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Does workin out tear muscles and add THC to the muscles????


New member
Gotta pass a drug test this weekend and Ive been hitting the weights big time this week. I smoked twice sunday but I can't remember how much I smoked before then. My buddy told me today that if you lift your muscles will tear and more THC will be inserted into the muscles making it harder to get out the THC. Is this true?


thc stores in the fat not in muscle. he might be telling you that the muscles will absorbs and degrade the THC into a metabolized cannabinol. the glutamine in the muscle will bind this into wasted carbon, nitrogen and hydrogen. simplified, it means the thc will be metabolized at a faster rate but the extra fat being burned will cause excessive cannabinols to be deposited in the urine.

I dont smoke 3 days before a test and the muscles metabolize the fate laden THC into waste within 48 hours. prior to 48 hours, you will get excessive thc waste in the urine and the sweat. I dont work out 48 hours prior to a test. 200-50 hours prior to a thc screen will help metabolize the THC into waste. less than 48 hours will show one joint looks like 10 joints.

I will not work out 48 hours prior to a thc screen.


New member
thc stores in the fat not in muscle. he might be telling you that the muscles will absorbs and degrade the THC into a metabolized cannabinol. the glutamine in the muscle will bind this into wasted carbon, nitrogen and hydrogen. simplified, it means the thc will be metabolized at a faster rate but the extra fat being burned will cause excessive cannabinols to be deposited in the urine.

I dont smoke 3 days before a test and the muscles metabolize the fate laden THC into waste within 48 hours. prior to 48 hours, you will get excessive thc waste in the urine and the sweat. I dont work out 48 hours prior to a test.
Thanks bro yeah I thought he seemed full of shit. So let me get this right... The glutamine in muscles helps bind the thc into wasted carbon, nitrogen, and hydrogen????

Oh and BTW, Im working out everyday with HIIT cardio (makes me sweat like a bitch)and drinkin tons of water and green tea. You think this will help me pass a drug test this weekend???


Do not workout or do cardio in the week following a drug test

take creatine starting 3 days before said test
load up on vitamin B 24hrs before the test
Drink lots of water 24hrs before the test about a gallon in the 2 hours before the test

if you use my method you should be able to pass as long as you havnt smoked the day before


Active member
As an out of shape stoner will tell ya...if that person has a tolerance or smokes a lot to get high often...if this person works out to the point of burning fat and getting out of breath a bit. That said person should feel somewhat high. It's not like one just took a fat bong, more subtle feeling that that but still there. Kind of like an edible. Working out lowers tolerance to anything.


THC is stored in a person's fat as stated before. The three days before a test, eat like a pig to make sure you're in a fat STORING state, not a fat burning one. Working out can help, but only in the weeks prior to a test. If one is a heavy smoker , working out will only break down fat stores, thus releasing THC metabolites into the blood stream, making you more likely to test postitive.

This is in relation to urine testing BTW. Mouth swab tests generally are only positive if the user has smoked in the week prior. My brother smoked a big fat doob on a Monday and tested fine on a Friday with a mouth swab test. Urine tests are more of a threat, especially to fatter individuals who carry more metabolites in their waste excrement. Skinny folks can pass urine tests without as much risk because they have less of the metabolites released from fat stores in the first place.

I have smoked multiple times daily for months and took a urine test (the most rigid, scrutinous type of urine testing to date BTW), with two weeks of abstinence and passed. This was with a rigorous carb loading in the days beforehand, however. The trick is to consume carbs and a shit ton of food in general with abandon to make the body STORE fat rather than break it down. Thus, there will be no breakdown of previous fat stores and no leak of THC metabolites into the blood stream. You want to be eating like a fatty, doing NO PHYSICAL LABOR OF ANY KIND in the days before a urine test and laying down new fat stores all the time.

A trick is to drink a large amount of gatorade and B vitamins on the morning of the test and to load creatine, more specifically CREATINE MONOHYDRATE, for a week beforehandto make the urine seem not watered down. The newer creatine analogues like creatine ethyl ester and the like do not break down as rapidly to creatinine, one of the substances tested for to make sure you have a normalized urine. Gatorade also has a number of salts and minerals which are exrected and give your urine a more authentic authenticity. The B vitamins lend a certain amount of color as anyone who has taken multivitamins can attest. Anyone ever piss dayglo after a Centrum? You get my drift.

My first drug test was deemed inconclusive because of a watered down specimen. I drink a gallon of water a day and lift weights like a mofo, and the position was for personal training so I explained this to them so they called for another test. I tested again in the following days with a much more reserved water intake (gatorade, vitamin and creatine intake was the same) and came out fine.

Key points: 1. eat like a hog three days beforehand. especially the night before and morning of the test. 2. Creatine monohydrate the week before the test. 3. A multivitamin or B vitamin the days before the test. 3. Three to four days before the test, NO WORKING OUT.
Depending on how much and how often you smoke can affect the amount of time it takes for it to pass from the system. As for exercising to metabolize fat in which thc is stored? Sorry but not unless you plan a few weeks in advance and even then you'd be clean anyway regardless of exercise. Exercising anytime sooner will result to the fat metabolising and relesing into the bloodstream as mentioned above

Fat metabolizes the slowest out of the body's 3 fuel sources. Most people actually train at an intensity too high to burn fat and instead burn carbs. even if you were in your target fat burning zone the avg human has enough fat stores that it will require significant time to burn off.

My advice besides obviously not smoking is to just drink as much water as possible and let nature take it's course. Otherwise there have been a few ways mentioned on how to trick or fool the test itself. Good luck.



New member
alright thanks guys.
All posts were read but I have yet to decide what I will do to beat this test. I geuss it doesnt really matter since I will take the test in 3-5 days. I think im just gonna eat like a hog but workout with cardio. That way I can burn the fat that is THC contaminated and add fat that is cleansed. I will also drink tons of water and green tea during the day and try to piss as much as I can.

Thanks for the advice guys


I guess, in retrospect you could quit all working out and eat like a pig for a few MONTHS or weeks before a test and pass. I knew a guy who smoked a shit ton and tested negative for a probation test, only to start working out again and lose a ton of fat and during his chub loss phase tested POSITIVE for marijuana in a urine test. This was without smoking in the interlude. It's all about the THC metabolites released from fat stores into the blood stream and excreted via the liver and kidneys. I read a medical study that concluded with the most rigorous urine testing available, even heavy duty smokers would test positive for no longer than a month. Most were 14 days and scott free. People who partook of cannabis edibles tested positive for the longest in this study.

It sucks that one of the more benign mind altering substances is also one of the more lingering, resulting in a longer abstinence phase.


alright thanks guys.
All posts were read but I have yet to decide what I will do to beat this test. I geuss it doesnt really matter since I will take the test in 3-5 days. I think im just gonna eat like a hog but workout with cardio. That way I can burn the fat that is THC contaminated and add fat that is cleansed. I will also drink tons of water and green tea during the day and try to piss as much as I can.

Thanks for the advice guys

dont do cardio the week before a test! were u not reading?

thats gonna break down fat and release more thc into your urine!


New member
dont do cardio the week before a test! were u not reading?

thats gonna break down fat and release more thc into your urine!
exactly. Im trying to get all the THC out by pissing it out. Thats going along with weights and drinkin tons of water/green tea will make me come out clean. We'll find out this weekend


I don't know if you are comprehending what he is telling you. Let me simplify it, your better off not working out because your fat containing THC will not be magically replaced by new fat without THC. It will be mixed and the new fat will be positive as well. Pig out for 3-5 days then after you take the test work out all you want.


for a minute i thought you were trying to transform into superhero ganjaman like in soft secrets magazine
alright thanks guys.
All posts were read but I have yet to decide what I will do to beat this test. I geuss it doesnt really matter since I will take the test in 3-5 days. I think im just gonna eat like a hog but workout with cardio. That way I can burn the fat that is THC contaminated and add fat that is cleansed. I will also drink tons of water and green tea during the day and try to piss as much as I can.

Thanks for the advice guys

Sorry to break it to ya bud but the human body doesn't work that way. It'd be nice if it worked that quickly but it's a no go in reality. Being as the test is less than a week away i really sugest you take everyones advice and not work out. When fat metabolizes it doesn't ALL go into your urine so i have no clue where you got that crazy idea from.

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