)
I flip every 2 hours. 6 flips per 12 hour cycle. I used to go pretty big running 25kw+ off 14 ballasts and a flip, so 16 isn't that much anymore. Before anyone hates or calls me greedy, someone has to do the dirty work or all those med or rec users can find quality product that can't, won't or don't grow. It's a business, obsession, hobby, that hurts no one and helps so many. Call me cheap! Call me efficient, but don't hate the playa, hate the game!

One Love 731

Senior Member
No hate here. Thanks for the reply I will be keeping a close eye on the final results as I am looking for a way to max production without playing into all the commercial hype. Thanks for all you do, looks great. Hope everything is everything. Karma, One Love